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Everything posted by MoodyBlue

  1. I don't necessarily agree with that viewpoint. Dave King came out with a flury of statements and updates a couple of months ago, or thereabouts. During that period, he was simply getting the message across to the fans and other interested onlookers that this board were not to be trutsed and that we should refrain from funding them. This was all part of his plan IMO. The 1972 scheme was just a side show in reality. He has then 'gone quiet' and will have been doing the necessaries behind the scenes, having reduced the club's income dramatically and placed them in an awkward position - and put himself in a stronger position than before. King is no fool. IMO King WILL win the day over these wigs and that day can't come quick enough !!!
  2. Just wary that this 'insideman' is a **** at the wind up. Be cautious bears. ............However, regardless of this, IMO King IS beavering away in the background. His silence must not be treated as no activity going on. He's done his 'public' stuff in advance and IMO he has been recently doing proper business in order to get a hold on the club and get it back in the right hands so we can end this hell !! I don't believe that Dave King does surrendering !! LATEST: Inside man @insiderman2 · 1m King is trying to negotiate a price that will rid the club of long and hurtful contracts that's what the main hold up has been
  3. We've been playing pub teams up until now. We should have had ample time and opportunuty to devise a plan, an approach and a style of football that covers youthful energy, flair, organisation, power and purpose. Instead, we've played Lee McCulloch, brought back Foster and Smith and given contracts to the likes of Daly and Black. We have no style We have no system We have no plans We lack ambition on the field We should be excited by the prospect of this season because of what should have been built up over the past couple of seasons - but it's shaping up to be the same old, same old - literally !!
  4. I know it's maybe easier said than done - but IMO we have wasted an excellent opportunity to properly re-build whilst in the lower leagues.
  5. Jig should not command a first team starting place next season. Should be on the bench at most IMO.
  6. agreed mate. everyone knew he would do that move but most defenders were simply incapable of stopping him. Was fantastic to watch.
  7. With his back to goal, Mols was sensational at controlling the ball, dropping his shoulder and turning his marker in order to get a shot in or make a pass.
  8. Latest on this: FINAL ARRANGEMENTS FOR SAT 24th MAY PROTEST 2.30pm Muster point Mafekin Street just of Copland Rd near Louden Bar The Louden wil be showing re run of Barca 72 from 1pm for anyone arriving early Everyone will receive a red card for the board and a postcard to hand in telling them exactly why you are not renewing or buying a new season ticket We shall leave from muster point to either Argyle House or Ticket Office dependent on numbers and deliver your personal petition. Press photographers will be present and TV crews are expected so we would appeal that all bears who can attend should attend and make a very public and visual impact that will let the board and their faceless investors know exactly how you feel. We are bears everyday not just matchdays PLEASE SHARE A LINK TO THIS NOTICE ON ALL AVAILABLE OUTLET Thanks Craig
  9. I'm sure Laudrup wouldn't join us in our current situation. Maybe if we get proper change, but I'm sure he would not want to come in under this current Board and the unstableness of the club. BTW - some Scottish journo was on Talksport last night hinting that Michael Laudrup could be in line to replace TLB at Porkheid, with Wieghorst assisting him.
  10. RANGERS have booted out a £50,000 bid from Dundee United for wonderkid Charlie Telfer. United boss Jackie McNamara has targeted the 18-year-old midfielder as a top talent for the future. But an Ibrox spokesman said: “An offer of compensation has been received from Dundee United. It'’s been rejected. “The club wants Charlie to stay, we have made a good offer to him and talks are ongoing. “At no point has Charlie informed the club that he wants to leave.” Telfer may yet sign for United. If the clubs still can'’t reach an agreement they could be forced into a tribunal to set the fee.
  11. Would rather have Christian Dailly than Gunning ! Talking of whom - name dropping alert ! - I bumped into Dailly on Sunday at Chelmsford athletics track where my daughter was competing. I had a chat with him as he is doing athletics coaching around Chelmsford and also in Hertfordshire. He is currently doing a Sports Science Degree. Anyway - he was genuinely moaning about the state of our club and said that we needed to get 'that lot' out asap. He said he was up for the cup semi at Ibrox against Utd and spoke with several people who told him it was a complete mess and the players and manager simply don't respect the board and there is a huge divide. No surpises there. It was good to hear him speak so fondly of his time with Rangers and he just said he wished someone would come in and get us back on track. I will probably bump into him again on Saturday as there is a another competiton there this weekend. I will get his thoughts on Gunning !!!
  12. Ally and Coop were my Rangers heroes growing up. It hurts me to see how badly Ally is doing. He is not a mangager in a million years - and this is why I had reservations about him becoming manager in the first place as I imagined that it might turn out this way, unfortunately.
  13. My biggeest concern by far is the off the pitch situation and how that pans out - which will then feed into the on the pitch stuff. Agreed, the football was shocking at times last year, but we need to get the club under a stable condition and one where we can sustain a plan that will genuinely deliver good times back to the club. Under the current regime and situation the football is going nowhere - hence why we need off the pitch sorted.
  14. I agree mate - totally underwhelming. Not impressed at all. Hopefully Lemon snaps him up at whatever club he's going to !
  15. Quite frankly, the football is secondary at the moment. The whole of the clubs future is at stake for goodness sake. Once we get that sorted, we can re-focus on the actual football. Our biggest battle is off the pitch.
  16. I agree. But feeding this mob with more money that they can spunk away or pay each other off, award themselves disgusting bonuses, or employ PR people to defend them is not what ST income should be used for. Majority of fans have no confidence in those 'running the club' and do not trust people who will not disclose who certain parties are. What have they got to hide ? I am glad ST renewals are significantly lower than at any other time in the past 25 years or so. This is a positive move from the rank and file and will hopefully lead to a positive change and outcome.
  17. Starve them of money and change can happen. That is what is going on here. Giving this lot money up front when they have proved time and time again that they are incapable and can't be trusted is just asking for it. Enough is enough. Fans are using their power to dictate things by holding back money. Sooner or later this lot will be held up against a wall with nowhere to go. Then we can start to get our club back.
  18. Are you serious ?? Just because around 10k have renewed (I doubt it's even as much as that) doesn't necessarily mean that they are happy with this Board and the way things are run. There will be a fair few who just want 'their seat' and others will do it for the 'social' aspect. And even if the renewal bears did back the board - as you are niavely suggesting - that is still a minority. You must have to be washing your hair alot these days to get all that sand out. Maybe get your head out of the sand and you will see sense one day:rolleyes:
  19. Majority of fans are in agreement that the club is a mess and the current Board are not to be trusted, nor do they have the best interests of Rangers at heart. That much is clear. What we have is a noisy minority who have egos and are attention seekers and who have personal agenda's over other Rangers fans and groups. (Commonly known as mentalists) As mentioned, thankfully they are very small in numbers. These small groups cause a distraction from the main issue - that our club needs cleansed and new invetsment is required. The majority have spoken and renewals are dramatically down. Leave this noisy monirity to the side and ignore them., The rest of us can then get on with things and concentrate on trying to get our club back.
  20. VB's say they are "hated but rated". Rated by who exactly ?? Apart from Toxic Jack and the Brothers Grimm who actually rates them, apart from their egotistical selves ????
  21. Does anyone think the people running Astra Zeneca and or Pfizer are going to sue people who have been e-mailing them about the recent proposed merger, stating their dissatsfaction ?? We need to get a sense of reality here. This is just Irvine 'trying it on' again
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