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Everything posted by MoodyBlue

  1. I think this kind of thing would be announced at the end or the beginning of market opening hours
  2. I don't think he has looked happy recently. He's also not applying himself in the way that he was 12 months ago. Watch him - he walks more that he runs in games. I just don't think he will be a particulalry big loss. Gone are the days when I worry about losing any of our players because of their quality. We have no players of genuine quality and none coming through. Maybe if McLeod was to leave I'd be a bit upset, but other than that we have no special players who are worth making a fuss about.
  3. I think he will go - and I don't necessarily think he will be a particularly big loss. I think he has regressed in the past 6-12 months. He looked 'quite good' against part time park players - but I'm just not convinced about his ability at a higher level. Not mobile enough and too left footed. He will go IMO - chance to earn maybe treble what he's earning in what is a short career. In recent times I'd even question his effort - he appears to walk more than he runs. I have met him several times and he has been a gent - but I think we may be seeing the last of him.
  4. the 44,000 was a one off - next few home league games will be no more than 30k IMO - at very best. And the Clyde cup game will be around 12k.
  5. I'd say that there is the realisation from them that approving a new share issue at the AGM may not necessarily be a formality - hence they may very well be in 'discussions' with King now.
  6. I think that is what whill be forming part of the the negotiations - the current lot wanting assurances that they move off and there is nothing stuck on them in future.
  7. No-one is saying that all will be perfect straight away. There will of course be alot of work to do. Clearing up the mess that has been created over the past few years will be a difficuclt task. But at least we know we will have people in charge who are doing the right things for Rangers. Those involved over the past few years have only had self interest at heart - NOT Rangers. Combined with stability and a proper and sustainable business plan and revenue streams, I believe we can start moving forward - and united. If the fans can see this and they know things are being put right, then I believe King will get the backing and time from the vast majority of the Rangers support. It's a rescue and recover mission that we'd all have to buy into.
  8. For those asking "what happens if/when King takes over" I think it's quite simple. At a high level: We will have someone who genuinely has the clubs best interests at heart We will have someone who is in a position to provide the necessary finance We will get the club stabalised in the first time in years We will have a team appointed at Board level who will work hard to get the club going again We will have finances to be able to improve the quaility of the football team We will have a scouting network We will have no issue with leaseback on our assests We will have people in place who will not neglect Ibrox stadium and will ensure it is brought back up to the standards that it deserves We will have an owner who will ensure our voice is heard in the Scottish game and wie will not be walked all over ....and so on.
  9. Agreed mate. I obviously know nothing on the timeline, just a hunch really. I think we will see very low crowds in the coming weeks/months. In terms of crumbling round about them, I think we're just about there really.
  10. King has never gone away and several of us have mentioned that. It is getting to the point where the current Board and hangers on know their time is up and they have nowhere to go. They have no money and they can't raise any money. The game is a bogey and the negotioations wiull all be about the current lot getting out with minimal fuss and accusation and King settling on a price with them. I believe we are hurtling towards and end game. If pushed, I'd say that by late Sept early October, Rangers will be in new hands.
  11. Desparate. This Board can't continue, it's as simple as that. They are done - and they know it.
  12. Agreed - the football side of things need rid of the Walter/Ally approach. It's chronic.
  13. IMO they have been seeing Neil Warnock as a replacement for a long time.
  14. We were utterly clueless - again. There is nothing there. No spark, no imagination, no intelligence. Nothing. Just flat and devoid of any purpose. I said after the Derby game that we were dire and saw nothing that gave me hope for a positive season. This team and management are not fit for purpose and are just carrying on the same pish from ladt season
  15. "Please, please, please someone buy us out." That's all this is about. They are getting desperate.
  16. King has played a blinder. Got his message out a few months ago and then all he has had to do is sit quietly on the sidelines while the board crumble and have no money and nowhere to turn to. King has ensured that the board now want out and have had enough. King will get his way sooner rather than later thankfully.
  17. To be fair, the 'Petrofac Training Cup' is the shittiest of shit competitions.
  18. I think it's just a game of smoke and mirrors mate - with King the main focus. I've mentioned before that IMO the board are wanting out and are trying to deal with King, directly and indirectly. They will be trying to iron out bits and pieces so that they can leave without too much fuss and with no comeback on aything in the future. Then of course there is the price wich will have started at one point and will move to a 'compromised' price that everyone can settle on. Green's wee bit at the moment is in relation to share price IMO. That is all. I do believe there is an end game being played out. There simply has to be.
  19. Green's not coming back ffs. This is all just more bullshit. And quite frankly, I 'm not sure Tom Millar knows what day of the week it is !! so would never take him seriously.
  20. I hear what you are saying - but IMO this board (although they won't say it publicly) will be wanting out of all of this. IMO the negotiations will be about them minimising any losses, trying to save face and move away with a clean cut with the proviso that no-one can come after them for anything in the future. I think this is what is going on behind the scenes and a 'compromise' is being worked on to allow King to takeover.
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