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Little General

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Everything posted by Little General

  1. Maybe we will re-activate the Hindi twitter account we had, when we had the two indian boys over on trial.?
  2. Are you saying this was solely down to Mark allen for the turnaround?
  3. Do you think the DOF will now get binned and SG to directly go for players he thinks are required?
  4. Inside Ibrox and Away Days are excellent from RTV. well worth my £5 per month.
  5. I suspect O'Connor snr will tell his son to go to the highest bidder and highest wages. I sincerely hope it's not him advising his son.
  6. Any games i've watched on it, I've had no complaints. Streams good, no buffering.
  7. One of my favourite threads. Great reading.
  8. I use the internet on my smart TV to watch Rangers TV. works fine,
  9. H. Helicopter Sunday
  10. B. Basil Boli
  11. Why annouce it now? They have had a full season to plan for the last game celebrations but announce this with 5 games to go
  12. Klos Jardine Gough Jackson Numan Mclean MacDonald Russell Cooper Stein Johnstone
  13. And Brown let off again. He was goading the Rangers support at the end and Halliday took him to task.
  14. Scott Brown is a Grade A shitebag. Shat himself at the end hiding behind sub.
  15. Their goals came from two mistakes from us giving the ball away needlessly.
  16. If we don't watch what we are doing this could end up 4 or 5
  17. George Young, Jimmy Mason, Sammy Cox, Deedle Dawdle & Willie Woodburn @ Wembley 1949
  18. The players and fans gave their all today. Fantastic stuff
  19. we played much better with two up front.
  20. taken from FF: Neil Friar is the director of Elite and also the chairman of Hummel UK & Ireland. https://uk.linkedin.com/in/neil-friar-51101944
  21. The strategy will be to use Rangers to oust SNP and replace them Labour councillors. And as you said politicians are opportunistic.The cynic in me says they are not doing it for Rangers.
  22. Jock Wallace, Then Motherwell manager and a very young Gary McAllister. Looks like Gullane sands.
  23. 63/64, 75/76 & 77/78. Thoroughly deserved. A fantastic servant to the club.
  24. Rangers should be asking for heads to roll over this witch hunt. SFA are an embarrassment.
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