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Everything posted by MoodyBlue

  1. He may be our 'best player' but is that actually saying anything ?? He has absolutely no competition for that accolade. He has also put is some pretty rank performances against pub teams over the past few years. I'm just not convinced he is as good as many Rangers fans think he is. Realistically, could he command a fee much beyond £1m to £1.5m ?? I don't think so.
  2. If he moves for £1m from us to Brentford, then I'd like to offer a cyber bet that his next move after that, he will move for less than £1m.
  3. I agree. I'm on record as saying I think he is a 'decent' player, but no more than that. He will struggle in England and will be back up in Scotland within 18 months and sign for the Sheep or the Arabs or some pish like that. I'm not actually convinced he will be a regular in the Brentford side.
  4. Canary Wharf Bee - I know one of your players quite well - Tommy Smith. Not really featured too much this season after his move from Cardiff. Scored when he came on in the first game of the season, but has been hit with some niggling injuries (old age !) and getting the odd sub appearance. He's a good lad and a good pro. Wanted to move back to the London area to be closer to his family as he's a Hertforshsire boy and jumped at the chance when Brentford came in for him in the summer.
  5. I'm really not convinced he will get a regular game for Brentford. His fitness won't be the best and I'm just not sure he will be able to establsih himself as a regular first team player.
  6. IMO he will be another in a huge line of 'promising' Scottish players who have tried their luck in England and have failed, only to come back up the road and dwindle their career away. I think he is a 'decent' player, but some of his performances (along with the rest of the team) have been dreadful at times. I certainly do not buy into the hype surrounding the lad - and I don't think he will be guaranteed a game at Brentford at all. His fitness will be a long way behind their players for a start. He might get the odd game from the bench but not much more IMO. Will be back in Scotland within 18 months. Mark my words. Good luck to him - because I think he'll need it.
  7. I still predict he'll be back up the road at a Dundee Hivs or a Sheep within 18 months. He'll be a squad player at Brentford IMO.
  8. Durrant was classic "jobs for the boys" - and it has been an absolute shambles.
  9. And Durrant ' s contribution in the past few years has been what exactly ??? Waste of a wage.
  10. Durrant has done nothing to merit remaining at the club, never mind staying with the first team. Durrant should be booted out as well. Worst thing that could have happened was this 'coaching' team being 'mentored' by the dinosaur Smith. They copied too many of his bad habits.
  11. Yep - he was working for BT Sport at the game last Friday.
  12. My deed granny would be an improvement on Boyd and Daly !!
  13. What a mess. Our club is the laughing stock of world football. No club on earth is having to endure the nonsense and turmoil that our is on a daily basis - and there seems no end to it or the increasingly bizarre nature of it. Utterly, utterly sick of it.
  14. Exactly mate - and yet good honest hard-working people who were part of the fabric of the Club were being laid off last week.
  15. Grant Russell @STVGrant · now 19 seconds ago Not announced to stock exchange yet but Rangers International Football Club plc yesterday appointed Matthew Wood as their secretary. Grant Russell @STVGrant · now 16 seconds ago Matthew Wood, 41, is the managing director and owner of CMS Advisory Group, a “one stop shop service for companies corporate advisory". Grant Russell @STVGrant · now 4 seconds ago Matthew Wood is also FD of two other companies, and non-exec director of Westminster Group plc & Dynamis Plc.
  16. No matter what we all think about Ally, if it is today that there is a departing of the ways, I will have a lump in my throat and possibly a watery eye. I am not a fan of him as a manager - but he, along with Cooper, was may Rangers footballing hero. I have a brick in the Ally McCoist panel at the stadium. So, if/when he finally leaves it will actually be quite a sad and reflective moment. I don't think it has hit us all yet - and when it does I feel many bears may feel the same as me, even though most of us agree that from a managerial perspective, it just hasn't worked out and probably was never going to. As a club, where we go next is absolutely crucial. Because this certainly isn't the club I fell in love with all those years ago. Sad times, sad fucking times.
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