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Everything posted by Waltersgotstyle

  1. Fanboys may not be banned however no one here condones tear drop shape tattoos
  2. You make good points, its a disgrace things have come to this though.
  3. Worrying times, I would never have thought we would be in this position, I always hoped the Rangers brand would attract some foreign investment like we have seen down south - sadly this has not been the case. Our only hope is that the Blue Knights put their money where their mouth is and save the club we love. Where are your Jim McColls, Tom Hunters and Dave Kings when you need them...
  4. Who knows what will happen
  5. Alex Thomson's credibility is quickly disappearing, this piece in particular seems to have no real point to it. He seems to try so hard to be controversial and thought provoking but his standard of journalism does not quite cut it.
  6. https://twitter.com/#!/STVGrant Rangers banned from signing players for 12 months by the Scottish FA. Lifetime ban for Craig Whyte. More to follow
  7. I agree, The ironic thing is celtic are up in arms at the ruling as they see it as an easy route back into the SPL for a new Rangers.
  8. What would they do if we told them to stick their league? The new rules are farcical at best. We should now begin looking at alternatives.
  9. We should explore avenues of "beambacks" again.
  10. What financial rewards are they expecting to gain from Scottish football?
  11. I think Kennedy is the right man for the job
  12. As said in another thread this is the work of Paul Murray He has iterated he did not want cuts and Admin have responded with well... "You have until Friday to show us the money" If we were really in the shit severe cuts would have been made right now.
  13. I think you will find this is most likely the work of Paul Murray, He has iterated he did not want cuts and Admin have responded with well... "You have until Friday to show us the money" If we were really in the shit severe cuts would have been made right now.
  14. Chose his words wisely... He never once said he sympathised with us... he actually put emphasis on how he felt sympathy for Wylde, but that's anther point entirely
  15. Exactly Mate... That's right up there with "We don't need Rangers we have an individual plan to keep us running"... Ok Peter.. How would you make up for the lack of tv revenue? How would you keep fans interested in a league with no major rivals? What calibre of player could you attract in a league without Rangers? If we were to along the lines of bigger crowds due to a sense of optimism amongst supporters why are the Aberdeen, Dundee United and Hearts fans of this world not filling their grounds every week to give their club more money at a time where the old firm are no longer spending big. If these teams filled their grounds week in week out they wouldn't only compete if we were to disappear but instead they may compete here and now. People seems to be deluded and have adopted a tunnel vision way of thinking recently </end rant>
  16. Everyday we have some one new crawling out of a hole to stick the boot in, Rod Petrie has added his name to that list with his views that Rangers have damaged the "Sporting Integrity" of the Scottish game. I hope all the good bears are taking note - Some masks have well and truly slipped. I would like to see how clubs would cope if we stopped taking the largest travelling support in the country to their grounds.
  17. The cynic in me says Wyldes decision wasn't totally selfless...
  18. Administration proves he was right to have it ring fenced. He knew that Whyte was out to screw everyone...
  19. I will be disappointed if so called Rangers men such as Davis and McGregor cannot cut their wage until the summer
  20. Same rumour has been doing the rounds on RM
  21. Surely though that would be unfair treatment of an individual Frankie? Are HMRC not meant to treat all equally?
  22. It is always good to hear
  23. Pledge Made
  24. Thats how I feel
  25. Getting rid of the reserve league was a terrible idea.
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