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Everything posted by MoodyBlue

  1. £10m loan from the Fat Controller: BBC Scotland has learned that the Newcastle owner Mike Ashley is ready to provide a loan of about £10m to Rangers but wants security of Ibrox Stadium and the club's Murray Park training ground. The so-called Three Bears consortium, led by the businessman Douglas Park, is believed to have offered a counter loan of about half that amount. That group wants two seats on the club board and security over Murray Park. However, it is thought the Rangers board feel the £5m loan is not enough. The club needs a major injection of cash within the next few weeks just to continue as a going concern. Rangers released a statement last year assuring fans that the club's stadium would never be used as security. Negotiations between the board and the Park consortium, comprising Park, George Letham and George Taylor, have been ongoing since they took their shareholding in the company to about 20% at the end of last year, but so far no agreement has been reached. The board are understood to favour a joint funding package including cash from Ashley, who has already provided a total of £3m in loans. Murray Park The Murray Park training ground at Auchenhowie has six full-size pitches among its list of facilities Rangers have paved the way for the acceptance of Ashley's loan by lodging advance notices of security against Ibrox and Murray Park on behalf of Sports Direct, Ashley's sportswear company. The notices of security, lodged with the Register of Scotland on 15 January, mean that only Sports Direct can be granted security on the properties for a 35-day period. They also have the effect of making it impossible, for the next 35 days, to accept the security condition of the Three Bears' offer. The Murray Park training ground, which opened in 2001, is situated at Auchenhowie, just outside Glasgow. The group would look to convert their loan funding into equity at a later date, but this avenue is not open to Ashley after the Scottish Football Association rejected the Newcastle United owner's request for permission to raise his stake in the club above 10%. As well as chairman David Somers' assertion that Ibrox would never be used as security against a loan, Brian Kennedy's request for it was denied when he offered a £3m emergency loan late last year. The Ibrox directors instead opted for a £2m loan - later raised to £3m - from Ashley, who owns 8.92% of Rangers. His long-time associate Derek Llambias has since been appointed chief executive at Ibrox while Barry Leach left his role as an executive at Sports Direct to become finance director at the club. "The board has given public assurances that Ibrox would not be used for any type of security," said Chris Graham of the Rangers Supporters Trust. "We will be liaising with other shareholders to see what legal remedies are available. This is precisely why we campaigned so hard to protect our stadium. "It is quite clear that Mr Llambias and Mr Leach are only in place to ensure that Mike Ashley retains power. "This board has to be removed immediately and the fans have to make their feelings known in the strongest possible terms. This is the final straw." Rangers have yet to comment.
  2. Our merchandising deal. 7.6million spent by fans in 1 year on merchandise. Rangers FC received just 590,000. Sports Direct kept 7 million. How much is required to keep us going until the end of the season? 6.5million? Mike Ashley is loaning us our own money, he is securing these loans (which he knows we can't pay back) against assets. I have had enough of this. DIRECT action is required - if storming the main doors to reclaim our club is what it takes, then so be it !!!
  3. I hope this isn't the case - sounds like quite a wishy washy outcome if it were to be true. Need them ALL gone and out the club.
  4. Whatever happens, serious money is required to get this club back on it's feet as a competitive machine. A full rebuilding job is required in all areas of the club. And bearing in mind we will very probably be in the Championship again next season, it's going to be a long slow road for the next few years whatever happens.
  5. if ever the phrase 'no news is good news' was to be our hope, then it is now !! Please god - for the love of Rangers, let it be a good outcome for once !! We have served our time.
  6. Extremely nervous. I know there must be 'stuff' going on in the background, but for the love of god, they need to have sorted this by now. Taking far too long and the fans are not being considered. We're facing another season in the Championship because of sheer incompetence and stubborness of all involved in the past few years. Get it done ffs !! Cue - an Ashley loan !!!
  7. I'd give them as much as they want. It can only futher highlight the state we are in and the anti board sentiment, if people were to see a huge travelling support and the Rangers sections empty in most areas.
  8. It will be a hollow victory. Will be like a boxer fighting his opponent who has his hands tied behind his back. No genuine satisfaction to be gained from that.
  9. I expect an absolute hammering. We don't have any players capable of doing anything against this mob. The ****s are very poor - but we are on another level of rubishness !! We are not a team. We can barely string two forward placed passes together. We have no cohesion. McCulloch is dire so defence and midfield sit so deep, creating a huge gap to the forward(s) Daly is the least mobile forward I have ever seen (followed closely by Boyd) Defeatist attitude maybe ( think realistic)- but we don't stand a fooking chance and it will be an utter humiliation. However - surely even when they batter us, it's just a hollow victory for them ?!. If the roles were reversed, yes, I'd have a laugh at their expense - but deep down I'd not take a massive amount of satisfaction in beating such a poor team in such a dire position.
  10. News seems to have slowed down/gone eerily quiet. Very nervous. Just do not want to see an 'Ashley has provided a loan' headline whatsoever.
  11. Have you recently been banned from FF or something ??
  12. Whatever the situation, I'm sure TB's/King are working away in the background. However, they need to get their finger out soon and get this done. We are all frustrated. Because of the on-going delays, it looks as if we are heading for another season in the Championship. Again, if things had been done earlier, this did not necessarily need to be the case. We now have all our eggs in one basket - and I feel quite uneasy about the outcome.
  13. No alram bells here. A reputable and genuinley successful businessman and an owner of a sports team in the U.S's huge sports league. He also said if they need his help in the future all they have to do is ask. Who the hell are we to dismiss this guy ?? Look at where we are. Look at what we are. And as we go along, we'll get another Asshley loan soon. Brilliant.
  14. In what way was his cover story fanciful ??? We've also heard more from him and his intentions that any others during this process.
  15. I know there have been various 'reasons' for this not happening, but when you think about it, McColl, Kennedy, Park, King and others could have totally combined and blown this lot out the water long, long before now. All claim to be Rangers men (well not Kennedy really) - but have they really put the love of their club ahead of the love of themselves ? I think not. It's absolutely tragic that the wealthy bears have let this drag on for so long. And don't give me the 'McColl can't invest' etc.etc. He's put excuses in the way. If he really wanted to he could have done. So frustrated that we are where we are when there was no need for it to be this way.
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