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Little General

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Everything posted by Little General

  1. where has McCoist said he wants to go? there has been nothing but speculation through a leaked story to the press. The board and McCoist need to clarify exactly what the situation is.
  2. still no announcements from the club or the manager, while we the fans are being treated with contempt from both. the truth is no one knows what is actually going on. we need clarity on what is happening.
  3. He's due to play in the Ricksen game on 25th January
  4. here's the other top on offer, imo a cracker. http://www.thefernandoshirt.co.uk/
  5. i'm glad they issued the statement. who would have.It's pretty clear this board don't give a fuck. If you think they should issue statement about our management instead of this,quite frankly is incredible imo.
  6. The Rangers board should have dealt with this but as usual bottled it. I fail to see why you think the scum should get away with this. maybe they should have used the graffiti to attack our manager.
  7. some graffiti that slurs our fans? This board should have jumped all over this, but yet again it is the fans that have to highlight this. a slur on the the death of our fans has more priority to me than the position of our team manager any day of the week.
  8. It would be great if the Rangers board would be able to take this up but since they can't be bothered, I'm glad the RST have highlighted this up.well done!!
  9. Chris McLaughlin @BBCchrismclaug 11m .@BBCSport learns talks have taken place at senior level re future of #Rangers boss Ally McCoist - his job is not under immediate threat. there's your answer.
  10. don't worry ,MA is going to fund us to the champion's league don't ya know.
  11. the original election results were not posted, so we had no idea what numbers voted and for who. is it any surprise that this election hasn't been made public?
  12. don't blame the fans for the low attendance. it;s abundantly clear who is responsible.
  13. MA has got what he wants, an onerous contract. he can now sit back and reap his reward. If you think this chancer is going to put any more money in, then there you are gravely mistaken.
  14. Where is all this Champion's league guff coming from? MA is only protecting his onerous contract, which seems to be well sewn up. There is no chance of him being outright owner.
  15. AM-"Tell me Colin, what one of your two goals was best?" CS- "I only scored one" Arthur Montford on the bus back from Barcelona.
  16. did we actually receive £7.6m from Rangers Retail? or is it still with Rangers Retail?
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