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Posts posted by metlika

  1. hahha the good old tonel rumour, its gotta come around again.


    i really hope we dont bypass the winger option

    any idea how much driver from hearts would cost ?


    Probably Hearts will be looking for �£2m and he has been quite injury prone iirc.

  2. I'm surprised that he doesn't consider staying & helping Rangers to 3IAR as a new challenge for himself and I'm also surprised that he doesn't want to stay for another season or 2 and put his SPL all-time top scorer record way out of reach.


    Its way out of reach currently, closest player to it is Riordan I believe on 84 goals. I think he could move and then there is no current active player above 60 goals.

  3. Ambrose is a great goalscoring threat from midfield though i'm not sure how well an allegedly open homosexual would adapt to the goldfish bowl of Glasgow


    Heh well he seems to manage in London.



    " Ambrose married his wife, Rachel, in a ceremony in Clearwater, Florida in May 2007.[citation needed] They have two daughters; the eldest is Jessica, who was born in September 2007, and the younger is Lily, who was born in January 2009."

  4. Darren Ambrose in a cut price deal would be an option, seeing as Crystal Palace are almost bust, 3pm today is when the administrators were saying about starting liquidation.


    I think he is quite close to joining QPR.


    I think he would be better than Ledley, well maybe more prolific. He could probably play across the midfield


    I saw the same suggestion on Rangers media, but I thought about it after the last match against Sheffield Wednesday as he could do a job for us not bad scoring record either.


    However I think we are looking even closer to home this season according paper reports and hes probably not on our radar.

  5. Stories coming out last week reckoned WS had 5M to spend, can't remember if this was just on fees or also had to cover any increases in renewing contracts. But given Novo is off the wage bill and Boyd will probably follow, I'm guessing so.


    Yeah thats the figure being touted about for transfers. However I don't want to pay over the odds for duds and if we did go for him then it would be a complete waste of money. I'd happily take Velicka over L.Miller.

  6. I had no idea we even had a scout!!!


    Should we not be suing this guy?


    Norwich done well last season aswell!!


    Probably we should have released him, but suing bit far, maybe?


    He is well know for his watching of youtube videos ;).

  7. Where has this �£5M figure been quoted from?


    I dunno but it seems to be a general figure that has come to light. I would say its fairly accurate, part of season ticket sales and CL money. That figure does seem to include wages of extra individuals that may be added on bosmans.


    As the wage budget is not allowed to be increase this season any transfer will obviously increase the wage budget e.g. we add a �£1m player plus �£500k wages per year that would mean �£3.5m. It is a prudent way of working the market but it will not please the fans.


    I also think we would only get half the transfer fees from potential sales.


    [/slight ramble]


    I can at most see us adding 4 players, more likely 3 will come in. I would say we need 6 (RB,LB, CB, RW, LW and a Striker now that Boyd has gone). I can see us dumping the option of the 2 wingers and going for Naismith, Davis, Lafferty and Fleck out wide.

  8. .

    I agree with most of what you're saying, but I can't help thinking that the club should have privately offered him whatever it would have taken (maybe only �£25k p/w) to get him signed up. They could have gotten Boyd to agree to keep his mouth shut about his wages and we'd have his services until a good offer came in for him.


    As you say, if he's definitely gone now, all we can do is accept it & move on, but I get the feeling that the club should make exceptions to their rules if it's going to be beneficial to do so..


    Could we really afford to offer one player that wage? We would lose some of the budget trying to bring in new players if we offered him that. I am sad to see him go but if he wants to move elsewhere then let him, well we have no choice :P.

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