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Posts posted by metlika

  1. As I can't be bothered reading the whole thread I'll air my feelings about Beattie. Don't want him cause that would be another injury prone player in the squad. 5 years ago I would have been pleased to have him but not now. Our training methods always seem to get players out for months on end, not saying its bad training methods but some players just don't seem able to cope e.g. Beasley. If he did sign them I wouldn't be happy, feel we are taking a step backwards and think we would be lucky to get 25/30 games out of him.

  2. If he does well tonight then, all will be forgotten and it will be "I knew McGregor would do well" etc. Can see him getting booed but hopefully other fans say STFU and says he is the best available keeper in Scotland.

  3. Rangers have renewed their interest in Portsmouth striker Tommy Smith as they step up a recruitment drive before the SPL kick-off. The Ibrox club had a reported �£300,000 bid rejected by the Pompey administrator in June, but Walter Smith remains a fan of the 30-year-old and there has now been fresh contact between the clubs.


    It is understood Tommy Smith would not be an alternative to Nikica Jelavic, and the club are also targeting USA striker Robbie Findlay. (Daily Mail)



    Must be fekkin Stevie Wonder who does our transfers....�£300k increased to �£1.5 mill allegedly, if that is true the words desperation and sheer incompetency come to mind.:(


    Do you not remember the McCulloch transfer? First bid �£700k labelled exactly the same derisory, we eventually signed him for �£2.25m allegedly.


    Too many strikers we are linked with but wingers seem to be going away as most football seems to be played through the middle.

  4. In your opinion, is he the answer to our LW problems?



    Left wing of a front three??


    That might be more suitable but I am still not sure that is the best option for him, up top is where he should play but we currently have a better option if we were to play that system, Miller.

  5. We should just pull the plug and pursue other targets, its more than obvious that the directors of rapid don't want to play ball...


    True, delay after delay you'd think we would pursue other players as well as him and then withdraw if we got someone else. He still seems to be priority number 1 and we are being persistant but so are Rapid and one will back down, more than likely it will be us.

  6. Good to see Edu partaking too. I like it when I see a current player recommending other players to us - kind of shows that they care.


    That said, if the players the recommend are cack then sack the current player too :devil:


    Or just hope that they arent recommending them for the same reason George Best recommended one of his pals.... as a drinking buddy :thup:


    Edu probably wants more Americas with him as he seemed to be really friendly with Beasley.


    Although they also might have something to offer us if the price is right.

  7. Walter does like to play most players on the opposite wing that they should play on e.g. Beasley and Novo. Seems to be common in football nowadays with Robben and Ribery on their wrong footed wing so they can cut inside.

  8. Any decent level of team that plays Scottish teams will have a chance. I wouldn't say Aalesund are brilliant, Scandinavian football is just about the same standard of football as ours. It was also Aalesund first time in Europe so might not be used to it.


    Maribor are different as they have played a few more European matches than Hibs over the years.


    Anyway to the draw, I can see most of these teams being good. Utrect won't be any pushovers.


    AEK are tough but maybe Dundee Utd wanted Juve.

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