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Everything posted by metlika

  1. Well as the thread says. Strange one imo. Legia vs Sporting Lisbon is also on ITV4, but he isn't playing as he wouldn't be registered.
  2. Unconvinced is my opinion but edging to conman currently. Says one thing does another.
  3. I'd keep Healy as we don't really have anybody in the youth striking wise. Papac is tough but probably consider it. The other 2 would be up there for leaving harsh as it is.
  4. Can't really sell anybody, not sure many would take a termination either as it would cost. Some might want to stay so that they can be sold for money rather than cost the club. Its hard to do but if it was the transfer window our playing squad would be pretty much an U-19 team.
  5. Saying that when RVP has had a glimpse he could have scored but for a decent keeper.
  6. Arsenal have done nothing but try and play football through the middle and brick it when they get to the penalty area.
  7. Yeah, there isn't many European windows open, except probably Scandinavia and maybe Russia.
  8. Sorry but you are wrong, different season about to start in Sweden and the both played in 2011 not the 2012 season. Its complicated but they can play for another Swedish or Scandinavian club if they want...
  9. Unfortunately you would keep a fair number of players that I wouldn't want, Craig.
  10. Better not 3 top iirc, want to win this, probably wont though.
  11. Was going to say that, although hard to take.
  12. He didn't the last time he decided to speak just before the club was sold to Whyte.
  13. Excuse my French but they were fucking fast to hit us with a deduction.
  14. If only Tom Hunter was allowed to buy us if that rumour was true.
  15. Another crap story to come home from work to, I was hoping for something different. Oh well of to play my xbox for the rest of the night.
  16. Our track record with dealing with UEFA isn't great, my slight paranoia says we won't be allowed in.
  17. I personally don't think we will, somebody said it takes 2 months to get out of admin if that does happen.
  18. Its a big gamble to force HMRC to do this and I doubt they will budge unfortunately, risking tax payers money on legal fees to acquire zilch from this a bit like Redknapp's tax evasion case.
  19. Yeah but there would be appeals by HMRC if we did win, which would take years and hanging over our head for ages.
  20. Euro millions for me this weekend.
  21. If the situation does turn, possibly.
  22. Great news to come home to after work, ffs. Might just ignore forums tonight.
  23. Same sort of position as Bruins who I would have much preferred so yeah, no thanks.
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