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Posts posted by metlika

  1. Just trying to sell papers. And succeeding in doing so I'd wager. Fact is I've never heard of any club being deducted that amount for administration - 10 is the standard deduction.


    Dundee got 25 but that was their second time in a short period, thats why they are scaremongering.

  2. Nah I'm not boycotting the BBC, not keen on the Scottish programming anyway and rarely watch Sportscene when its on. I use the website more but yeah, also watch F1 on it. Sometimes its hard to boycott everything on the BBC when it has 4 channels etc.

  3. I know this won't be liked but his response isn't exactly helping his case.


    However the treatment he received was poor and treatment in general to our fans by the stewards over the past few weeks has been very bad.


    Seems to be spreading looking at the Man City video.

  4. Just a point Euro 2016 will have 24 teams if we don't qualify for that then there is something seriously wrong, I know it dilutes the tournament a bit but it would be nice to get there.


    I actually feel we need to play more friendlies I know it goes against the grain but not playing many friendlies has meant we were in pot 4 for the world cup qualifiers.

  5. Paying £2.5m plus for him maybe not considering we didn't spend, would he have moved to us? I'm not sure he would have, I think he would have stayed in England to quote a famous saying though "he would score for fun up here".


    I have been reasonably impressed but if Steven Fletcher and Craig Levein didn't have differences would we have looked into him?

  6. Forgetting the biggest problem the bloody defence. Caldwell and Berra are not very good, the other option is McManus and Danny Wilson too inexperienced and doesn't get game time. If only Davie Weir was a few years younger, there is no other options.

  7. I disagree that Levein must go. I actually think that Scotland are at least trying to play football again. Yes he did make a lot of mistakes in the beginning when he was cold in the job but I do actually see a lot of improvement on how we are playing. With so many good young players coming on I actually have some hope for the future. Do I want boring Watty back? No no thanks.


    Levein will stay but he also survived, proper humiliation against Liechtenstein but we had 7 minutes of injury time and celebrated it like we won the world cup. Plus the fact he seems to be a stubborn man and can't admit 4-6-0 was a total joke of a tactic.

  8. I do have a problem with his selections. I know this goes against the grain but the granny is becoming a joke we had 3 English born players and we had previous player in Mackie. Now Bardsley has done fine, Wallace is perfectly capable but unfit, think Bardsley is first choice. Mackail-Smith is decent probably needs a partner doubt Levein will be playing that sort of formation, any more. Morrison for me is not very good, Dorrans would be a better option but he seems to be out of the fold.


    Cowie isn't English but I saw the last 5 mins and again not for me. I know we don't have a plethora of talent.


    Jordan Rhodes is going to be an interesting one as he will get to play for us because of schooling which means he has even less connection but he is actually interested in playing for us and he is scoring for the U-21's. He also played with a Scotland shirt when he was young.

  9. Switched off at half time it was just too painful to watch, we were not good but Spain were pretty damn good. Onwards and upwards oh wait we are 4th seeds for the World Cup, shit. Anyway 3 things stick in my mind Lithuania away, 4-6-0, Kevin Blom.

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