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Posts posted by metlika

  1. I've no idea why he is considering Liverpool, not entirely sure if Rafa is going to be in a job for a start.


    �£12k for an 18 year old in our situation would piss off a lot of our current players who are under contract. Not entirely sure its justified either, infact it isn't.


    I have a feeling his agent is pushing him towards the EPL, so he can get a bigger pay day himself :P,

  2. It's a neverending overhaul at this club. We've ripped up and rebuilt the squad about 4 times since the year 2000, and it'll be the same next summer aswell with 9 first teamers out of contract. It is incredibly demoralising for the support and if there's no takeover and we make a bad start to next season, i'd expect a lot more protests and a lot of empty seats


    Celtic have squad depth that we could only dream about now, and it's going to be a big factor next season


    Football is a never ending process of players coming and going. We haven't done an overhaul the past 2 years cause we couldn't and we actually won 2 titles.


    We have had overhauls mostly because of manager changes and their own preference to players.

  3. Boyd and Bougherra will be missed - no doubt about it. However, this season has shown we can win titles without them always being closely involved.


    Absolutely no reason why we can't replace them if we've doing our scouting properly during the months we've been unable to buy.


    Ah scouting, I not totally fond of what are scouts look at and the network they are allowed to look into, just seems UK based with a small look abroad. I'm not sure if they would be employed much seeing as we couldn't actually buy players.

  4. Squad overhauls are never good in football, but I knew a lot would happen in the summer. At least it isn't midseason and trying to move players in and out, a bit like them.


    The sooner we have players tied down and new players brought in and the window shuts with minimal damage I will be happy, but I can't see it happening.

  5. A seasoned Scotland international with plenty of Premiership experience cost too much at �£2.25M?


    I remember when we originally offered Wigan �£700 - Paul Jewell became a figure of hate because he laughed at our offer as insulting and dirisory. But ironically we did all agree the bid we'd made was rather poor.


    �£700 would have been a steal indeed ;).


    For me he was too expensive, wasn't keen on him when he was playing for Scotland


    Also to your other point I deleted, he won't be shunted otherwise we will have about 12 players who are seasoned pros. Unless of course a new manager comes in and doesn't want him, still can't see him moving to Germany when he wanted to come back to Scotland.

  6. I have no problems with Webster as long as he stays fit and I also don't mind if he gets injury but plays a reasonable amount of games for us. He has played one match for us and there after he has been injured, he has just been highly unlucky with us. Hopefully all that is behind him and Dundee Utd have built up his confidence well to sent him back to us, maybe even with a cup winners medal as well.

  7. anybody know what he was on a week? I guess it was between 10-15 grand!


    Thats what has been quoted around and I have seen being said by some people. For a bit part player/injury prone it isn't great value for money in our situation. If our league wasn't full of cloggers and more like a Southern European league he would have been great, however it didn't happen and I wish him of the best for his future career.

  8. Some fans have never taken to Boyd which is a shame, he does his job well which is scoring goals for the team. Alright he probably had his worst spell of his career during the last few months. At least he was providing some goals, he would have never done that earlier in his career.


    Weir isn't spectacular either but again does his job, but Boyd is expected to do more?


    Boyd record has been fantastic for a so called limited player over 100 league goals in probably 150 league games for us.

  9. It does for me. Winning the league by 6 points after being 11 clear 2 games ago isnt as convincing. I'm disappointed.


    We were cheated in 2 games, though imo Costa's goal was dubious and the Motherwell penalty was ridiculous.

  10. Lafferty trying to win the fans over by kissing the badge after his 2nd goal.


    He is a Rangers fan so... He did it last year showing the badge against Dundee Utd


    Smith on for Lafferty is a bit strange however its his last game

  11. No Novo starting :(. Naismith still keeps his place some how? Boyd also starts probably his last game.


    Rangers: Alexander, Whittaker, Broadfoot, Weir, Papac, Naismith, Davis, Edu, Lafferty, Boyd, Miller. Subs: Gallacher, Thomson, Novo, Smith, Fleck, Little, Stirling.


    Davis through the middle is better though

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