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    The Rangers


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Favourite Rangers Player

  • Favourite Rangers Player
    Allan McGregor
  1. Thank god! Not been on this much but during the week was looking to come on here as I'm sick of RM at the moment.
  2. It seems that there isn't an alternative then...
  3. What is with the wait?
  4. So what is the alternative? Or is it that we are just protesting that we want the club to die even sooner than what it currently can?
  5. So what is the alternative?
  6. And what is the alternative?
  7. So they are going to pay roughly 4m on the black hole until June to go through a CVA. Must say I'm happily surprised and now excited to hear more.
  8. Things are definitely looking up. Now just have to wait for the press conference to see what his plans are! Also be good to find out who the backers are.
  9. Yet if we were hearing absolutely nothing from them people would be moaning.
  10. Aye that would be great cheers! Always have a problem when it comes to the crest and the only one I can find is really small so ends up pixelated.
  11. Exactly
  12. RM has went downhill anyway
  13. What a mess it all is.
  14. Aye mate whenever you are bored or that just open it up and muck about in it.
  15. The problem with the RST especially is that I feel whenever they release a statement it's nor my view or even my dads. Then I tried to ask on FF who forms the opinion of the RST on matters and got banned. I for one will never be in support of the RST but that's my view at the end of the day. We need one main fans group but instead we have 4 or 5 groups with all different views which isn't necessarily a bad thing but it would be good if we had one big main one consisting of all fan groups but they can still be there. I feel though that too many people inside the groups have too much to lose though so it will never happen. Looking after number one rather than the club.
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