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Everything posted by MoodyBlue

  1. If this lot never play for Rangers again, I will be delighted. Fair shout on the lad Murdoch though - yes I would stick him in the team. he simply cannot be any worse than we have been getting !!
  2. Could we have the below team for Saturday ? Still a pretty average bunch of players, but a rethink is definitely needed to what we have been served up in recent games. The regular failures should be bombed right out. Robinson Faure McGregor Zaliukas Wallace Templeton Law Peralta Shiels Clark Miller
  3. Spot on from John Brown: Former Rangers defender John Brown has warned the Ibrox support that the club's woes will not end with Ally McCoist's resignation. The Light Blues' board finally confirmed that McCoist had given 12 months' notice of his intention to quit on Monday morning after a weekend of speculation. The club issued a 7am statement to the London Stock Exchange in which they said they now planned to hold talks with McCoist. They also confirmed the manager's salary would rise to £750,000 for his final year of employment. Reports over the weekend suggested the 52-year-old was quitting in a bid to shift the focus away from his performance as boss and back on to the way the Glasgow giants are being run. But Brown - who was in the same Gers team as McCoist which won nine successive titles - insists Rangers will continue to suffer so long as the likes of Sandy Easdale and Mike Ashley are calling the shots behind the scenes. The former Dundee boss said: "Ally McCoist has given fans so many happy memories over the seasons as a player and in the recent times where he has given them back-to-back promotions. "He's had to put up with so much. He's had no support. The Easdales and others should hold their heads in shame. "But I honestly couldn't care what the fans are thinking about performances. Their club has a cancer in it and it needs to get cut out. "People need to wise up. Changing the manager is not going to change the situation. Until the Rangers fans realise that, their club is going to be in a sorry, sorry position." Some of the financial figures since the club was reformed in 2012 have been astonishing. It was announced earlier this year that almost £70million had been spent in the first two years following the club's liquidation meltdown. This year's accounts, released last month, show another £8.3million loss and that the club requires a similar sum just to survive until the end of the financial year. Newcastle owner Mike Ashley - who also holds a nine per cent stake in the Light Blues - has given the club a £3million loan but Brown is alarmed at the way the money is being spent. This year's accounts show that former chief executive Graham Wallace earned £378,000 from the day he joined the company on November 20, 2013, until the end of June, almost half of which was a bonus. Wallace also earned a £100,000 pay-off when he quit in October. Former finance director Brian Stockbridge, who left halfway through the season, earned £218,000. The club also stated that Stockbridge earned a £216,000 severance package. Another former chief executive, Craig Mather, received a £350,000 severance deal while ex-director Philip Nash made £131,412 in consultancy fees in the first six months of this year. Meanwhile, around 10 backroom employees were made redundant last month. Brown said: "Ashley has upped his shareholding in recent weeks and brought people in. But then we have seen people with a long service at Rangers, 40 years and more, being shown the door. "All the players know who these folk are - they were part of the family. So when you see that happening so know that things are ultimately just going to end in tears again. "It's soul-destroying. These folk who have left were not on big money but you have got so many people in the boardroom looking after their pals and handing out golden handshakes. It's disgusting."
  4. For any other club in the world in our position Saturday would be a day of strong protest and fans gathering outside the stadium on matchday and causing chaos. But in reality what will happen will be nothing. The game will pass with the Easedales etc going about their business as normal, without any 'challenge' form the fans. There will be no mass protest on Edmiston Drive and there will be no havoc caused. This whole thing is a complete shamble and a mess - but WE have allowed them to create this mess. Does anyone honesly thing the ****s would still be in this mess almost 3 years after the event ?? It hurts me to say it, but their mob would have sorted this out long before now. WE have been dreadful at getting off our backsides and really taking it to them. Instead, we're argued amongst ourselves, sat on the internet and virtually done nothing constructive. Quite frankly, we should have stormed the main doors by now and relaimed our club ! They have taken this piss out of us for the past few years because they know we are a soft touch - and that should be a horrible message to every bear out there.
  5. Throughout all this, the fans are being treated like shit by everyone at the club - Board, players, management team. We are left in limbo and nobody tells us anything. Quite frankly we should all be descending on Edmiston Drive and creating absolute havoc !!!!!
  6. There is no incentive for the players to perform as there is no competition for places. McDulloch will always get a game, as will Black and Law and Foster will feature along with Aird, miller, waste of space Daly and so on. He has used virtually the same team in the 3 most recent performances and we have been awful. If he is still here he will use the same duds again. That is simply not acceptable. To have players knowing they are guaranteed a game however poor they play is why we are in the mess we are on the pitch. Also, for months it has been glaringly obvious that we sit too deep to cover for McCulloch ' s deficiencies. We then have the midfield so far apart from the forwards. This basic stuff has been allowed to continue !!!!!
  7. Fair enough - but this is an opportunity for him to just go for their throats. The past is done - the present and future is what matters now. Maybe, just maybe he is now regretting some of his actions and is now ready to give them both barrels. We are at a huge crossroads - things have to come out now, or never.
  8. One thing Ally could do to restore faith within the support would be to come out all guns blazing and tell us all how it is. No holding back - tell us EVERYTHING. IMO Ally has been guilty of backing all CEO's and saying all the right things about them. Enough of that now - get it all out in the open and stuff any attempts at a confidentiality clause !!! Come on Ally - be a true Ranger and stich this mob right up and let's get the battle fever on t end this hell once and for all !!!!!!
  9. If this was the case, then I have no problem with that. I am no supporter of the board - far from it - but someone had to tell him that mcCulloch is shite and has no future and that he has brought in rotten players who have to go.
  10. The big man clearly hasn't seen us trudge through the past few years managed by a club legend who is in no way a football manager in a million years. Ally as a player - I idolised. Ally as a manager - someone who i grew to dislike, which hurts like hell.
  11. you may be right mate, but so many bears are also just disillusioned by the chancers running the club. The whole thing has sucked the life out of so many. It's going to be very difficult to get them all back. Some may be lost forever.
  12. Whole club is a mess -we can't even get a normal manager departure without all sorts of shite being thrown around and creating havoc. This is not the Rangers I fell in love with.
  13. If he is resigning - it HAS to be with immediate effect. None of this pish about 'I'll leave at the end of the season' You go now Ally, before you cause any more damage. You've had 3-4 years to build a footballing structure and bring a fresh football approach - you have failed miserably and have persisted with and brought in old journeymen who have been utter shite. It kills me to continue to critiscise you - as you and Cooper were my footballing heroes. Go now - but feel free to dish the dirt on the k.unts 'running' our club !!
  14. It's obviously kicked off today and things have come to a head. Legend as a player, but it has been painful to watch him being such a failure as a manager. he is never a football manager in a million years. And he should tell them to stick any confidentiality clause. I take it we have tweelde dum and tweedle dee to guide us through tonight's game ??! God help us !!
  15. I can only imagine a handful buying this to be honest. Vast majority of proper/non-mentalist fans wouldn't go near this.
  16. Embarassing. No proper fan would even consider buying this. Shows you how out of touch these k.unts are !!!
  17. Could be mate - but I don't think Crighton was necessarily on much with us ? £40k a year I think ??
  18. Could be that Laxey don't see a future for them within Ashely's Rangers and their power/influence/voice has been eroded. Guys like Laxey will move away in a flash and go on to their next venture. Any losses incurred are pennies to them in reality.
  19. Good that the truth is out there. Bears are deserting this Board - and Ally - in absolute droves. A statement has been made from the fanbase. This HAS to enforce change. Starve them out !!!
  20. Yes - but it may be the case that they just get fed up with all this shit and move on. Just a theory really.
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