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Posts posted by metlika

  1. I'm led to believe that UEFA don't actually do eligibility checks on a player by player basis though. I think all they do is recieve the registration paperwork and sign it off based on trusting that the national association for a club wouldn't allow an ineligible player to be registered. I could be wrong, but that's my take on it. I do think it's UEFA's fault though because they should never ever allow an ineligible player to play and then later turn round and say the player shouldn't have played. It should be UEFA's responsibility to make sure that every single player registered to play in one of their competitions is eligible.


    Well it just shows how inept UEFA are if they don't even do checks especially when they have a supposed embargo on said team (Sion), FIFA have the embargo but they should let UEFA know, so it shows again how inept both organisations are.

  2. I'm not bothered what anyone says, players wages are not transfers.


    I understand that going out of 2 European competitions will have an effect on finances, but that's not what was promised and I don't like being treated like an idiot in the claim that wages are transfers.


    Whether you bothered or not that is the way it works now. I did think wages would be part of the budget, there is re-signing fees and agents fees (:() when dealing with new contracts.

  3. When you do the arithmetic there's absolutely no way that �£5m was spent including the new/improved contracts for Davis, McGregor, Whittaker and Wylde. The only way you can get to a figure of �£5m or more is if you don't count the �£1.7m received from the Qatari team for Bougherra.

    Which I think has been done, plus the �£800k from Adam. Net we are talking not much spent on players rather than wages and new contracts. CL and Europa League downfalls have been significant. �£7m bids on players then withdrawn suddenly. After Maribor I knew we would sign nobody and thought we would be lucky to keep our main assets which we did. Even though we are in need of a striker imo chances missed in the Malmo game should have been a warning light to get somebody in if you don't want to use Healy and well Beattie was gone and Hemmings not experienced enough . If we got through against Maribor again I would debate if we actually signed anybody maybe a striker but its all ifs and buts now.

  4. �£5m including wages (Davis, McGregor, Whittaker and Wylde) has been spent according to Whyte from what I read on the official website when a statement was released after the window, well it was something along those lines..


    Yes, I doubt there will be any signings maybe a short term loan or 2.

  5. Fenerbahce wanted to be relegated for their match fixing exploits and then they bid for Jealvic? Confusing, Turkish clubs have some weird and wonderful loopholes with finances as Galatasaray are meant to be hugely in debt but are still spending big iirc.

  6. If we don't win this even with injuries and suspension it will be total abject failure and the manager seriously needs to be looked at, Lithuania are pish, how we didn't win over there I'll never know. Liechtenstein got 4 points out of 6 from them and we scraped by Liechtenstein. This group was quite good bar Spain but another failure imo. 4-6-0 a prime example of what were you thinking?

  7. I think Arsenal are a good example as well. money in the bank but not challenging for the top prize.


    A lot more difficult when 5 or 6 clubs are spending �£20m on one player, never mind five or six. See Liverpool, Man City and United.


    SPL aren't competition, they can't spend, Celtic are lucky to spend �£5m in a season never mind a player. Jelavic was a one off imo but it payed off last season but our net soend wasn't exactly huge.

  8. Saw both incidents in the pub tonight. Adam incident soft over exaggerated by Pat Nevin and the BBC radio team, never a yellow card never mind a red they were preaching about.


    Czech far too soft a joke of an incident. Consistency is what is needed, if that CZECH incident was a penalty then Berra's one was a stonewaller.

  9. I think he had the ability maybe not for this league but he did. I didn't mind him either seem decent enough although SPL cloggers are always going to cause problems. I don't really know why he was frozen out but he is probably on reasonable wages at that point. Also to think about it McCulloch probably replaced him....

  10. Dariouz Adamczk might get into my team in place of Prodan. Gavin Rae in midfield also. Stephane Guivarch was another failure after an amazing debut but still isnt as bad as strikers listed.


    If we have a worst XI, we must also be able to get an unlucky injury jinxed XI. Webster doesnt get in because he is a fraud!




    Stephen Wright



    S Smith










    Mols and Durrant? Is this an injured 11? Ah just read it now it is. I don't think Gow was injured just plainly not good enough, unless its another Gow?

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