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Posts posted by metlika

  1. Ally should give any potential buyers a deadline of say January 28th, and after that no bids will be accepted. They had enough time to evaluate him and we need time to get in able replacements (and the clubs we get them from will want to get some replacements too).


    We should but we won't an EPL side will do the 31st gamble and leave us nowhere.

  2. I'm equally excited by him but don't quite understand why a part Turkish player would be more likely to give 100% than a player of any other nationality?


    I would suspect that he will start on the bench next week and come on for Wallace at some stage. Question is, will Ally start him ahead of Wallace and in these circumstances would Papac retain his place (my preference) or would Wallace go to LB?


    If I was Gregg Wylde, I'd be thinking about going on loan somewhere.


    If I was any of our midfielders bar Davis, Aluko, Edu, McCulloch (:() and Chelik then I would be looking for a loan, except Ness but he is always injured :(.

  3. On SSN about Jelavic and West Ham.


    Perhaps the reason for the Holt enquiry.

    Ally says £6m nowhere near enough. I have seen West Ham bid for bids sake and usually are never near the price. Did it with Dorrans, Rhodes and now Jelavic.


    Plus the fact Jelavic wants to play in the EPL not in the championship especially with the Euro's this summer.

  4. Dont think so. He can sign and then the sporting tribunal sets the compensation - I think (probably wrong) that it is a somewhat formulaic calculation. I am sure I read somewhere that the training compensation would be between 100-300k.


    In theory its better to avoid a tribunal if you are the club losing the player as its always below what they want.

  5. It wouldn't really be being "stripped" of the captaincy like Fergie was when it went to Weir though, it would just be getting asked if he'd be happy to hand over the armband to a more experienced captain in Boca. He might actually like the idea of handing it over if asked nicely....


    As you say it might not be stripped but the player himself might actually see it as that.

  6. Problem is Boca's only been at Ibrox for half a season. Has he earned the right to captain a club of this magnitude after such short service?


    (btw, I'm a big Boca fan, probably Ally's best signing, I just don't know if he's earned the right - but I do agree Davis is not a good captain)


    Boca has the knowledge of being a captain and it isn't affecting his game, he is an experienced international and captain of his country as well. Davis seems unable to play his game whilst being captain, too much pressure, maybe? Although is Davis NI's captain now, still that is a minimal number of internationals if true?


    S_A the snub would probably make him quite annoyed if he was overlooked, would affect his morale if he was effectively stripped of the captaincy.

  7. Approx £15,000 -£17,000 a week. Between Beattie, Weir and Healy, all of whom they tried to shift in the summer, the total was £50,000/week.


    Thats ridiculous wages, no wonder we have been wanting wages dropped. Thought Weir wouldn't have been on no more than £12k a week. Beattie was a total waste and I thought he was close to £20k a week. Healy must be on a stupid wage as well that pisses me right off.

  8. Saw that, he's better away getting some games at a decent level than sitting on the bench, might just be the making of him.


    As long as we don't sell him for penny only for him in the next 2 years to be sold for millions. I was disappointed he was not played yesterday, seems he only plays if there is no other choice available.

  9. It's starting to get embarrassing. The club have either openly spoken about or leaked info about our interest in more players in the past 6 or 7 months than I've seen in years. I'm all for the new regime being slightly more transparent in certain areas, but not about players we're "interested" in bringing to the club. It's unprofessional bullshit.


    Too transparent imo, need to stop being so open, could be classed as naive.

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