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Little General

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Everything posted by Little General

  1. it is if they can agree going forward post EGM. I hope there is no infighting as to who gets to go on the board.
  2. Today, the interim interdict that the RST got in court to stop Cashley getting his mitts on Ibrox, expires. Expect more of the same articles to make it look like we need more money, this time secured against Ibrox. Once achieved, there will be no need for the EGM, they will walk imo,
  3. Hopefully he will play no further part in our club.
  4. what a pair of arrogant arses. FS, I don't know how the FSB kept their cool, I'd have lost it.
  5. it's now very heard to distinguish what is a genuine statement and what is not.
  6. he was average at best, took his goal well, but did next to nothing. I was far from impressed,
  7. what really matters is for us to be rid of the board and Ashley's control and fix any onerous contracts. for me football on the pitch is secondary at the moment.
  8. It looks like the venue will be changed over the weekend, apparently the hotel cannot cope with the room bookings and inquiries that it has had. a hellava lot more than 500 will attend
  9. there is a thread on FF about it. Robert McElroy confirmed it is the first to be held outside Glasgow.
  10. they don't care if it's counter- productive or not. the people who are in charge really don't give a fuck what RFB or any other fan thinks,
  11. because like the rest of this board, he is treating the support with utter contempt.
  12. does anyone think it will go to a vote? my worry is they draw another 5million loan after 17/02/14 (interim interdict expires) and secure it on Ibrox, after this they resign.
  13. Does anyone think this will go to a vote or will they go before? I think the interim interdict on Ibrox expires on 17/02/15. can the board get Ibrox for the other £5m and then bugger off?
  14. https://m.facebook.com/rangersfansboard Rangers Fans Board 25 minutes ago · EGM DATE: The RFB can officially announce, as informed tonight by Derek Llambias, that the EGM is to be held on the 6th of March 2015
  15. it could be that they will announce the date of the EGM tomorrow and issue a "robust and factual" statement to shareholders looking for their vote.
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