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Everything posted by MoodyBlue

  1. Do we really rely on bears from NI that much, in order to have a big crowd at Ibrox ?? Realistically I don't think so. It's local bears 'just not fancying it'
  2. Hibs game at home will be very badly attended. But in saying that, why should it be ? You don't see a drop in attendances at Monday night football in the EPL. Yes - its a whole different league/standard - but they still manage to get the crowds in on a Monday night - even at the prices they charge. We will see a big drop in numbers. I know we will. But why ??
  3. a rare positive then. happy to hear this. I still think it's smoke and mirrors form ths current board and I do not trust them one bit..
  4. Jig should be nowhere near the first team IMO - but Ally will find him a role somewhere I'm sure.
  5. McCoist and Cooper were my Rangers faootballing heroes. However Ally is to much a Walter clone for my liking and has developed too may of Smith's bad habits. Some of the stuff Ally comes out with and does is cringeworthy.
  6. IMO he has not disappeared from this. His work will be being done in the background with all sorts of discussions, negotiations and influencing going on. I just cannot see that he will have walked away from this. He's a tough bugger and thankfully he is because that's exactly what we need from someone lik him in order to remove this horrendous group of people who are incompetent in the extreme and go through our club raping it on a regular basis. I have faith in King - I do believe he is still fully invoved in this. I don't think Dave King - the die ard Rangers man from Castlemilk - does surrendering.
  7. Completely disagree with all of that, but there you go. Stars cheapen it IMO. RFC crest tells everyone who we are - we don't need wee stars around it. We are Rangers.
  8. It's EXACTLY this kind of thing why I had huge reservations about Ally becoming manager in the first place. Him and Cooper were my Rangers heroes, however I just knew that by becoming manager he would potentially descend into a poor manager and have his reputation kind of damaged. He is not a football manager in a million years. And unfortunately he has inherited too many of Walters bad habits and football 'philosophy'. What manager in his right mind would take on a player again who trainied with us the previous summer and then rejected us for another club, only to invite him back again and potentially look to sign him up. Ally - you are doing yourself - and us - no favours with much of the stuff you come out with.
  9. Yep. You just have to look at the 2012/2013 home top which didn't have the stars and see how much better it looks.
  10. I really do wish we'd do away with the 5 stars. Really not a fan of them and for me it spoils the look of the RFC crest. Big RFC crest on its own is all we need. Dump the stars !! If we absolutely have to have them, then put them at the bottom of the jersey or on the neck at the back. Just not needed IMO.
  11. I'd hate to see them doing their worst then !! the 1972 scheme was simly a ploy from King to draw attention to it and also to get the message over to fans to boycott ST's. It wasn't a real scheme in the truest sense and he knew it. BUT it has worked and money that would normally be given to the club up front has been held back and has added pressure on to them. Quite simply - this board and their merry bunch of men are NOT to be trusted on anything.
  12. My worry is that someone is under the water playing 'find the sausage' !!
  13. Trying to copy Lennon's 'zonal marking' pish !!
  14. Did he ever pay back the £200k bonus ???! Did he not leave the club by mutual consent ???! so why is he entitled to this ?! Surely if you leave a company by 'mutual consent' with no 'benefit or bonus' you lose any rights you had under your contract of employment ? The whole thing stinks. Sick of it !!!!
  15. indeed mate - some very 'interesting' photos !! are they doing the hokey cokey in that one ?!!
  16. and will there be the same 'man bonding' as the last time ?!! http://www.rangers.co.uk/news/galleries/item/4414-lifes-a-beach
  17. IMO if anyone is up to the task of fighting a dirty battle, Dave King is. The died in the wool Rangers fan from the streets of Castlemilk is the man who I trust. as much as I wanted him to succeed, McColl didn't fill me with confidence that he actually had the heart and passion to see this through and ensure victory. King is a determined bugger and that is exactly what we need against this lot. He won't surrender like many before him have. IMO he will deliver mate.
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