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Everything posted by True_Ger_1872

  1. I think the term footballing philosophy has been redefined through what clubs Barcelona, Dortmund have acomplished over the past decade or so. Not only does it come with the points above but is also a re-enforced mindset about how players approach the game and a "always aim to improve" mantra. Take the Barca - they develop players through their youth system and mould them to play in the same system that is used in the first team. Youth players are raised with a hunger to always seek improvement and yes that does take precedence over winning. Xavi & Iniesta has publically stated this in a few interviews I read. I know when one mentioned Barcelona there is an instinctive thought of "yeah we just dont have the quality" - but the idea is that if you put emphasis on the development of players from youth upwards then it will reap benefits in the long term. Winning at any cost?? Well i have my thoughts on that but i would like to point out that there has been several times over the past 5 years or so when we have won games, sometimes narrowly, and yet fans still are not liking the product on the park. So for some, winning is not he be all and end all. But i dont think that a footballing philosopy should be as restrictive as you imply in the three points above.
  2. The only way that a meeting could be arranged with fans is via the membership groups such as the RST, RSA or the RSAss. Currently, there is no other feasible option that could be considered IMO. There will always be this line of "they dont speak for me" which is fair enough - but if these guys have some form of organisation that can be approached to speak to / for a boody of fans then thats really the only way forward for them. Given the criticism levied at Murray for using BBC over the recent month, I think this is the only way to appraoch the fans. They couldnt really do anything through the club officially could they?
  3. Would a key part of the Pinsent Mason's investigation into Craig Whyte's involvement in the club now have been a full list of the individuals who have a shareholding in the club? I would have imaged this was quite possibly the most straight forward way to being able to provide a judgement on the case. Was these findings ever published?
  4. As much as i think the sectarian stuff needs to go - i am pretty disappointed by the Louden Tavern section. The feedback they got from FOCUS was that the issues is over the 'perceived' view of the YCV etc. Yet Celtic are continually getting away with their chants of the IRA based on the excuse of it being about 'the 1916 rising' etc. This is double standards IMO.
  5. I fully agree. There are other, far better songs that are about Rangers that are sung which should be enough to consign these to the history books!
  6. A digress, but after we get past all this boardroom nonsense - will the Rangers Supporters Association, Rangers Supporters Trust and Rangers Supporters Assembly move away from being a "one-voice" for the supporters and go their seperate ways once again? I know this has been mentioned a lot and has potential to open a can of worms - but it would be nice if these organisations could fully pull together! i beleive if that happened then this may encourage other supportes to join.
  7. Has it not been reported that SARS were "satisfied" with the outcome of this? Surely if there was "criminal" activity then they wouldnt have setteld for cash to cover the liabilities - they would want an example made of him.
  8. Jerome Rothen was part of Champions League final Monaco side...... And so was Big Dado Prso!! Basile Boli - he scored the only goal against Milan in the 92/93 Champions League Final!
  9. The question should be asked why they are proposing changes to the rule-book at this point given that the rule book was created mid-season? Surely its a bit odd to change it so soon after it has came into play given that there hasnt even been an insolvency event since the SPFL started.
  10. I would have "guessed" about £7M would be left in the bank, but that would be a total guess. I think i heard that Patey's opinion on this was we were losing about 600-700K per month and we would need additional funding at approx "middle of next season" so that might roughly approximate to £7M currently.
  11. Well that came across in his Record Interview but when he was on Snyde last night he stated that he would vote "in the best interests of the club" - now when he says that the accounts arent all bad and we need to build on where we are now, i dont think we can rule out this guy being swayed by McColl...after all....we havent heard their full Rangers Business Plan yet. Long shot i realise, but i am not going to hedge my bets over anything relating to this AGM.
