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Everything posted by MoodyBlue

  1. "High last minute demand". That's hilarious spin from the club. Commical Ali eat your heart out !!
  2. Specifically on Admin2 - IMO we would at least get into the play offs next year even with 25 point deduction. But let's deal with that if/when it happens. The amount of people doing nothing at the moment or signing up or renewing are in the vast majority - that much is clear. A few are renewing, a few are making a pledge to 1972. Most are just sitting waiting for some sort of outcome. The 1972 scheme is just a side show that King has brought into play just to make it look more 'official'. It's just a vehicle to stand alongside the momentum of non-renewal and dissatisfaction. UoF have finally brought the fans concerns to the table and they want action and change. I believe that will happen. It simply has to.
  3. No pain, no gain sometimes. You have to go along with some necessary evils in order to see things through. I don't know exactly what lies ahead in the coming weeks and months. But I do know that there are enough Rangers minded people who are together in all of this and who are determined to see this through so that the club can be put in the right hands once and for all. With a tiny renewal amount, this mob have now seen the true power of the Rangers support when it can actually pull itself together. With limited income there are few places they can run to. Maybe they are finally realising that the game could well be up for them in the not too distant future.
  4. Starving the club out IS happening whether you like it or not - I'd say that was a good first step. It is a neccesary step in order force this mob out.
  5. That's nonsense and you know it. Houston means well and had enough of there being no action and no real pressure on the Board directly from fans. He wants his club back and on the road to recovery and progress, just like the rest of us. Attention seeker ??? Not on a personal level he isn't, at all - but yes he is seeking attention to the disaster of a club we have. I back that attention seeking 100% ! He has created a momentum and combined with the other Rangers fans within UoF who just want the best for the club, there might, just might be some light a the end of a long dark tunnel beginning to appear. You will obviously differ from this opinion, as always, and you are free to back the current regime - but the majority have awoken to this shambles that we have been under and continue to be under. The wheels are finally in motion !!
  6. As a support we have unlimited power to dictate things. Up until recently we have simply not used that power. We have dithered, argued, sat on the side, been apathetic, split ourselves and generally been a useless bunch. NOW we are seeing the real power of a support and starting to show who is boss. WE are the club. It's time for us to call the shots and rid our club of people who care not a jot about it. I just wish we had acted alot sooner than this.
  7. Why would you have an issue ?? Call them what you want, put them under whatever banner you want - at the end of the day they are Rangers fans. I see absolutely nothing wrong with fans being allowed time with the club. Fair play to UoF for getting off their erses and actually caring for our club. Craig Houston deserves a medal for the way he has risen to this challenge, almost single handedly. He is just a normal, passionate fan who wants his club back, just like the rest of us. Chris Graham has also been excellent.
  8. Totally agree with this mate - and this is exactly what has happened to our club. Used and abused:(
  9. For a club in the lower leagues of Scottish football, the renumeration for non-playing senior 'staff' is hugely excessive - particulalry as they are delivering nothing of worth.
  10. Maybe I used the wrong wording - he has lost any credibility. 120 day Review was a shambles, Twitter Q&A was a shambles, numberous statements about club and fincncial position have been a shambles.. And he has never been a CEO before - and it shows. I believe he was out of work when he was brought into us.
  11. Why would anyone be surprised that this Board have yet again proven that they simply cannot be trusted ?? This meeting with UoF was just another sham from them. Wallace has NO credibility. This lot don't care about Rangers This lot don't care about Rangers fans This lot are only in this for personal financial gain - that much has been obvious for ages. Starve them out !!
  12. With regard to the wider instiutional investors, their holdings in Rangers are miniscule compared to their overall portfolio under management. We would be viewed as a small holding to diversify current portfolios. I really don't think the wider institutional investors - Cazeone, Artemis etc. are really crying themselves to sleep about their losses in Rangers. They have far bigger fish to fry and will have more than offset any losses with us with profits elsewhere.
  13. Tread cautiously bears - this Board cannot be trusted one bit. They will only do something if it benefits them as a collective or as individual board members. They do not have the club or fans interests at heart - that much has been obvious for a long time. There is spin being put on this and Toxic is working on behalf of Easedales. NO renewals ! Board OUT !
  14. I'm not so sure it will necessarily be a youth/second string team mate. We played at Bristol last year with a strong side, for example. To play a youth team against Bournemouth, I think we would get battered. Bournemouth finished 10th in the Championship, so would be pretty tough opposition. When we played Bristol City last year, the had just been relegated to League 1,so I'd say we'de be sending our first team for this.
  15. Bedoya also named in provisional 30 man squad I think.
  16. I think he's head and shoulders above the vast majority of our squad - yet many see him as a poor player. IMO he showed enough to me to feel that we will be losing one of our better, if not best, technical players. IMO he will prove this if/when he gets a run out at the WC. Will be a loss if he moves on from us. If he does, I can see him having a decent wee career.
  17. There is a player in there IMO. I felt that he was stifled by the poor quality of players around him. He was generally 2 or 3 steps ahead of most of our players in his thinking and intelligence. They were unable to anticipate a pass, make a run off the ball or shape themselves to receive a pass and then be in a position to look for a team mate to pass on to etc. He must have looked around and wondered why the hell he was here most of the time.
  18. Let's be honest - this was just a tick box exercise to say "we're engaging with fans". What a waste of time. Nothing that was answered has any use/worth.
  19. What a shambles. With every utterance out of Ibrox, the situation gets increasingly depressing. This twitter garbage today was an insult to people's intelligence. The hard questions were ducked while questions from kiddies' corner were eagerly lapped up. It is no wonder people despise this rotten regime. The idea of handing over money to it is distinctly unappealing. The sooner it is driven out, the better for us all.
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