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Posts posted by metlika

  1. Velicka imo was not needed and never worth �£1m he never impressed me at Hearts, well maybe when he scored against them for Hearts.


    He has done better than players mentioned earlier Ostenstad and Jeffers. Both horrible players imo, I don't care about their previous success with other clubs they have to prove themselves to us and they didn't.


    Velicka has done alright but can't last a full match even though he doesn't do a whole lot. I don't think he would be the suitable replacement to Boyd if Boyd does leave, not sure anyone in our squad could replace Boyd's goals.

  2. Currently I'm a no, the source may be really reliable but I have to see proper conformation before he's right. I don't know of this poster so I'm a no. Although I did get my hopes up earlier :P.


    My House oh thats a different matter, I wouldn't take the bet ;)

  3. Surely a new owner should be given the choice of who he wants at the end of next season without it already being announced?


    Yeah I don't get that but everyone else around us practically knew that. I guess there may be a clause that allows a review if a new investor is in charge to make up his own mind.

  4. I'm personally not that keen :(. Never fond of retro shirts and not keen on umbro as a kit designer either.


    Usually previous shirts grow on me when a new one is released.

  5. I'm delighted that he is staying on, now to bring faces to our squad hopefully. As has been said I'm still unsure about McCoist but give him a chance and see what happens if all going well with this up coming season.


    Didn't Walter do the same thing the last time he was in charge state he was leaving?

  6. Scenario - He flops in England and wants a return to the SPL, but only one club can afford him and it isn't Rangers


    It's hardly incredibly unrealistic. Players go where the offers are, hypothetical preferences are irrelevant


    I find unrealistic, sorry. If he flops in the EPL there is always the Championship and abroad. Don't think he would go there at all.


    Not one player who has left here has gone to Celtic barring Miller, so you assume most former players nowadays will go there which I find, silly. There is loyalty to a former club and never signing for a rival. Plus Boyd is a fan does that not mean anything? He would snub them.


    Plus signing Boyd an anti celtic type player would that help their season books along? :whistle:

  7. Although there's no way Boyd would leave us to go directly to Celtic, it wouldn't surprise me if it happened in the future if his next move doesn't work out


    How? He isn't Danny Wilson. Do you think all our players that leave in the summer will eventually end up playing for them?


    Seems a rather silly suggestion to say the least.

  8. Blackpool will be looking at our players imo. Mainly out of contract ones or ones that will be available for a small fee ( or they think are small fees and we don't).


    Blackpool won't cripple themselves, Holloway was practically saying that if he gets good money for his players he will sell. Tbh that seems to me that if Adam got a good fee them they will sell, �£4m plus imo.


    They won't be spending anything more than �£2.5m on a player. I hate how the game is touted as �£90m, that is what they will make and our whole league won't make that in 5 years.

  9. Its cause he was expected to be a winger and isn't one.


    At the time we were overloaded with midifelders who were above him in the pecking order. He had a long contract as well so the money exchanged wasn't great. His performance against Celtic after Christmas for me didn't do himself any favours.


    He does and has shown if he is fully fit then he can so a job.

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