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Everything posted by MoodyBlue

  1. Laxey may just be thinking that they can't be ersed with this anymore. We are a tiny part of their portfolio (as we are for the other 'investors'). Maybe, just maybe they want out and see no real benefit for them anymore.
  2. I agree. Ally has wasted a fantastic opportunity over the past few years. It could have been so different - but he has created an absolute mess and our style of football has been plummeted to new depths.
  3. Oh, I agree. Our 'manager' is not heping the situation one bit, as I have already mentioned in this and other threads many a time. However - has the lad really got what it takes to really kick on and go to a higher level ? I'm possibly in the minority - but I just don't think he has. I think he'll have a steady career, but I fear he will be another in a long line of young Scottish players who never really progress as much as they probably should. He does quite well in our team - but that is because the rest of the players are so ridiculously poor, so inevitably he will stand out a bit from time to time. It looks as if I am bashing him but I'm not - I just don't know if he will deliver what many think he will. I hope I'm wrong - but he also needs to get out of our club if he has any hope in hell of achieving and kind of greatness in the game.
  4. I know what you're saying - he does have talent and he does posess a decent football brain........but, I feel he lacks that 'something' that can make a genuine difference to enable hime to have much stronger performances. Hughes did some good things with the ball and went on runs and had good touches etc. But nowhere near enough. Consistency is what I'm looking for from McLeod. The manager isn't helping the situation, but the lad needs to take the bull by the horns in games. If he can't do this against pub players that we face week in week out he really doesn't stand much of a chance of going to a higher level. He's nowhere near ready for a game at Newcastle for example.
  5. Yes, he's probably better - but my comparison was more on the fact that I see similar personalities and confidence levels around the pitch. And does he have the necessary mental drive to succeed and push on to a genuine higher level of performance ? McLeod has been 'tidy' for us and nabbed the odd goal here and there. But considering the level of opposition he has been coming up against in the last couple of years, he hasn't exactly dominated or really 'bossed' many games - or really tried to. I'd like to see far more from him in that respect. Plays too much on the fringes of a game and can go missing for longish periods. To me, that is a sign that he lacks a certain level of hunger and desire - and maybe confidence. So, in that respect, I kind of see some comparison to Hughes.
  6. yes - and that's what I also see in McLeod. IMO, I can see him going the same way as Hughes. Decent wee career but struggling to fulfill any potential and just not having that extra bit of dig or gallus streak in him to achieve further greatness and all that stuff.
  7. Thompson should now be charged for bringing the game into disrepute with his incorrect allegations about our '2 year history'
  8. I don't think he has that 'gallus' streak that McCarthy had to be honest. Lewis reminds me more of Stephen Hughes. Tidy in patches, quite neat passer, decent football brain at times - but just doesn't have that extra 'oomph' that is required to take him to the 'next level'. I'd like to be proved wrong, but I think McLeod may not go on to as big as things as people are expecting/assuming.
  9. McLeod's distribution has been poor and his choice of pass seems a bit suspect at times as well. Yes he is a 'bit better' than our other players - but that's not exactly something to write home about. Considering the standard of player he is coming up against week in week out and the fact that he is not necessarily a dominant player in many games, I'm just not convinced the lad has the attributes to make it big in the game. Good player ? well, yes. Go on to much bigger and better things ? I don't see it in all honesty. Another Stephen Hughes in the making IMO.
  10. I think McLeod is a decent wee player - but I certainly don't buy into the hype surrounding the lad. yes he has been played out of position, but he's had a fair amount of poor performances in a blue jersey. I'm just not convinced that he is as good as others are making him out to be. If/when he does leave, IMO he'll be back as an SPL club within a year or two. As for the links to Newcastle - he wouldn't get anywhere near their first team. He's be a squad player at very best.
  11. Unfortunatley I'm not overly confident that he will get banged away for all of this. Got a horrible feeling that he may wriggle out of this yet.
  12. the slimy k.unt is going to get off with all this, isn't he ??!!
  13. Ashley has tapped into the ned/chav market via his sports direct venture. Millions of people in the UK dressed head to toe in 'sportswear' yet just hanging around council estates not doing a single piece of 'sport'. His shops are horrible, but he knows there is a huge market out there for this kind of stuff and the masses are happy to lap up his cheap Lonsdale and Slazenger gear, amongst other 'brands'
  14. Yep - I have every home jersey since 1981 - apart from the most recent two.
  15. First time in years that I haven't bought a single piece of merchandise, for me or my kids.
  16. We have one of the softest, apathetic, unorganised, divided supports in world football.
  17. I hope you're right mate, i really do - but I still remain cautious about this whole thing. "I'll believe it when I see it" as they say. P.S - do we know if his passport has actually been taken ? Edit: James Cook ‏@BBCJamesCook 4m4 minutes ago Ex-Rangers owner Craig Whyte charged with a fraudulent scheme in relation to the Companies Act. Bail conditional on surrender of passport Wouldn't put it past the coont that he'll stick two fingers up to everyone by topping himself now !!!
  18. There's a shock. i said earlier I wasn't getting excited about this, as we always get our hopes dashed. We simply don't get good news. When was the last time us bears got ANY good news. It just doesn't happen. NOTHING goes in our favour.
  19. I still can't get too excited by this. All we've known for years is bad news - nothing has ever turned out well for us. Staying very cautious at the moment. Glass half empty loyal !
  20. On these American/Canadian players, is it just me or does this seem like an utterly pointless excercise that will provide no benefit to us. Board just pretending to do things again - but no real substance behind it. I might iust give Ally a call and see if I can train with them for a week or so. Seems like it's an open house and everyone welcome Maybe all Gersnet members could have a week's training camp at Murray park ? Well every other coont is !
  21. and he has been worth every penny yes bears - to have the 'honour' of having oor Lee play for our club for the past 7 years or so, it has cost us in the region of £12m. His transfer fee alone was ridiculous for the standard of player he was. Money well spent/invested I'm sure you'll all agree
  22. I was gutted when we signed McCulloch. And to this day I have never changed my stance on this. I cringe when his name is read out on the teamsheet and have done since day one. The guy is a dreadful footballer and has made millions out of us in his time here. Can't wait to see the back of him to be honest - but no doubt McCoist will extend his contract !!! The worst 'captain' in our history.
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