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Everything posted by metlika

  1. Another disappointment if true, some of our youngsters seem to think they are all that but need to be told it isn't all rosy in the English league just ask Mr D. Wilson, bar �£�£�£�£. They need to be grounded and told to try playing first team football and establishing themselves here before thinking of moving, agents are probably another sour factor. At least Ness and Hutton committed to the cause which I am pleased about would have liked Wylde to do the same.
  2. I would put Hutton out on loan but I still he is a decent enough player, solid etc.
  3. Holiday? Just speculating.
  4. Yeah price the competition out which seems to be us . I thought Forest had to make cutback so I am surprised they are willing to pay �£2.5m for Verhoek.
  5. Worth a shot but his agent is saying he won't be coming to us. Even if he handed in a transfer request it will end up being rejected by Anderlecht so it may be a pointless exercise in some senses but Anderlecht wouldn't want an unhappy player on their books but probably end up selling to someone else, especially when he has a lengthy contract iirc.
  6. Can't he hand in a transfer request or would that just be a pointless exercise?
  7. I thought he was leaving on good terms I guess not.
  8. I do like the canvas art, especially the Jelavic one, shame I can't afford to purchase.
  9. I saw on another forum that Juhasz might not use us as a stepping stone. He doesn't really have much time to get into the EPL, would an EPL side pay over what we paid for 29/30 year old? I doubt it unless he is exceptional. Plus Messi wouldn't work in our side. Controversially I think a certain C.Ronaldo would work better..
  10. Well I remember hearing at the world cup that at least 7 or 8 of the first team squad on the first match were French born.
  11. Why bid then? If we did actually bid at that price. �£1m + for an SPL player in his last year out with us and Celtic is steep, plus he hardly played last season. He has looked not bad when playing for us. I didn't mind him signing as Papac needs some competition. Juhasz seems to want to come but Anderlecht don't really need to sell, especially with Lukaku cash probably coming in as well.
  12. I thought we would move away from Wallace after mad vlad said �£3m. I agree with Craigy, �£300k isn't much especially with the Wallace deal a prime example of course we negotiated to what we believed matched Hearts supposed price of �£1m, then they move the goalposts to �£3m. Same happened with Dundee Utd, although I am very doubtful if Goodwillie would have been allowed to sign for us. Who is to say ADO Den Haag will do they same? If we want him I think we should pay the price that they are supposedly asking we have come just short of what they are reportedly wanting �£300k isn't much. Not entirely sure if there is much bargaining with �£300k nowadays in football, maybe a few years back but not now. We went �£1.2m over our first valuation of Wallace. How much over were we going to go with Goodwillie after our first offer? Same could be said for Juhasz but Anerlecht's price has maybe come down a little but nowhere near to our first offer. Obviously I am just feeding off speculation a lot of it could be total BS. Bids are needed to be made and usually most are test in the waters bids. I don't see why our transfer dealing team don't go out to Holland and meet with their board/chairmen and strike a deal, we used to do that. We did that with Jelavic but that was on and off all the time. Same for a couple of our transfer if there is tight negotiating some other deals didn't need it like Goian and Ortiz.
  13. I have issues with loans, ok 1 or 2 can be very beneficial but if you have nearer 4 or 5 then we aren't building a team, cause we will just lose the player unless we have a clause where we can buy the player at the end of the season but if we are getting them from the EPL we won't.
  14. We also have Bedoya, coming in. We need to either loan out a few of our youngsters or sell some established players. We are also after Murray Davidson which would put our own youngsters further down. I am really not sure we are adding any quality to the mix just seems like squad fillers in probably the most influential positions on the park. We lack flair bar Davis but I wouldn't really say he is too much of a flair player. We also lack a player who can take a decent set piece although Wallace is reasonable as is Davis but they aren't fantastic. I agree we do need at least another CB, plus with what I seem to think is a lack of use of Healy, Beattie and Hemmings and the reported bids for Goodwillie we need another striker badly.
  15. Lukaku would be a good start .
  16. Saw Brighton's new ground looks nice. They are very welcoming to the away fans, on Football focus they bring in the away teams home brewed beer.
  17. I'm not sure we need Goian, Juhasz, Cuellar, Bartley and Weir although it would be nice. We need at least one more striker imo, Verhoek would be good to have also.
  18. We will end up having another position for one or two players.
  19. I hope so, especially if Bougherra goes, still totally unsure about Cuellar even though I know its a waiting game.
  20. I'm fine with a loan just don't want another Charlie Adam situation, it could do Fleck the world of good especially if he gets a good amount of game time.
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