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Everything posted by MoodyBlue

  1. Agreed mate. I don't think his football brain is particularly intelligent. Yes, he has played the game. But it's one thing playing and doing all the instinctive things that he did oin the pitch. But it's another thing discussing tactics and installing a football strategy into a football club/team. Ally is not capable of being a proper football manager. His stint as an 'analyst' on ITV when Scotland played Engand at the Piggery was quite embarassing really.
  2. STATEMENT: The RFB are of course aware of yesterdays press conference fronted by the Requisitioners. We were impressed by their frankness,realistic attitude and vision.We look forward to hearing more as the situation develops.
  3. Can't see oor Ally waiving any pay off. His time in football management is done - he is not a football manager. And the bubbly 'character' media Ally that we saw decades ago is no longer - and his football analysis is utterly absymal.
  4. I've no concern for the 'existing' players. They have consistently let us down time and time again - and they have pretty much been guaranteed a game no matter what kind of performance they put in.. Who gives a damn if they are upset by some players coming in who will challenge them in their positions. I am sick of our current players and management.
  5. Do we want to stand a chance of play off succes ? If so we had to change the personnel on the pitch. The current lot are murder. I think we all agree the way we have got to this is far from ideal, ot say the least. But we are where we are and have got 5 decent players who will be keen to show what they can do and kick start their careers.
  6. If his football 'analysis' at the recent Scotland v England game is anything to go by, I don't exactly think that broadcasters will be lining up to demand his services.
  7. Yes - 3 of them. Ferguson, Vuckic and, Bigirimana. I even recall Bigirimana scoring a decent goal in the Carling Cup a couple of years ago - against west ham or Wigan I think. Have only seen bits of these guys. But I have seen plenty of our lot to know that the new guys will struggle to be ay worse.
  8. In reality - were bears happy for the status quo to continiue and the same players continuing to put in dire, gutless performances week in week out ?? And were we prepared to allow McDowall to contiunue to pick his clique players even though they were performaing so poorly ?? People going on about the loanees being 'guaranteed' a place - let's just see how this pans out - but right now, consistently poor performers like McCulloch, Simonsen, Foster, Black, Law and so on have been guaranteed a game for months/years. That is just as bad. No-one is saying this is an ideal situation - far from it. But something had to happen on the pitch.
  9. McDowall - and Ally before him - have been embarassment to the the position of Rangers manager.
  10. Taking aside all the financial mess and irregularities from the current and previous board members - does Kenny McDowall actually warrant a pay off of hundreds of thousands of pounds? Yes, technically he is due this via his mental salary/contract - but look at these figures and look at what he has done in his time with us. He has earned more than enough from us - in reality he shouldn't be rewarded with a penny more IMO.
  11. Generally I agree with your points mate. The whole thing is a mess. However the footballing side HAS to improve - that much clear. There were probably two choices - if we want to stand any chance of going up via play offs then we had to make player changes. If we're not bothered about promotion then we could have kept the status quo. We have obvioulsy decided on the former - and with a maager who has handed in his notice and is clearly incompetenet it has been decided to get ruthless with a target of play off success. Only time will tell where this leads us - but I welcome fresh blood into the team..
  12. I hear what you are saying mate - and generally agree. I see it that we have been given five decent players and the message is that they will improve the team - so they should be played until such time that their performances are clearly not fit for purpose.
  13. Mate - I am well aware of the f.ucked up position we are all in. It's a shambles of a mess. There is no denying that. On this, I am trying looking at it purely from a footballing perspective - and I am not against fresh players coming in who will generally improve the team and create competition for places/give the current shysters a kick up the erse. But they probably dn;t care anyway because they know most of them will be out on their erses comr end of May. Ang quite rightly so. None have done anything to warrant a new contract. McDowall has no right to be at the club after what himself and Ally have done. It's purely self centered financial greed that is keeping hm there for the time being. If he doesn't like it he can leave - and I'm sure he will survive in his big house and piles of cash in the bank that he has made from his (failed) time at our club.
  14. A combination of McCoist and McDowall have totally ripped our footballing strategy to pieces. We had an oportunity to re-build from the fouth tier. However, they have squandered a hell of alot of money on dire players and given them a holiday camp environment ply their trade. Why should McDowall be trusted any further ?? I despise the board, but if we want to stand any chance of promotion then a move like this may make sense over the next few months. Again - go Kenny if you want. Actually - please f.ucking go ! I'm sure you're not going to be homeless on the streets due to lack of money.
  15. McDowall has earned an absolute fortune in his time at Rangers - way, way over in relation to what he has actually delivered. Even if he was to walk, he'd hardly be eating beans on toast for the rest of his life. I have asbolutely no sympathy for him.
  16. It's more hope that McCulloch, Foster, Black etc. will be the ones dropped mate ! Unfortunatley McCulloch will continue to be selected - which is rewarding failure. I'm not happy with that. The ones coming in simply can't be any worse than we have. Worst team in my lifetime - and I grew up watching some right pish in the early eighties. They have been playing at a much higher level where they have been on loan. The Championship in Scotland is the pits in terms of standard. These players will be fine.
  17. People getting all hot and botherd by this - which is fine. However, I see it a s short term thing. King will win the EGM and then we can get back in place for next season.
  18. Clearly I'm in the minority on this one - which is fine. When it comes to on field performances though, enough is enough. The current lot don't care - and most of them are guaranteed a place as it is. See McCulloch, Foster, Wallace, Black, Law, and so on. So - if it means we bring in better, hungrier players then so be it. And if it means the lies of Black and McCulloch are chukced form the team then all the better. I'm not saying this is the 'ideal' way for this to come about. However we have incompetence on the pitch and incompetence in the dug out - something has to give if we want to see improvement. With the 'current' mob I have absoluetly no confidence that we would go up through the play offs - noen at all. Maybe this bit of tinkering with the team can at least give us a chance of that. No-one is stoppimg McDowall going other than himself. He has been a failure at Rangers and does not justify more money.
  19. It couldn't get any worse in terms of on field performances. The current lot are a joke,
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