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Posts posted by metlika

  1. Barca allegedly had to obtain a loan to pay their players wages.




    I'm surprised about that seeing as they got �£28m for Yaya Toure.


    Anyway, about us, I'm finding it tough to keep calm as the lack of movement with current playing staff to get them tied down to new contracts worries me greatly. Loosing players is even worse because we haven't really been in for players yet and I feel Lloyds is still be hugely restrictive, indeed even more than we think.


    I might be negative but I can't see us getting anybody in before the new season starts and I could see a player 2 gone, so that would mean we would have 15 first players...

  2. I also see that we have signed up Jordan McMillan, he has played what 10-15 games. I haven't seen enough of him to really judge but isn't he 21-22? Surely he would be around the first team if new contracts are being offered, very frustrated at the moment.

  3. Murray said about 2 years ago that we were aiming to have no players on �£20,000 a week or above


    Currently Davis is the only one who may be on higher than that, though i wouldn't be surprised if he wasn't


    I thought Shagger was on about that when he signed that long term contract a couple of years back.

  4. I'm hoping Levein has a plan with the youth setup.


    I'm sure Burley was just as bad as Vogts with some randoms playing against Japan and players not turning up for him anymore. Levein at the moment has more squad togetherness, however I would love to see who turns up against Sweden in August.

  5. Its hard at the moment, we seem to be looking around these shores (according to reports) but prices are inflated and because we are looking it makes it harder.


    Plus most players that we've been linked with are hardly insprining but that is becoming a reality for us now.

  6. Wasn't he wanting �£10k+ at Hearts? Doesn't look like he will be a squad player if we offered him that... I would be happy if he was a squad player, not seen enough of him to judge.

  7. Nah don't want Conway, don't really want us to be doing business with Dundee Utd at the moment cause of their chairman.


    Brunt from �£3m, no thanks. Prefer we spread the budget as we could lose him in the first day of training for the whole season.


    At least Walter is looking at wingers, which is good.

  8. The amount of "chances" we have taken on players for them to turn out disasters is incredible. We can't afford to take chances on players in the financial situation we're in.


    This isn't as big a gamble if he is free... We can't exactly lose money on this player, except wages.


    As I said before can't see it happening.


    However I'm getting worried even with the lack of rumours at the moment.

  9. Stephen Smith, chairman of the Rangers Supporters' Trust, told BBC Scotland that he felt the statement by MIH raised a number of questions.



    Is this good news or bad news for Rangers?


    "Does this mean Murray is back in charge and running the show?" said Smith.


    "Where does it leave Lloyds Bank and their role? Does Alastair Johnston continue as chairman?


    "Does the business plan announced in the next couple of weeks still stand? And if so, this needs to be communicated to the support who are being asked to invest in season ticket money at this time.


    "And if the Ellis offer is dead, what plans are there for securing the club's future? Murray needs to engage the supporters to involve them in the running of the club and make them a significant stakeholder.


    "He needs to understand the fans are not customers but an integral part of the Rangers family."

    Pretty much sums up the question I was asking in my previous post.

  10. I fear if we continue to succeed domestically, Murray reappointing himself as chairman. Johnston is a funny character as well he was appointed to find a new chairman, now that the club is off the market what will he be doing now? Will he just be in the US all the time and leave everything to Martin Bain? I have no problem with Bain now as he seems to have grown into the role very well and has been saying the correct things since Murray left.


    Just another post I made on another forum

  11. as i have said before we will only be sold when we do shit on the park when we keep winning titles cups and play in europe the fans will be happy


    I personally don't think many fans will be happy to hear that we are off the market. Financial uncertainty still exists and that is not good to have.

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