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Everything posted by MoodyBlue

  1. What an unmitigated disaster that was !!! Pledges were useless. We needed hard cash input - not a f.ucking website to show that we 'could' raise xxx amount. yet again I feel the RST have let us down big time. Our fanbase is huge and potentially could have financially supported a takeover. To not use this power was criminal. Thanks for literally nothing RST !!
  2. Sorry bigy - that's just not correct. The contracts will simply be transferred. No impact. We need to steer away from some of this hysteria.
  3. BK's are not prepared to be stitched up. Millers deal is fake and will not stand up. He is working on behalf of Shyte to ramp the price up. Well that's one theory anyway. This could all have been avoided if our support had grouped together and donated in our thousands. We've stood by and conttibuted virtually nothing financially. This could come back to haunt us big time.
  4. The Rangers fightback is well and truly on - the bears are mobilised - they dare not reject it !!!!
  5. Haymaker 'delivered' according to bainer just now. Could be a great day bears !!
  6. FF Admin just posted: In the last couple of weeks deals have been very near to closure and problems have arisen at the last minute on several occasions. I am given to understand good progress has been made on several fronts in the last few days with regard to the presentation of a viable CVA and a way out of administration. However, some issues still remain to be resolved so let's not get too carried away and work will certainly continue overnight and into tomorrow
  7. Haymaker thread closed by FF Admin. the news is 'a bit premature' apparently accoring to GS. still looks as if something positive will be coming out tomorrow at some point though.
  8. i agree mate - everything taken cautiously by this bear. however i have a feeling something good is upon us - and this is coming from a glass half full person like me. Things MUST be moving behind the scenes. to what extent, we don't know. BTC result is imminent as well. combined with Kennedy's official PR man sounding mightily positive about something then we at least have some hope. we need it
  9. true mate. we don't know 'exactly' what this entails as yet, but is does sound as if it will be good news for a change. what will be will be - and let it be good for RANGERS !!
  10. yep - i pray this is what we have been hoping for.
  11. me too mate. far too many late nights recently. been promising myself an early night for weeks, but to no avail !! here we go again !
  12. no problem at all mate.
  13. ok, a few days ago I had a PM from Bainer .It contained a personal message from Brian Kennedy, which I posted elsewhere with his permission. It said 'Working hard. A few HAYMAKER's in reserve. No promises but No Surrender'. tonight bainer has said to me that 'tomorrow looks like being a big positive for Rangers Football Club' Hopefully his haymaker is a knock-out blow. C'mon Brian, save The Rangers. i don;t do twitter but his account is @swannymediaman he is genuinely linked to kennedy
  14. bainer has just sete a PM but can't get into it as FF is too busy. will report back asap
  15. Kennedy's PR man posting on FF that tomorrow there will be a 'Haymaker'. Sounds promising !!!
  16. bainer is genuine. PR man for Kennedy. I have PM'd him previously. every announcement he has made on FF has been backed up. This could be the start of something big bears !!!!!! Hold on to your hats !!!
  17. saw this as well on FF. hope it's true but i just can't afford to get my hopes up. they have been curiously quiet recently. have to have been beavering away in the background this week. hopefully recent events have galvanised them even more. maybe Kennedy has just felt he wants to go in with TBK's and get this done once and for all cautious, but hopeful.
  18. f.uck off Thomson - your actions, attitude and behaviour have been partly responsible. If they dare kick us again there will be further war, with nuclear proportions !!!
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