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Little General

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Everything posted by Little General

  1. a robust response like the one they deleted from the website? They are a total embarrassment
  2. I know they won't be back, imo they are still there to stick two fingers up at the current board and not to line their pockets, that's why I suspect a deal will be done when the new board comes in.
  3. who said they would take them back? I suspect a deal will be struck when the new board is appointed.
  4. a normal board would have sacked him and brought in a new manager, so why are they meddling in the football management side when they will be gone by 6th March?
  5. and this board has presided over the most disastrous period in our history, yet for some reason the seem to know better than the man employed to make football decisions. whether you think McDowall is good,bad or indifferent, he should never be dictated to in football matters by the board. imo this is the board trying to ingratiate themselves with fans, thinking that if the football improves, it may improve their fortunes.
  6. it seems JIm Traynor's level 5 PR company are doing a good job, He knows the right journalists to give interviews to and the right journalists not to invite to the press conference.
  7. with the board trying to control the RFB,who decides what questions are to be asked?
  8. was that deliberate? if so, it's scandalous. the three that met should have insisted that all members attend.
  9. back with the broken record again. enjoy watching Jim White on transfer day then.
  10. were you not bumming Ashley up, saying he wants his brand in the Champion's League?
  11. don't worry Mike Ashley will pump millions in to get us into the Champions League to showcase his brand,
  12. they have never had any favours to begin with, They lied when they said they had nothing to do with him, yet toxic is doing their dirty work to try and keep them on the boards.
  13. who are the "true supporters" Merlin and his ilk? I would suspect there has been no threats made. the spin coming from inside Ibrox just now is desperate to say the least.
  14. I missed it, will it be repeated on Dave later tonight?
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