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Posts posted by metlika

  1. 49 goals in 136 matches which equates to 1 goal every 2.77 games.


    Not great for a striker but not that bad.


    He has done well with Rapid, I only glanced at his stats and he has scored about 25 goals in 60 ganes, so he could be improving.


    What was Lafferty's before he joined us or Miller for that matter...? :whistle: :fish:

  2. He is only 24 so u would have to think good sell on value aswell if he does come and do job! Also seen in the daily record today that were after James Beattie I think he would score goals up here but he is 32 and think Stoke was looking for about 1.5 mil which is a bit pricey for a 32 year old!


    That is a must with me as well young enough to have a good sell on value. Beattie, Harewood and Healy do not. Eagles would have if he joined but he didn't. I don't think his wage would be huge although he may want a huge wage but in current times I can't see him coming to us, sadly :(.

  3. He was quite good against them and seems to be decent enough. Shame about the CL ineligibility but I would have him if the money was right. He is in his last year of his contract as well so they shouldn't be able to hold out for stupid money and he plays in Austria not a hugely attractive league.

  4. For goodness sake, they don't want to sell to us because they want to beat us! Hardly unreasonable.


    Although agreeable, why don't they get the same price for players they sell to England? Cause they price their players too unreasonably, we will never get a Dundee Utd player at the moment with that arsehole of a chairman in charge anyway.

  5. Good read and good answers from Bain who has improved a lot in the last year.


    Id really like to see the list (if any) of potential targets WS has at the moment. Id imagine Eagles would have been top of the list so I cant see anyone better than him. I still dont know why we dont look at eastern europe, the likes of the Croatians, Russians, Ukrainians, Bulgarians, Greeks are all technically sound and a lot of them wont be on high wages.


    Yes, some Swedes, Danes and Norwegians aren't bad either. Croatians are quite expensive now Dinamo Zagreb seem to make a packet each time they sell a player. Most Ukrainian and Russian clubs are minted so that could be tough.

  6. Also, 3 players just isn't enough. You can't lose all those players who could reasonably expect to start a game, and replace them with just 3 players 'of a decent standard'. Making a big deal of promising that is like some company taking double the amount off on a direct debit and saying not to worry, that they'll promise to pay most of it back so long as you're patient. GRRRR.

    I totally agree 3 players just isn't enough if we have another injury problem like last year where we just managed to get by what will it be like now?


    I also find that we are being linked with season pro's who are unlikely to get us a return on the money we pay for them. Not good business sense imo if the bank/club want to look at like that, loans imo shouldn't be looked at either.

    The chairman suggested as much at the AGM.


    Perhaps, Bain means that any profit from last year (i.e. to June 30th 1010) went towards that.


    We aren't in the 11th century, Frankie ;)

  7. Frankie (or anyone in the know) is there any fan groups/trust finding out what is going on at present? i.e. Do we actually have the �£5m quoted to spend on players and do we have the extra �£4m generated so far on sales or is that going directly to paying of the debt? I mean there must be a hell of a lot of players who could come in on decent wages and do a good job for us for around europe and beyond so why is a very average player in eagles the only one we have bid for (and thankfully declined the offer)? As usual the fans just want the truth but we get nothing but BS after we renew our season tickets.


    Yeah we seem to be going after the over inflated English market when there is cheaper options out and about.

  8. We have a 10 year contract with JJB where our retail activities are outsourced to them. It still has 6 years to run. Financially it is a good deal, logistically and reputation-wise it has been poor.


    Alongside that Umbro are our kit suppliers and also responsible for distribution outwith the UK. That deal officially run out last summer but has been renewed on the qt last season and this season with no further details available with regard to the income/arrangements of that.


    Which is rather poor as they usually like to say about kit deals, well in recent times. However the past 2 years nothing has been said about signing new deals.

  9. Hartley on a Aberdeen shirt...Oooomffff plenty abuse :D


    But I cant see them affording him either, there is no way they will get Hendrie. Chairman Stewart Milne is minted but he puts zero into that club.


    Which is hilarious and losing to Fraserbrough as well :D.

  10. that is exactly what i expect to happen. The boardroom and the manager made all the right noises when it came to season book renewal time with regards to our finances and new faces comming in but we are as much in the myre as we were last season if the truth be told.


    At best we may get one or two token players but if this is the case i very much doubt they will be anything to shout about.


    I think we are in a worse situation seeing as we lost 5 players already, at least we had a squad. Now we have 16 players and a fair few unproven youths and Wilson and Fleck are hardly experienced.

  11. Well, you've been warning us about this situation for months and have allowed players to leave in the mean-time.


    Time to do something about it Walter.


    Agreed, he need to address the situation asap.


    We can't go into the last day of the window with nobody otherwise it will be a worrying season if not already.

  12. We'll get reasonable compensation for him. Maybe as high as �£1 million or so if he joins a team of Liverpool's stature.


    Don't think we will get any money if he moves to England. Cardiff would have been entitled to money if Ledley moved to an English club but he didn't.

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