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Little General

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Everything posted by Little General

  1. compared with the smear campaign against them? Fake shirts and misappropriated funds being a couple.
  2. I take it due diligence took about 10 mins to do.
  3. http://www.scottishfa.co.uk/scottish_fa_news.cfm?page=2986&newsID=14110&newsCategoryID=1
  4. I don't know, i'm not going to be on the independent panel.
  5. Rangers go in front of SFA on 16/03/14 ps I have read it what it says
  6. utter laughable. got to wonder what the club is going to get hit with.
  7. makes his return today in U20 V Inverness and saves penalty! https://twitter.com/rfc_youth
  8. that shows you the caliber of people we are dealing with. utter scumbags.
  9. I hope he is not getting a pay off. surely the EGM will be postponed now.
  10. I've no idea what the hold up is, when he dislocated his shoulder his return was "in the new year", when that is, is anyone's guess.
  11. when a goalie dislocates his shoulder, I would expect him to be out for some time.
  12. I agree, let's get the board out first before the squabbling can begin.
  13. what happened? I'm not on facebook so don't know it works. is it a new page?
  14. That is a disgrace. The sooner these lowlifes are removed the better.
  15. didn't King say ,once the EGM was won, the 26% would probably dissolve? anyway if true, fantastic news.
  16. didn't they try to claim that Llambias and Leech were independent?
  17. to stoop to something as low as this, the must be hiding something big that will be uncovered when they leave.
  18. since they have broken the 3% barrier, does an announcement to LSE need to happen?
  19. http://www.entertainmentwise.com/news/10075/Stan-Collymore-Arrested-For-Starting-Bar-Brawl#.VOYTa-OjtzA.twitter Ignorant lout, Stan Collymore, was thrown into an Australian prison cell for starting a bar brawl with his racist taunts, it was claimed last night. The ex-Liverpool and England striker was allegedly arrested after a fight broke out in a backpackers bar in the early hours of the morning, the Star report today. Eyewitnesses accused Collymore of being: Blind drunk, abusive and a pain in the arse. The ruffian apparently triggered brutal fighting by calling a bar local a paki and a wog. Collymore counters that he lashed out after suffering abuse from boozers in the Queensland boozer, claiming that he was mocked over his assault of Ulrika Johnson in a Paris bar. However, witnesses maintain that it was Collymore who instigated the trouble with his racial insults. The doormen asked all the brawling punters to leave the nightspot, but Collymore refused, simply uttering: Do you know who I am? The police ignored him, squashed him into a squad car and later commented: Who is he? Weve never heard of him? A witness added that when the police moved in, Collymore called them wogs and told the local: we dont want you in this country. The man wryly mused: Thats a bit surprising because its not his country. Did he not know that Stan is lord and ruler of everywhere he travels?
  20. no matter who it is, they better prepare for incoming!
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