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Posts posted by metlika

  1. I'd bet good money that our list of targets is simply a list of SPL players who 'might do a job'


    I agree with this, SPL clubs are now overcharging as well as the EPL. We should look about a bit during the summer and even the world cup to get a good list of targets and see if they are in our price range.


    I know the foreigners won't have the passion as the SPL based players have. However its getting ridiculous the prices that are being quoted from not hugely wealthy clubs in the SPL.


    Dundee Utd's chairman thinking that Lafferty and Goodwillie are the same value, but Championship and EPL prices are very inflated but still I don't think Goodwillie is worth more than �£1.5m, which seems ridiculous in its self.

  2. Good news, exploit the market although our strips won't go over there because of the JJB deal. Plus we have Americans however we will probably have one by the summer time as I can't see Beasley playing with us.


    As long as we don't play in Boston against them after seeing a vile article in the Boston globe website.

  3. Or doesn't like us.


    Can't see it myself, it doesn't matter if we have a European License it could be revoked cause of Admin, so can't see it myself, hes bullshitting you, Gazza.

  4. Excellent post with which I agree entirely - well except for the bit about the 52rd [sic] title... :devil:


    It expands and completely explains something I was trying to say a lot less clearly in another thread.


    It's strange the way journalism is now more about producing an entertaining or sensationalist story rather than report anything resembling the truth and the sad thing is most will believe it in the same way that they misguidedly believe that X-Factor is a singing contest...


    Journalists have to put in "Exclusive" news and its never positive news, well for us it hasn't been for a year, even when winning back to back Championships.


    Any success and there is always negativity on the horizon. Seems to be common place nowadays and its rather depressing.

  5. I'm fairly certain Barca must be guaranteed an automatic Champions League spot, but is it still mathmatically possible that Bayern wouldn't? What of Inter too?


    Are the other 3 (outwith Lyon) guaranteed an automatic spot from their league position or do they still have some work to do? I know currently they are all in qualifying positions, I just don't know if it's possible for teams further down to catch them.


    Bayern have 2 games left iirc. The 3rd place team has 57 points and I think Bayern have 64 points, so impossible.


    Oh to add to that Inter are guaranteed, Lyon could still guarantee it with 5 games to go but are 7 points behind Auxerre who are in second and played one more game.

  6. When we sold Adam, he was playing terrible for us. It amazes me what a new manager does to a players confidence.


    He did have talent but was used in the wrong position, out wide, rather than centrally. His goal against Stuttgart was great!


    Too much pressure up here as well, we sometimes get on the back of a specific player and it never helps at all.

  7. His family are still down south aren't they which I don't think bodes well for keeping him up here long term. I think he personifies that old adage of "a model pro" and is very dignified with it.


    Personally I'd like to see us trying to keep him on in some role, possibly as a defensive coach and I'm guessing his general influence around the younger players would be a good thing too.





    I have said all along about his family being down south but we have kept him for over 3 years so I wouldn't class it as a short term situation, now.

  8. The club releasing a statement is not a good sign, but they say its a query rather than an investigation which has been put by some media outlets.


    I still think other clubs will be "doing" the same thing, so I'll wait and see. Its not great news but hopefully we get by it but we need something to happen on the ownership front and fast, a bit like what Walter said yesterday(?).

  9. Livi do produce some good players, Dorrans, Snodgrass and now this guy.


    Plus the price that West Brom rejected for Dorrans today of �£4m. The inflation or hyper inflation if you will, means that its impossible to compete. They paid about �£150k for him as well :(.


    Look at Charlie Adam as well Blackpool will sell him for �£5m or more if someone offers that imo, we sold him for �£500k. I do think we are getting ripped off.


    Scottish game with no money means little bids for good players.

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