  12. I caught this interview as it was playing in the dentist throuhgout my appt (painful in more than one ways....) It was rather interesting what he was saying and how he was coming across - he was very outspoken about Green, Whyte and Ahmed and also stated that he didnt foresee that we would post a profit for the next few seasons. Over and above that - the show is absolutely ridiculous. I had the displeasure of listening to a woman form Manchester give her thoughts on the Celtic game which was made worst only by Macca giving his thoughts and that irritating laugh. Gary Ralston then urging her to go onto youtube to look for Neymar diving. The next caller was a so-called financial expert (Celtic fan obviously) giving this opinions on the Rangers accounts and then started the whole 'new club' speil and insisting that its all 'propeganda' that we are the same club etc. So tedious a show now......the introduction of Macca has got to be the last straw for this..... PS. Thank the lord i wasnt getting serious work done otherwise i would have had to endure more of that!!!
  13. It will be interesting to see how he votes at the AGM.....
  14. Which is a real worry as there was great relucantce in issuing these accounts from what it seems!! They were always going to be this bad and i can only imagine the types of talks between Rangers and Deloitte in trying to sign off the going concern.
  15. Agreed - need to bear in mind that this is only up to June 2013. A lot has happened since then in terms of shareholdings, playing staff, investements, season ticket revenue etc...
  16. Few points here... 1 - Was there not an instance a while back about a fan getting pulled up for the OB act and was let off as he sang something within fellow supporters and it was thrown out on the basis of "it was unlikley to incite a riot" or something like this? I assume that this would NOT apply to us then?? 2 - There has been mention of the videos not having clear audio of the lyrics being sung and yet the reports clearly state some songs?
  17. Off-topic but I read somewhere that a season ticket at Borussia Dortmund costs like £200 odd quid and a season ticket at Arsenal costs like £2000! Mental!!
  18. "£6.7m relating to the completion of the acquisition of the trade and assets of RFC 2012 PLC" - so....effectively we bought ourselves??
  19. What about the £13.3M costs associated with "Other Operating Costs" such as stewarding, pitch costs etc. Is this figure typical for Rangers?
  20. They would have signed off if the comapny could prove it would last out the following 12 month financial period and cant be classed as "a going concern". At the time of these accounts (to end June 2013) there was a significant amount of cash in the bank (11M) and a lot more season ticket money to come in which would cover a larger portion of the predicted loss over the next 12 month perioid. What the accounts doesnt state is how the remining shortfall will be covered. That is the big question here i think!
  21. I am very worried over the potential for some bombshell news over the next few days. When is the BDO findings to be published? Same timescales as the accounts?
  22. I dont mean to lower the tone here but.......St Bilbo of the Blessed Dildo - is that for real?!?!?
  23. For me - this is a clear instance when our standards are not even slightly close to what they were in the days of Struth etc. As disappointed as I am about Black in this situation - i am even more disappointed about one person whom I hold in much higher regard: Ally McCoist!
  24. Has this something to do with Easdale? In the seven weeks throughout this requisition - one of the main factors that has affected the outcome as stated by McColl is that the Easdale afamily has gained security over a controlling stake in the company. This coupled with the change of broker on the day that Easdale was brough onto the board leaves me to question something behind the scenes here. Originally, Easdale was not inlcuded in the list of directors to be removed in the requisition which i think a lot of folk on here found strange as he seemed to be the focus of a great deal of suspicion. I would not be surprised at all if Easdale is pulling the strings over the new broker which would explain the lack of comments or explanations from them.
  25. I agree with that point, however it needs to be realised that even a single idiot resorting to that behaviour can and will be used against Rangers and the supporters. I do think that the incident that started this entire mess (Spence's incompetent behaviour to bait Rangers fans) will become forgotten in light of this so called 'abuse' given the characters that have historically proven to only write about topics with a slant that suits their agenda....hence why English and Speirs wont actually comment on Spence's behaviour and BBC Trust ruling violation....but will glady hype up the 'abuse' to raise the profile of their 'journalistic work'....if you can even call it that. It is all too easy to see on Twitter some of the comments made to certain tweets, and also very obvious when folk choose and choose not to partake in any specifc lines of topics of conversation...BUT i do think that we should not be villified in the MSM until these actual emails, tweets are made visible to all. I mean the BBC were quick to 'omit' the section of contraversial narrative to suit them so surely the same applies here? On another note - the NAZI reference is downright disgusting and i would be amazed if any of the supposed abusive chat would have came close to being as offensive as that was to us.
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