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Everything posted by MoodyBlue

  1. who is saying that senders did not know that e-mails would be sent to Easedale and Wallace ??? ! Taken from Craig's orignial notice: "This online petition will automatically send an email to G Wallace and S Easdale every time it is signed" So, people were aware. Anyway, what's this - are we saying that no company or people representing a company can be sent an e-mail which gives dissatisfaction on the way the company is being run ?? I'm not sure the bosses at M&S, for example, are suing all their customers who complain to them. Ore are we in North Korea now ?? Deary me.
  2. Look no further than Toxic Jack. It has his grubby wee hands all over this !!
  3. I'm absolutely sick of them mate. They treat the fans with utter contempt. The sooner they and their 'buddies' are out of the club, the better. Toxic Jack will also be behind this. But they know they have no case. It's just an attack on Rangers fans - again !!
  4. why the hell is he costantly looking to sue or take legal action against fans of the club ?? That's just ridiculous and tells you everything you need to know about him. What a mess. Get them out of our club once and for all !!! Enough is enough !
  5. What is it with Easedale that the first sign of someone challenging his opinion, he resorts to 'suing' or taking legal action of some kind. What does that tell you about him ??!! No way on God's earth should this man and his brother be anywhere near our club. More to the point - WHO the hell are they fronting for as proxies ?!!!! The fact that we still have no confirmation of this is an absolute disgrace. What have they got to hide I wonder:wtf2: ??!!!
  6. Good stuff Nacho. Just awaiting the noisy minority of idiots - yes we know who they are - to start abusing the wee man. The clock is ticking on this rotten mob.
  7. This Board are beyond a joke now. What an embarassment. Anyone still thinking that this lot should remain at our club must be insane. This is another example where they treat the fans with utter contempt. Thankfully, slowly but surely they are hanging themsleves. The clock is ticking.
  8. Agreed mate. Those who stubbornly won't sign, have "agenda's"
  9. He is trying to get the club for as little cost as possible, yes. But not necessarily for his own personal benefit. It would mean that he is minimiseing lining the pockets of certain people and ensuring as much money as possible goes in and actually benefits the club. I really don't see this venture as a money making one for his own benefit. He is doing this for the club he loves and cares about. He is beyond worrying about what's in it for him financially. The club is the main focus.
  10. I'm sure Mr King knows what he is doing. There is a reason why he is a successful multi-millionaire business man - and you and me are not.
  11. I disagree. McColl was all soundbites. King is different - a REAL Rangers man who is not in it for the money, but for the better good of our great club.
  12. Out of EVERYONE in and around the club, on the Board and on the 'sidelines' - King is THE man I would trust implicitly. I'm sure his slience at the moment is not a sign of him doing nothing. He will clearly have a plan he is working to - and I back him 100%.
  13. We could be here all day discussing who are the right people. But clearly those on the Board and those 'pulling the strings' are not. That much is abundantly clear. We need people who care about the well being of our club, we need people who care for the fans and we need people with a proper vision, direction and governance. King said the opposite did he not ?? - i.e. that he had told his kids he was prepared to spend their inheritance and they said 'go ahead'. So he is cerainly not reluctant.
  14. To be fair, you have good points there and that all seems fairly sensible/logical. As mentioned, if it were to happen and was the only way of ridding our club of this mess, then I'd take it. That's how desparate I am for all of this to be over and our club back in the right hands with people who actually have the best interests of the club at heart - which the current lot and their Laxey/Blue Pitch/Maragrita friends clearly do not.
  15. I hear what you are saying mate. As mentioned I'm no technical expert and there has been so much information and mis-information around insolvency/Admin etc. It all just becomes a bit of a blur. I'm just thinking that if Kings money was there and on offer, would the authorities not question why the Board are not taking up the offer, but are choosing to go into Admin ?
  16. As the Board have an investor on the sidelines prepared to put in £30m to £50m, based on some conditions, I'm not sure that Admin would actually happen. I'm no technical expert but I just believe that our sitiuation is different from last time. BUT - if it was the only means to getting rid of the Board and getting our club back in the right hands, then I'd take it. With a 25 point deduction I still believe we would at least make the play offs next season.
  17. I believe this to be exactly the case mate. IMO it's as clear as day - hence why I am not exactly a fan of 'VB's. They are small in numbers but have managed to inflitrate, dived and cause confusion and concern. Working in conjucntion with Irvine, this is what you end up with unfortunately.
  18. VB's get the attention from the Board as they have sided with the Board previously and have - over the course of the past year or so - had contact with Toxic and the Easedales. Call it an 'inside job' if you want. i am certainly not comfortable with the VB's based on their track record - and they are tiny in numbers - but sing the Boards' tune, so will lap it up.
  19. Laxey = assisting Ticketus/Octopus ?? Prior ? something doesn't add up with him IMO.
  20. No panic buttons just yet bears. I think it is to do with finance for Eddie Stobbart.
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