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Everything posted by MoodyBlue

  1. yes - I genuinely believe so. The writing was on the wall for this kind of stitch, sorry, set up. Under a different Baord and set of owners this concept could have been really constructive. Under the current mob it will only be destructive.
  2. Nothing wrong with being wrong. But there have been countless examples over the past few years which should have alerted anyone to this kind of thing. Our Board and the people involved in 'running' our club and the 'PR' side have absolutely NO interest in the fans or what they think. The RFB is - probably soon to be 'was' - just a mechanism to make it look as if they cared and wanted to listen. Nothing could be further from the truth in that regard. I've called it a sham since the second it was announced - and it clearly has turned out to be exactly that.
  3. Surely you must have known this from the outset though ? Surely ?? Not trying to be clever, but many of us said exactly this as soon as this idea was put forward. The whole thing is a complete sham and has been from inception.
  4. I'm no expert in each scenario, but you do have to look at BH's removal from RST, SD and now RFB. Is there a theme/trend here ? Genuine question.
  5. Spot on by UoF. I assume it was put together by Chris Graham ? Excellent piece as usual.
  6. When it was launched, many of us said it was a sham. Since the details of the first meeting were released it has been clear that it is an absolute joke and a mess. It has no legs and will be disbanded before the season ends IMO. Another disaster from the club.
  7. That wouldn't surprise me in the slightest. And in reality that's part of the reason we are in such a mess. A fair proportion of our fans are anti this , anti that - anti other Rangers fans/groups/individuals/'forums' etc. Is it any wonder we are in such a ridiculous state ??! We will NEVER move forward under these conditions.
  8. I think you need to realise that hardly anyone voted in this whole thing. A tiny fraction of the 23k, maybe, but I wouldn't get too high and mighty about a vote that hardly anyone really cared for or participated in. Is this all about you, or Rangers fans best interests, BH ?? Genuine question.
  9. RSA RSC's RST FF RFFF NARSA RM VB UoF SoS Gersnet RFB etc. etc. etc. etc. We are fragmented beyond belief. Hence why those coming into our club have been able to take the piss knowing full well that we are a dis-organised bunch and will provide no fightback to them. IF we had been united over the past few years, I'd say that this mob would have been run out of town long before now. But we started from a position of weakness and we have weakened even further. Toxic has ben partly responsible for managing a campaign of war and lies against many sections of our support. But at the end of the day we are all big boys and should have had the foresight to unite and fight back. Many chose not too, but chose to fight for their own wee 'corner' , ego's and agenda. This latest group is already filled with arguement, distrust, ego's, self promotion and lack of genuine cohesion and strategy. We never stood a chance. And still it goes on. Look what we have become ffs
  10. Deep down I would love it to work mate. Of course I would - and particularly for the genuine people like yourself who have genuine intentions and want to make positive change and let our supporters have a voice to exert beneficial changes for the fans and club as a whole. Unfortunately I don't believe anyone within our board will listen to that voice - and if they do it will to an absolute minimum. Look at the track record of this bunch of parasites. They are literally doing nothing of worth in order to benefit our club. They don't care. They have no passion for our club. They see the fans as enemies - and have used 'PR gurus' to fight us and create havoc amongts the fanbase.. What a waste of 3 years it has been. After all that happened to us, we have completely wasted a great opporunity to re-build and come back even stronger. Massivley f.ucked off with the shambles that we are. And the last thing we need is another shambolic board/forum which already seems a mess. Personally I wish you well and sincerly hope that having you on this board can maybe, just maybe, create a positive outcome of some sorts.
  11. That can be easily answered now, in that they will do nothing to make us the best again. They have no intentions of doing so, they treat us with utter contempt and are just there to preserve certain financial benefits for them and their masters. The stadium's a mess, the team is a shambles, our management team are incompetent, we have no strategy to genuinely move forward after this disaster over the past 2/3 years. On and off the park we have wasted the past 3 seasons when we should have been re-building constructively. We've gone backwards in every sense. The board are doing NOTHING to assist in the genuine development and progression of our club. Not one thing. This will not change under their 'leadership'. and this fans board is just a sham made up to make it look as if they care.
  12. You get the feeling this sham is dead in the water already. Shame for forlanssister as he has genuine intentions and is not all about 'self promotion'. Seems the same can't be said for some others................
  13. This should have been a great opportunity to voice the fans opinions and thoughts at grass root level. And it should have been an opportunity to publish the responses from our so called masters. However, this appeaers to be (and I can't say I am surpised, with some of the people involved - not including forlanssister) another wee game that will have no impact. I predict that some members will resign and it wont last a full season. Some of the suggestions/proposals already from 'certain people' leave alot to be desired and do not appear to be in the best interests of the Rangers fans. This ain't going to end well IMO.
  14. I think you are 100% correct that Nash has gone becuase he has seen the board will not accept anyone other than Ashley.
  15. I agree - King is not in this for the money at all. I don't believe for one minute that King would aim to benefit personally on a financial front.
  16. oh, absolutely mate. You can and will definitley try - of that I have no doubt. But I think you will be well aware that there will be no answers, information, proposals, insights or solutions discussed with the group. It will be a 'closed shop' and a 'nothing to see here, ove along now' repsonse as far as that's concerned.
  17. I sure it will mate. Decent and honourable people like you may raise this - but you will get nowhere with any answers with regard to this unfortunately.
  18. It just stuns me the amount of publicity McMurdo gets for being such non-entity who spouts absolute egotistic nonsnese. The on-line Rangers support should just ignore him and stop giving him the attention he craves. IMO we should start by NOT posting his guff on reputable sites like this.
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