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Posts posted by metlika

  1. Not sure what your point is. Are you saying Alexander is or is not worth 1.5m??


    Could never command a fee like that for an over 30 year old goalkeeper in his final year and plus he isn't first choice.

  2. �£1.5m for Alexander with our finances as they are and him being in the final year of his deal?


    Are you MAD?


    We'd be lucky to get what we are supposed to have paid for him imo, which I believe �£500k.

  3. exactly mate. his PR of the club was fantastic both here and in Croatia. This should have been used to our advantage.


    I'm sure there are plenty of Croatian, Serbian, Slovakian players etc. for example who would be great additions to our team - and at not huge expense. They would also settle better and be more used to the football and the lifestyle in Scotland than players from some other parts of the world. Same applies to Scandinavia.


    You cannot tell me there are no players out there who could have done a better job than say Lafferty and Naismith - and they would have cost half what we paid for them !! :(


    I've heard the Croatians barring Prso favour them, might be to do with other matters but thats what I've heard. Sebo would help with the Slovakians ;)

  4. FFS are we able to play 11 players next year.


    everyday i log in and get depressed even more and every day i say to myself it wont get worse surely but it does.


    who the fuck would sign with us tbh if we cannot afford to offer our players with 1year left any deals , why would they want to sign when we seem to be asset stipping


    i think we need to keep kenny miller and if we receive a decent fee(4/5m+) for Mcgregor we should sell


    AND who the fuck does chris eagles think he is :(


    I keep wondering will we be able to name a team during the season because we could have an injury crisis.


    Bougherra imo will be wanting to go if we keep getting id of first team players. Even though he has a contract.

  5. I find it funny that Eagles turns us down and says its not in his best interests, football manager cliche coming up but he probably thinks playing in Scotland is a step in the wrong direction. The media said he would be happy to try his luck here hmmm... Hope he enjoys the "glamour" (money) of Bolton or Sunderland.


    It does seem the media hysteria about us isn't probably helping our case of actually signing players, especially UK based players.


    More players going as well, wow our pre-season trip to Oz will save a few quid...

  6. Fuck me, although not my taste in music, it looks one hell of a partai, probably better than the Spanish one. Van Marjwik doesn't look impressed.


    Dutch squad party


    Why celebrate losing though? ::confused:


    Not my music but they seem to be enjoying it. Getting to the final is an achievement, people do parades for losing.


    Probably a fair few of them are drunk, so they can relax.

  7. Eagles can play either side which fits Smith's outlook so, depending on our formation, he may well start on the left unless we sign another player.


    Tommy Smith continues to interest us apparently.


    Tommy Smith, still? Ffs he is crap, don't rate him at all.


    Eagles price now �£2.5m :confused:.

  8. now for a left midfield :) hopfully some of this gloom will lift.


    i still think we have a better starting 11 than celtic imo


    Building another team this season, it never works for the first few months, plus how are they going to fit them all in? However I was more worried about our numbers in personal reducing

  9. What ever they get will not make up for the fact he is their best keeper , no matter how much I hated him , the other keeper is no match , yet again they have weakened their squad . They are in just as bad a state as us , however they manage to continually out PR us , wait for the multi million fee , which is trotted out .


    The italians are quoting 2 million Euros , Septic are quoting �£3 million , no change their then


    Seville calculator out in force as usual. I'll believe the lower fee.

  10. Did nobody watch the game? :D


    Disappointed in the end. Howard Webb got 3 decisions wrong all a few mins before the goal:

    1) Holland should have had a corner after their free kick clearly hit the spanish wall yet he gave a goal kick.

    2) The Hamburg winger was taken out the game outside the Spanish box mins before the goal and he played on.

    3) Snejider was fouled in the move that led to the goal.


    The pundits were saying Holland were poor for playing bad tactics but before the game they all said if they want to win they have to stop Spain playing - thats what the tried!


    Spain are the best team in the World - no doubt about that but they werent the best to watch. Germany were a joy on the eye against England and Argentina.


    The BBC "pundits" were acting out like the Dutch were some sort of criminals and that the good guy won. They were also creaming over Iniesta (a fine player btw) but imo he should have been sent off after his goal. He took out Van Bommel and wasn't booked. Lots of 50/50 decisions were going to the Spanish and they were let off with a lot of bookings, which the ref should have carried on with his precident.


    I have actually lost a bit of respect for the Spanish but I never liked Capdevilla and Buscuits as they are cheats.


    I also agree with the 3 points you made.

  11. Crystal Palace fans were protesting outside Lloyds with the club on the verge of extinction


    I remember them now, however wasn't it to do with their ground? The new owners wanted the ground and Lloyds didn't want to sell it.

  12. Here is a question and I wasn't sure where to put this.


    So Lloyds are our bank and are holding a lot of cards with us with our debt probably below �£30m now.


    I was just wondering what other clubs use them and if they are practically being held to randsom by them, mainly looking at EPL clubs?


    Is it because we don't actually get great income from the SPL that we are being owned like this?

  13. At the end of last summer I sat down and worked out what our outgoing and incoming player transfers worked out at financially since Walter Smith's return. I was surprised to learn that contrary to general opinion that he'd spent a fortune, on paper it was actually only in the range of �£6m to �£7m over a 2 and a half year period (or 6 transfer windows). That's not the picture many would like to paint though with people on forums going on about Smith having spent vast sums of money and being partially to blame for our current financial problems. I'm not saying there hasn't been a bit of over-spending here and there, but when you see it broken down to an average of just over a million per transfer window in a 6 window period, it doesn't look like overspending at all other than the fact that we weren't the current SPL Champions when the spending took place.


    The previous debt was there before Walters spending. You have to take into account wages and signing on fees as they might have been above what we were taking in.


    However the opening post is very well put, I would like to add its probably best to keep targets to ourselves because them without their scouting network will probably try and steal players.

  14. It's the Scottish press that are trying to start a rammy and panic by portraying our situation as negatively as possible.


    I agree, but when our manager admits that we will look at the offer and deal isn't in place yet, it worries me.

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