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Posts posted by metlika

  1. I was thinking about that the other he is going to find it difficult to displace Goian and Bocanegra. Goian does seem to pick up a fair number of niggles so he might get a look in but I feel he might be behind Weir....


    He could end up playing fullback or filling in at midfield but with the lack of games I doubt there will be much happening.

  2. He did what was required and scored goals, and goals win matches even if they were against diddies there is 10 other teams we play its not everything to score against Celtic.


    If Jelavic and Boyd were together it would be an interesting partnership.


    His final half season was a disappointment probably head was elsewhere. Sort of frustrated me a little as I was a fan of whilst he was here.

  3. G4S are claiming that a steward was punched. However I fail to understand the heavy handed approach with fans who were not involved.


    I noticed on RM that somebody was claiming that they got elbowed by a steward...

  4. Some of them are great the one about Michael Jackson had me laughing.


    Dorin Goian scarred the black out of Michael Jackson #GoianFacts (Questionable)


    Same Guy:


    Dorin Goian can speak braille #GoianFacts

  5. I thought it would be mutual half or quarter what he was due and not a complete buy out, which £1m seems to be. It also seems like another desperate move along with his signing. £3m total down the tube if you include wages wasted :(.

  6. Good news and bad news. Great to have Jelavic back but needs a partner and the way McCoist is talking about McCulloch means he is almost first pick, never in doubt tbh. It also means it wont be 2 up top.


    Also McLeish might try and throw Cuellar into the mix but he could be on a free by the next window.

  7. Double sessions might put a strain on the team and the amount of injuries we get in the past concludes we probably shouldn't. I don't really know but we need someone else who wasn't part of the Walter/Ally management team.


    Having went on a tour at Murray Park on Wednesday they have all the fitness equipment/gym equipment required. PLG helped by expanding the gym as it was smaller and brought weight machines as they weren't there iirc, but there is too much focus on that. I just feel they have everything there but need a different coach amongst themselves (McCoist, McDowall, Durrant and Adam Owen).


    A full technical coach for everything seems in order our set pieces have been poor for a while bar the penalty taking. Passing is something to be desired its not good enough especially when you get out passed by even SPL dross.


    To sum up I feel technically we are something to be desired, passing, set pieces and control. Physically we aren't in bad shape but still our player seem to pick up month long injuries which is a worry.

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