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Posts posted by metlika

  1. I'm not surprised we didn't get him, we seemed to be priced out, not sure it would be wise to spend a lot of money on one player. The thing that niggles me is the handling by Rapid they kept delaying and delaying a decision which got some fans some hope.


    I would have liked to see him join but sadly he won't, EPL is where he will probably go either this window or in the winter window.


    So probably Georgie Welcome will be signed?

  2. As soon as Russian clubs come in for players its usually for the money. Bruno Alves of Porto moved to Zenit this window, wouldn't say its a step up and Chelsea were linked with him.


    Aidsrideen is obviously greedy, I wouldn't be surprised if he lasted a game as Spartak have so much better attack minded players.


    Good to see the Ruski's on his back already :thup:

  3. I have no problem with him playing international football. I just hope he gets on the first flight back to Glasgow/UK after his match.


    I'm more worried about the Scotland call ups for us if we get 2 or 3 players injured then we will be scraping the barrel.

  4. There is no way we should be paying more than �£2M for a player going into the final year of his contract.


    If we cannot get more than �£2M for Thomson for the same reason, I dont see any reason this guy should be worth more. He plays in a similarly poor league to us, and has made only a handful of caps for an average international side, like us.


    I am disappointed all this is being played out in the media, as we are normally very careful with signing targets, which makes me wonder if we are seriously pursuing this guy at all, or "doing a timmy" by appearing to be trying hard to buy some quality, only to "just" fail and end up with mediocrity.


    I dont know anything about this player, so I am not biased one way or the other with regard to wether we sign him or not, but I certainly dont want to pay over the odds for him, I was hoping those days were long gone.


    I agree with the Thomson part if we could only get �£2m for him then why should we pay more for a player that is in a similar league which is poor.


    I disagree about national aspect, we are crap, Croatia are way better than us. Although they do have the same population as us. Maybe they have overachieved or done something correct at youth level.


    I also agree that we seem to be too open about transfer targets. It seems that we have a mentality of we tried but didn't get him.

  5. If this is the only free date then it should have been a squad meet up with a few games of golf and a friendly against a Scotland B team rather than going to Sweden.


    We should have played friendlies before the world cup imo. Drop this friendly, there is meant to be a carling cup games on when some of the players are playing and they are not allowed to withdraw either. It is a pathetic time for a friendly.

  6. Can see both sides to this. On the one hand, surely we should have done our homework on him by now, but on the other its good to see us being cautious.


    Its probably good to see what his attitude is like on the training field first. We used to spend first think later, now its coming back to haunt us.


    However if you have a trial with us usually there will be mo chance of the player signing.

  7. 5 million is an insult, he is easily worth 8 mill. He is a top professional.


    Selling Thomson made the midfield thin as it is, Davis going would be a massive blow. But I cant see it as if Fabregas was going to Barca I think he would have gone by now which wont start the knock on effect.


    Davis is worth a lot more than �£5m but I am still worried about the bankers in the background. Midifeld is fine unless another player goes, although the injury proneness around there has me worried a little as well.


    Barca only offered Arsenal around �£29m and they payed �£40m plus Eto'o for Ibrahimovic.... The only reason they are offering so little is because they believe he is still their player. Even though he has been at Arsenal since he was 15 or 16 and has a stupidly long contract as well.

  8. If quotes are to believed it seems to want to join us which is good news. He seemed awfully silent but I guess most players have to be respectful usually. Still not sure about the price, plus the wage. IF he does sign I hope he gets a longish contract so we don't lose him for nothing.

  9. The thing is though,nobody wants to see Rangers do well in Europe,no-one likes us we don't care.It will benefit Scottish football if Hibs & Motherwell win so I'm all for seeing them do well,also I'm happy to see the BHEASTS humped but if they were to beat Braga in the return leg but still go out would that not help the coefficiency?, as well as giving us all the CL money.


    If they win then the get a few coefficiant points but thats about it.

  10. As it stands out 'streamlined' squad is probably reflecting our underdog status but a couple of new signings could change that...


    Let's hope Celtic get knocked out on Wednesday as that should catalyse our transfer activity.


    I'm hoping so, We are the only team in the SPL to not sign a player. Even Kilmarnock have signed one now...

  11. I know what you mean lads. Anyway, Andy was responding to someone saying he looked rank rotten in the world cup, but I saw bits of at least one game he played in & the commentators were raving about how good his work rate and effort was, so who knows. The world cup is certainly not good for judging players. Klose scored as many, if not more goals in the tournament than he did all season at Bayern!


    Klose infact did he scored 3 goals at Bayern and 4 at the world cup.

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