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Little General

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Everything posted by Little General

  1. that was a manually operated turnstyle. The poor guy kept apologising, felt sorry for him.
  2. some of the basics were not working. Last night the turnstyle where I was going in jammed about four times causing delays. There will be a lot of hidden things like this and not just the cosmetic appearance of the stadium.
  3. or in your case if you want to complain about Chris Graham
  4. Is that both RST and Rangers First with reps on the board?
  5. http://www.londonstockexchange.com/exchange/news/market-news/market-news-detail/12276365.html
  6. and it never occurred to you that he was lying through his teeth.
  7. Myself, son and daughter going on Tuesday, Going to Bar72 on Saturday with wife.
  8. I thought we don't have a squad or management team to achieve that? Hardly simples
  9. Securing the survival of the club is a priority not promotion
  10. no i don't believe you. King said as much in the press conference.
  11. maybe so, but we need to appoint the correct coach/manager. that will take time. if we get promotion fine, but not my priority. the finacial mess must be sorted out.
  12. did you listen to the press conference? King said if we get up good but not imperative.
  13. Get it right is the most important part, if it means Kenny McDowall until end of season so be it. ps don't tell Rab.
  14. I wouldn't be surprised if Ally waived any pay off and leaves ASAP.
  15. Just bought three tickets for Tuesday. first time in two years. It will be good to be back.
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