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Everything posted by MoodyBlue

  1. Coincidence that this 'info' is released around the time of bad news for the board where they have no interest from investors for additional share. Trying to cover up bad news by any chance ?? Deny it if you wish, but VB's do have 'leanings' towards this board for some bizarre reason which is out of sync with the wider support. Just my take on it. That is all.
  2. I refuse to buy anything from our 'catering' outlets. Shit food and overpriced. Boycott it and maybe we'll see some change. Continue to buy it and the prices will stay high and quality wlll continue to be pish. I'm sure for 90 minutes people can go without food in reality.
  3. VB's are not popular with many bears mate - especially ones on other forums. VB's dealing on the board stuff don't go down well with some. Seen as a small, yet divisive group. Unless I am mistaken, they appear to side with the current board, which clearly is at odds with many bears.
  4. No - short greying hear. About 50 ish maybe. Small frame and about 5'6". Just stood there with both arms holding the flag in the direction of bears exiting the stand. As if he was making a point with his 'hated but rated' flag. Was a bit wierd and wasn't exactly going down well with other bears around where I was.
  5. Not sure mate. I was coming down the stairs and there was a group of about 6 or 7 bears behind me who were calling the chap all sorts of things and were starting to glare in his direction and seemed like they were going to go over in his direction before he folded the flag away and sloped off. Definitely felt some tension there.
  6. Noticed a wee chap holding up a VB flag at the end of the game on Saturday in South West Corner Upper, just standing showing it 'proudly' to all bears as they were leaving. From what I heard it was lucky the wee chap took it down when he did as a few bears around me were not happy with him and were 'going to have a quiet word' with the fella.
  7. Saw him heading in the main entrance with his mrs around an hour before kick off.
  8. You make them sound like a group who have all the Rangers support's interests at heart and who work hard for an united front in terms of the fanbase. They do anything but ! A divisisve group if ever there was one.
  9. what alot of nonsesne. VanguardBears doing their usual crap. And Laxey are not to be trusted. They do not have Rangers or Rangers fans interests at heart ffs. When will this ever end ?!!
  10. I think they will want a clean exit with no lingering accusations etc. So they go and are promised that nothing hangs over them. this may be as important as the price negotiation. There may well be more than DK in the sidelines with an interest in buying.
  11. IMO this board are at a dead end with nowhere to go. I think they finally realise this and don't fancy it anymore. I am sure they will be putting things in place in order to 'exit' with minimal losses. Their time is up. It's that simple. With price and condition met we will be rid of this lot in the not too distant future IMO.
  12. Not often I agree with you, but I do on this one. .....and is it just King, or are their other bidders out there as well ? Could be interesting times ahead.......... Feels like if certain conditions are met, then we ill have some movement and this board will be long gone and we can start to move on as a club once and for all.
  13. Agreed mate. Things are afoot IMO. Not through the woods yet, but IMO things are being worked on to finally conclude this shambles once and for all.
  14. Yes, we all would mate. I do think that this lot will probably have to come to a decision sometime soon - if they haven't already - that means they sell up and move away from this. IMO they are being backed into a corner and they are now limited to where they can go. Is it the case that they may have named a price to a potential buyer(s) and the negotiaton table is now a busy place in trying to reach a 'compromise' ?? That's my hunch.
  15. Indeed mate. We need releived from this hell. My Spider senses are tingling. 'Something' is happening IMO. And that 'something' feels like it may very well be a positive outcome at long last......................
  16. Methinks something is going on behind the scenes that may lead to this lot finally selling up. Just a hunch.
  17. Hivs game will be 20k max IMO. Hearts game, maybe somewhere between 35k and 40k.
  18. Feels like ticket sales not going particularly well
  19. Potential buyers out there for the club, that the board are negotiating with ??
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