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Posts posted by metlika

  1. The new number 9 will be punted out wide imo. Velicka and Miller will probably more likely play together if Velicka gets fit in time. If no signings are made before pre-season friendlies start than thats the line up I can see being utilised.







    Obviously I am resting the world cup players of Edu and Bougherra but that is what I can see us using in the first pre-season friendly, maybe a youngster or 2 in place of the regulars.

  2. Perhaps not on a bosman?


    What about Lille striker Pierre Alain Frau? 14 goals in Ligue 1 last season.


    He would be on �£50k a week at least, doesn't matter if Inter never totally rated him, he would be on a stupid wage. Plus he is over 30 and wouldn't justify the wage.


    He would tear up this league but wouldn't be value for money.


    Not sure about the French guy.

  3. Personally I think Nugent would be a good signing but I doubt we have the funds for that one. David Suazo from Inter (Honduras striker) might be more realistic and I think he is out of contract.


    Good target, maybe. In our price range, no.

  4. .

    It's annoying and a bit worrying, but I'm guessing MB's made that comment because Walter's going to be prudent about spending his transfer budget until we sell one or two. In other words, Walter might not want to rush out and buy in the bargain basement in case we end up getting serious money for Wilson or Bougherra whereby he'd probably have a significantly bigger budget (like double or more) and be able to look at better quality players.


    Yeah, but you have to plan, you can't expect to receive bids on players under contract. I feel if we go into another deadline day dealing it isn't the best plan.


    I hoping we do get a bigger budget cause the players that we have been linked with whether true or not are simply awful. Might be with the times we are under but going for an ex Aberdeen player just depresses me deeply.

  5. .

    I was gonna say so were the NOTW, but in truth, they knew exactly what they were doing when printing that. More like Scum Of The World than News Of The World.


    I wonder if it was co-written by a certain individual who isn't keen on us?


    However they continue to slam us or put us through the mud. Utter shite paper that it is.

  6. The names we're being linked with are borderline embarrassing.


    Borderline? They are embarrassing, none of them good enough imo, Miller, Smith etc.


    We shouldn't be "searching"


    We should've had a list of targets drawn up months ago and initial talks already held with their clubs. I've known Boyd was leaving for 4 months, as has the club, and Novo also made it clear months ago that he wouldn't accept the terms offered to him


    I fear another summer 2003 scenario where we start scraping the bottom of the barrel for panic buys


    Over the last decade, our best signings have always tended to be ones we've signed very early in the summer (sometimes even before the previous season has ended) like Mols, Boumsong, Prso, Novo, Hemdani, Cuellar, with the obvious conclusion that we've planned these signings months in advance. Davis and Bougherra are another two who were planned months before the deals were actually concluded. Compare all the aforementioned players impacts to last gasp signings like Vanoli, Ostenstad, Jeffers, Bernard, Emerson, and Rothen


    We weren't sure what the bank were going to put forward in terms of funds. Also we were not totally sure players would leave. Also add to the fact the manager didn't commit and therefore targets weren't being actively sought after.

  7. Not overly keen on the targets doing the rounds. Tommy Smith would be a big no thank you, don't know how Portsmouth can hold out mind, no owner in the pipeline... but thankfully they did.


    I also feel we will get ripped off in the British market as its very common knowledge about are finances and the need for players, elsewhere around Europe maybe not and maybe cheaper options.

  8. I can see him holding out, looks like Wilson's "dream" move is over if he accepts. It was silly of Lollerpool to offer him a 5 year deal in the first place but cause I hate their club I'm delighted. Hold out for the money you want Rafa :D.

  9. Thompson has some agenda against and to put it frankly he is a ****.


    He thinks he is clever but who is the bigger club? Who was kind enough to loan you Webster? Tbh I don't want to do any dealings with this person he seems to always have something to say about us negatively.

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