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Everything posted by True_Ger_1872

  1. It is rather demoralising that in this case we had a good result initially with the BBC Trust statement but as you say - folk just get on the bandwagon and go OTT and gives our detractors grounds which the MSM are more than happy to revisit and play up. I totally condemn the threats, abuse etc that was levied at Spence - but given what has happened, folk need to look at this and realise that Speirs, English et al will not engage over this when we ask about it...but they are quick off the mark to come out and use their influence to slaughter the mindless fans. I am also all for making official complaints in the correct mannor through the only process that is available to us - but i do feel that Chris Graham may have been slightly over-zealous with this on twitter which has most definately had a negative effect on all of this. Which is a shame as more often than not I agree with his views. but this one, I feel, has backfired on us.
  2. It seems that all the "journalists" with a bias towards Rangers have managed to pull of this coup by getting BBC Scotland on the side of Jim Spence. Not convinced this one will be a good battle for us as we should know well by now that these guys wont let up whatsoever. I think the club should most definately stand firm on their media bans for the BBC and any of the motely crue such as Spence, Cosgrovre Speirs, English et al should be shown the door for a long time!
  3. Did the RFFF pay off some of the smaller creditors up to the valu eof £1000 each? I recall reading something about that but i dont think it came to pass. I also think we should have paid all our debts in full. It would be the moral thing to do and would also be good to throw back in the faces of those who are hell-bent on degrading and dragging the Rangers name through the mud at every opportunity. Has there been a breakdown of all the debts incurred to each creditor?
  4. How this man benefits the SFA is beyond me - in his role as Celtic, he is clarly looking to get Celtic our of Scotland altogether! How does that one work?!
  5. In relation to Celtic Park being used for the Commonwealth Games - I saw that there has been FOI requests submitted to Glasgow City Council asking if tax payers money will be allocated towards the refurbishment of sections of Celtic Park for the ceremony - or if this money will be paid by Celtic's own insurers. I will be keen to see the outcome of this FOI request. I would bet that they will get all this paid for by GCC through taxes....GCC have given them a hell of a lot of favours over the years and i doubt it will change now!
  6. They only said that 'Saturday is a working day for them' - which means when the March to hampden occured then there was most certainly a busy car park as all staff were there to witness this march...... Oh and 'working day' does not constitute getting free tickets to go and watch member clubs on a Saturday Doncater, Reagan etc......
  7. I dont think his reponses to Media house and Green questioning fills me with any confidence - seemed to dodge the actual question posed to him. i have often wondered what folk (Walter and McColl) have seen in Mather throughout this entire charade - for the life of me i just cant seem to shake this impression that he is not the man we need!
  8. It could, but would require us winning the Scottish Cup and receiving permission from SFA to progress this application. I doubt either would happen until our original 3 year 'sabbatical' is over.
  9. An advert in which Rangers described itself as the "most successful" club in Scotland, prompting complaints to the advertising watchdog, is to be reviewed by the body. An advert in which Rangers described itself as the \"most successful\" club in Scotland, prompting complaints to the advertising watchdog, is to be reviewed by the body. Custom byline text: Martin williams The move follows the intervention of a retired top civil servant who is now a senior Advertising Standards Authority executive. If the review concludes the advert is misleading, Rangers may be forced to stop describing itself as the most successful club in Scotland. The advert had initially been cleared by the ASA after there were 78 complaints about ads which said: "Join Scotland's most successful club at Ibrox (stadium)" as part of a promotion on season tickets. Taken from the Herald....
  10. In the IPO document, the share lock-ins were attributed to "Directors" and "Key Employees" if i remeber correctly. IA was not classed as a director but was listed as a key employee as was tied in with the lock in period. I am however, astounded that a change of broker can just void this agreement!!
  11. As i said in my original post - it was just rumours doing the rounds so I am treating this with a pinch of salt also. The theory of the scheme would be that we sell the assets for a cash lump sum which would keep the club afloat for the remainder fo the season (if rumours are to be beleived about cash running out by Christmas!). we would then lease back the stadium at a vlaue per year with the option of a buy back within the first year (which would make this a short term cash solution) and if we opted not to buy back within the first year, then the sale vlaue would increase year on year. What would also have to be taken into account is the interest repayments on such a scheme! Anyways, the chat has went quiet on this which could mean one of two things: a) its a lot of scaremongering; or b) the rumour is being substantiated before it is made more common knowledge.
  12. Folks I have noticed today a lot of online and Twitter chat / rumours about the sale of Rangers aassets of Ibrox, Murray Park and Albion Car Park with leaseback options to raise immediate revenue for the club. Has anyone heard anything about this, potentially worrying, development? Some figures being posted about which makes me think its all another baseless internet rumour but a few folk have linked it with a quote from Charles Green about being able to 'bring £10M into the club in a moments notice'?? Might just be another rumour though...
  13. A sad day for Rangers indeed.....
  14. About time - i hate Jim Delahunt
  15. Oh and another thing - does this mean that Queens Park are no longer members?? Surely they cant be member of the SPFL given that they are amateur and proud of that?!
  16. What is the 'Championship' going to be the championship of exactly?? In England its the Championship Leage of the EFL which is a different organisation hence the name makes sense.....here it does not Utter shambles yet again by these two overpaid tits! What is it they say......you cannae polish a.....
  17. I was actually quite pleased when it wa announced that Puma were doing our kits. I have always thought that Puma and Adidas kits have a certain 'look' about them that makes it clear that theya re puma or adidas. I know the logos is there on every kit but there is something different about these two manufacturers that make them stand out IMO. However - there are a few flaws, again IMO, on this seasons kits which is a shame as i was rather looking forward to an Italy-esqe kit with just the blue and white top and not a pair of MC Hammer style shorts!!
  18. The last two years have proven painful for the Rangers support. Now, we find ourselves galvanised by a bond of unity as we prepare for our club’s very unique journey. That about sums up my thoughts.....
  19. I drove past ibrox yesterday and must say that the corrugated plastic cladding that is on the sides of he broomloan stand are an awful dingy yellow colour now. would be nice to have these cleaned or replaced.
  20. I had imagined this type of issue would be one for James Traynor in his new role given his rather 'bulldog' nature within the tone of his few Rangers Press Releases.....
  21. If they go down the CVA route - i imagine that HMRC will refuse and then it will come down to the UBIG and Ukio if these are accepted. I wouldnt imagine that they would get much of a 'penny in the pound' deal so it is looking bleak for them. If our assets were sold to Greens consortium for £5.5M then i would think if the same happened to Hearts then the sale might be a very low bid indeed...
  22. does that mean that they will need to foot the bill for an enquiry about possibly having their scottish sup stripped from them due to unfair advantage???
  23. I have thought about why the club never did anything to promote this but i since put this down to the club trying to keep any of the announcements about this at arms length similarly to the Lord Nimmo Smith judgement. it was only a paltry statement issued as it was relating to the 'Old Company' and didnt really have any effect to the 'New Company'. However i do think that there could be more done about this. I also dont know if folk knew you can use the same email address twice for this petition....
  24. Would the e-petition that has been doing the rounds not be able to offer a platform to investigate HMRC if we managed to get over 100K signatures?
  25. I am not sure how any of these have been progressing at all. Last weeks reports of us having about £7M left from the IPO has left us wondering what the cash has been used for... I am guessing we will find out more soon enough when the financial reports come out.
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