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Everything posted by OnlyOneAmoruso

  1. How would Thompson know we are putting in a bid for 16 to 18 youth players? Seems such an exact figure.
  2. Crack the whip more often Frankie, some good posts coming out today I agree with N_L in that the property angle is not necessarily a bad thing. It's been mentioned to me that if Ellis takes over the club, regenerates Hinshelwood and the surrounding area, puts the club on a sound(er) financial footing and skims some profits off the top then he is still taking money from the club which he shouldn't be doing. Personally, I don't have a problem with a deal being mutually beneficial to both parties. It may be the only way we can get ourselves on an even keel and due to the lack of other investors, may be the only option we have right now.
  3. I think the article is talking about QPR and has referred to them as Rangers. Bombed big time at Newcastle but found his feet again at Crystal Palace. Scored 22 goals in all competitions this season as far as I know. Not bad for a midfielder.
  4. In my mind the Rangers buy-out committee was only formed in the (un)likely event that certain non-executive directors made a bid of their own.
  5. I wonder how much of the �£45k they'll be paying for him?
  6. Are you feeling ok? I don't think anyone will treat any new owner with blind faith in the future. That's one thing we can thank Murray for.
  7. That's an absolutely tremendous post maineflyer and echoes a lot of my own feelings. We wait and hope to see if Ellis disentangles us from Murray.
  8. I want to hear you say 'warmer' in the flesh. It would be an experience I bet.
  9. I don't have much reputation to put at stake anyway stewarty. I doubt MF could think less of me if he tried
  10. Very little debate on Follow Follow? I'd say theres probably too much if you look at the financial threads
  11. It's certainly the most active forum even with the many, many banned accounts. A quick scan and comparison of RM and FF's front pages tells you that. There are threads that were last replied to 3 days ago still on RM's front page. On FF, the last thread on the front page was last replied to at 11:38 today.
  12. Agree with most of what you say there to be honest. The fact FF is still comfortably the largest Rangers site on the internet must mean they are doing something right though.
  13. Go for it then. I'll stick my neck on the line and say we'll know by Monday morning.
  14. Shhhhhh don't mention the war!
  15. Is it due to the inability to provide any feasible and reasonable argument that you two feel the need to throw in patronising nicknames? Regardless, I enjoy them Not about the glory, if you'll notice I haven't taken the lead here or on FF despite hearing all information at the same time as others.
  16. There is no official stance apparently. Their unofficial stance is another matter and it doesn't appear to favour Ellis in anyway.
  17. What site would that be I wonder? You and wabash are quite the little tag team on here, I'm enjoying it, but not quite as much as I'll be enjoying it in the very near future
  18. As sure as it's Saturday you can guarantee if something is being said on RM it'll be, as you so wonderfully put it, 'bollox' Suck wants to believe the info is suspect and thats entirely his prerogative. See you in the rosie
  19. I don't quite understand why the information provided is looking less and less credible by the day when at no point did sccgers or the separate source state when the completed deal would be announced. Feel free to bump and moan if a suitable amount of time (its only been 3 days, not a week as was suggested above) has elapsed. PS - Wabash likes to make out he has moles on FF who feed him information when really he's just hiding over there under a false name. Incredibly brave
  20. The publisher of the rumour can say what he likes. He isn't how I originally heard about is. His information balances up with what has been said. I actually forgot about you over here until now. Your scepticism and guffawing being nothing more than the words of an internet blowhard could be the icing on the takeover cake
  21. Pretty sure NL has already offered to be in the same room as you when making a call. Didn't you take him up on that offer?
  22. Compare and contrast a few things: The teams Larsson and Boyd played in. The quality of the Rangers and Celtic teams both played against. The amount of minutes Larsson played against Rangers in those 4 seasons compared to Boyds in each of the last 4 seasons.
  23. Kris Boyd should be above petty criticism after his goal scoring exploits.
  24. You might have at least posted the article from it's source.... http://www.followfollow.com/news/tmnw/who_is_andrew_ellis_525702/index.shtml
  25. Excellent article. I agree with Bluedell's sentiments but there are a lot of Celtic misdemeanours to go through in fairness.
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