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Everything posted by MoodyBlue

  1. Bugger off Walter and stop talking pish. Your stunt with McColl was pathetic. We all know you have previous for not going along with fans opinions. Just keep your mouth shut and keep away from this if you have noithing constructive to contribute.
  2. Sorry, but Brown's "bid" is non existent IMO. My anger is at McColll for walking away and not sorting out this mess. He more than anyone has the money to do it, yet he does fuck all about it. Him and Walter were a disgrace !!!!
  3. Quite simply, i would not want any other man leading us other than Ally.
  4. Dingwall and the RST have been a shambles throughout this whole mess.
  5. I will be there mate. we all should be ! We are the number 12's
  6. I'm beside myself here. Absolutely petrified.
  7. Gutted. i am booked to go. A never ending nightmare.
  8. Naimsith will go to Everton IMO. He will want a 'northern' side so as to not be too far away from home. I hope the wee traitor doesn't get a career threatening injury in his first game...... that would be dreadful
  9. Basically " fuck you all. I'm off out of here and you are not getting any transfer fee for me" The guy has turned out to be a selfish aresehole !!! He can rot in hell !!!
  10. They owe the fans some respect !! No one is showing us any respect. It's Ally and the fans V the rest of the world.
  11. Naismith in particular is a kiss the badge traitor. Fuck off son and never come near Ibrox again. I wish you no luck in the future and hope you get what you deserve for treating us like this.
  12. I hope neither are struck down by career threatening injuries in the near future at their new clubs......
  13. Both players wiped from my memory. Naismith a true Rangers man ??? Absolute bullshit. !!!!
  14. Very let down by naismith. has undone all the good work. Wiping him from my memory.
  15. Lafferty is the other according to rumours
  16. Gutted. Going to be a top player. A sign of things to come. This is killing me.
  17. They are never bidding in a million years.
  18. Fuller statement now: A consortium headed by former Rangers manager Walter Smith has failed in its attempt to buy the club. Mr Smith confirmed on Tuesday that his group had met new Rangers chief executive Charles Green over the takeover attempt. Last week, Mr Smith's consortium submitted a £6m bid. This would have would have bought the same assets of the club, such as training ground Murray Park and Ibrox stadium, which were transferred to the Rangers 'newco', Sevco 5088 Limited, last week. Former Scotland manager Mr Smith said he had the backing of one of Scotland's richest men, Jim McColl, among others, in his bid to take over Rangers. However in a statement released on Tuesday, Mr Smith confirmed his consortium had failed to buy the club from the Sevco group for £500,000 more than what it paid for the assets. Mr Smith said: "The offer was made to the administrators before the Charles Green consortium had concluded their transaction to acquire the assets at £5.5m from the administrators. We felt it necessary to have a fall-back position to secure the club’s future. We have since made the same offer of £6m to the Green consortium through Zeus Capital. "Our offer has been rejected and they have made a counter-offer inviting us to join their consortium. However, the current business plan is not in accord with our understanding of the present circumstances of the club and the way forward, but we would prefer to leave them to proceed in their own way and we wish them good luck in their endeavours." He added: "We are therefore withdrawing completely from the process to enable Charles Green and his consortium to move forward. We very much hope the verbal assurances they provided to us - and the public statements made - are adhered to and that the club will therefore be financed and managed with appropriate governance and can go forward in a sustainable manner. We wish the new Rangers Football Club every good fortune
  19. If McColl and Park have genuinely walked away at virtually the first hurdle then that is shocking IMO. Are they not up for the fight ??
  20. or it's clear Green has no money and Smth et al will just sit and wait until Green comes calling to them to bail him out ???
  21. or Smith is calling his bluff knowing full well that they have no money and will have no option other than to sell in a few weeks when hardly any money from ST sales has come in ??? Then Smith steps back in ??? The plot thickens................. again !!
  22. Just seen on FF !! What a mess ! Walter Smith statement: "Members of our consortium met with Charles Green and Zeus Capital prior to the CVA meeting and it had been agreed that we would be provided with significant information which would give us comfort as to the identity of the consortium members, their strategy and their funding capacity. This information had not been forthcoming by the date of our offer. We are therefore withdrawing completely from the process to enable Charles Green and his consortium to move forward. We wish the new Rangers Football Club good fortune."
  23. Fuck St Johnstone !! 10 point penalty No Europe Transfer embargo That not enough for these khunts ??! No bears at their shitty wee ground will hit them hard next season. Definite boycott of that shithole
  24. this is what I'm very nervous about.
  25. Cheers mate. More waiting then. Potentially have to wait until 13th/14th June at this rate - and even then there is a 28 day cooling off period following that. Just want all this over with but is just dragging on and on.
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