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Posts posted by metlika

  1. Got to admit that I know nothing about Asian players getting work permits metlika. What makes you sceptical?


    Well as has been said India world ranking is too low. However teams like Korea and Japan can get them as the tims have shown.


    However I am still baffled about Wanyama guy Kenya aren't ranked high his brother, McDonald Mariga, a better player was a rejected a work permit for joining Man City but Wanyama was granted one :confused:.



    On Aluko I don't rate him, if he was any good he would have found a club.


    If we want to expand our merchandising outreach, targetting the poorest countries in the world is a non-starter. You'll sell some clobber, but I doubt if it would be a large amount. We should sign players from poor countries on their footballing ability, not their merchandising potential.


    Agreed but its almost impossible to sign these poorer players because of UK Work Permit rules and I am sceptical these 2 would be able to get permits.

  3. There's a lot of millionaires in India, probably one of the reasons that there is so much poverty, but in all these countries, they don't pay £49.99 for a replica shirt. But you're probably right, the caste system makes for a 'ready made' class system that is far more powerful than our own.


    Most people in the world are just going to get poorer anyway, so we'll all be the same, eventually.


    But they will make cheap knockoffs and it wouldn't benefit us in the slightest.


    Tbh footballing ability Korea and Japan are way ahead of India, I don't think I have ever seen an Indian player play in the European leagues in my life time.

  4. If we get what we are getting for the JJB deal think its £3m a year then we would be doing well. Its all to do with exposure thats why EPL clubs are getting good deals we would be lucky even with our brand it doesn't matter as much anymore, which is sad :(.

  5. Man City's one is very dubious, think the owners have some interest in Etihad. Chelsea's future sponsorship will be similarly dubious, does Abramovich still own Sibneft? They are doing that just for the CL fair play money situation.


    Mike Ashley is doing this because Newcastle are doing too well on the pitch so he has to do something to piss off the Newcastle fans :P. He did that the last time it failed and he is doing the same and no doubt it wont be a success.

  6. I don't rate Morrison at all, posted missing against the powerhouse of Liechtenstein. Never really impressed me in a Scotland shirt. Much prefer Dorrans but who knows might be a revelation here but I doubt he would come up here for a significant wage drop and would we be willing to purchase him the first place. Other than that nice to know he likes us.

  7. I'm not against it but the stadium will always be known as Ibrox to me. However who in the current climate would sponsor our stadium? Not huge international exposure because of lack of European fixtures and SPL's lack of quality probably doesn't go much further than the UK except maybe in the US and Oz.

  8. I agree that Naismith is an important player for us, and his loss is a great one, but I don't believe that we will suffer a total collapse while he's out injured. That's not just because septic are too rotten to take advantage, it's because I firmly believe in our manager, Ally McCoist and his choices of newly bought players and his ability to motivate them to go on and win the title.


    Chris Sutton seems to have had a negative effect of us, even though we've increased our lead over his ex-employers and Rangers would have to suffer even a bigger collapse than his book selling speil indicated.


    Agreed we managed to cope when he was banned for 2 games but this is a whole lot longer and if we still have funds we should be looking into players I'd say mainly strikers. Bedoya, Ortiz, McKay and Wylde need to step up. If we lose one of the top two upfront it will be a worry.

  9. I do wonder if Murray had still been about would we have had so many public court actions? To answer my own question no I don't. Not that I was particularly pleased with Murray at all.


    It is sickening so called fans (ex-board members) taking us to court and now everybody under the sun is.


    I am more interested in the footballing aspect rather than the business side even if I have an Accountancy qualification and tbh it is getting tiresome but story after story keeps coming up :(.

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