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Little General

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Everything posted by Little General

  1. have you considered a Gersnet hospitality at the home game, that way money will go to club. Just thinking out loud
  2. it's already been done. quarter season ticket until end of season can now be bought
  3. I agree with you on the booing, BH. I can understand fan's frustrations but it's not for me. Regards McCulloch's goal ratio, remember he takes the penalties for us, so this probably inflates it. He was a typical Walter Smith player, Jack of all trades and master of none. He was past his best three years ago.
  4. Did you see the goal on Tuesday? Moshni made a right arse of it and is a bombscare.
  5. I don't care what combination McCall uses, as long as it's without McCulloch. We have to stop shipping stupid goals. we are leaking goals and to match that we cannot score any either. How many combinations of the back 4 have we used this season? any stattos out there?
  6. he should be stripped of the Captaincy immediately. there was no leadership whatsoever.
  7. no idea never been in. I'm going to Bar 72 today for the first time and looking forward to it.
  8. they do own one http://www.rangers.co.uk/tickets/the-ibrox-bar
  9. I would think so. maybe George Letham? do you think Chris will be forced to resign from the RST board?
  10. agreed. who will they go after next?
  11. it's getting ridiculous now. Scotland the complain capital of the world.
  12. hopefully in the future, we will stream these via our youtube channel.
  13. http://www.rangers.co.uk/news/headlines/item/8784-mcdowall-leaves-rangers THE Board today confirms Kenny McDowall has left Rangers Football Club. Kenny has worked under some of the most challenging conditions in the Club’s recent history and we thank him for his hard work, commitment and dedication - not just as interim manager but also his previous years as assistant manager to Ally McCoist and first team coach under Walter Smith. Kenny, who joined in January 2007, is a decent and honourable man who played a key role in the Club’s success – which included top flight league titles, Scottish Cup and League Cup triumphs as well as the 2008 UEFA Cup run - and that will never be forgotten. He was given an extremely difficult role as interim manager but worked tirelessly in order to improve the Club’s fortunes and he will always be welcome at Ibrox Stadium and Murray Park. The Club’s Board and staff thank Kenny for his years of loyal service and wish him every success in his future career. Interim Chairman Paul Murray commented: “Everyone at Rangers Football Club thanks Kenny for his contribution and we will never forget the part he played in our success since he joined under Walter Smith in 2007. “He is a man of integrity and honour and gave everything during his time at the Club. “Kenny worked under extremely challenging circumstances in recent months but he always gave everything he could to try to secure results for the football club. “He will always be welcome.” Kenny McDowall commented: “It was an honour and privilege to work for Rangers Football Club and I will leave with so many positive memories. “I have worked with so many talented people since I joined and I will forever be in Walter Smith’s debt for bringing me to Rangers. “Working with Walter, Ally McCoist, Ian Durrant, Jim Stewart and all the backroom staff plus the staff at Ibrox and Murray Park was a pleasure and I wish the Club well for the future. “I was delighted to play a part in the Club’s history and I wish the supporters and new management team all the very best.”
  14. wouldn't surprise me if it was Jack Irvine's parting gift.
  15. you trying to give Gunslinger a heartattack:whistling: I think he is an average player.
  16. http://www.rangers.co.uk/news/headlines/item/8779-club-statement HE Rangers Football Club Limited confirms that matters have been resolved with Sandy Easdale on an amicable basis. Mr Easdale has agreed to resign from his directorships with the Group with immediate effect and he does so wishing the Club, its supporters and the new Board every success for the future. The Club thanks Mr Easdale for his co-operation in this changeover and confirms the investigation previously referred to will not now proceed. The Club is also happy to confirm that Mr Easdale did not receive any remuneration in respect of the directorships he held with the Club.
  17. maybe he will get the best out of Nicky Law as he did at Motherwell
  18. not sure I could bring anything, however I like the archive part on the main site, I have a few old photos and team photos I'm sure I could upload. I did a lot of stuff for Rangerspedia ( now sadly defunct) creating pages, uploading pictures etc. don't know if this would be helpful or not.
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