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Everything posted by OnlyOneAmoruso

  1. Coming across as rather bitter for reasons unbeknown to myself. Mark or Stephen certainly do not class themselves as 'The RST.' I can understand why people perceive you and others to have anti RST sentiments. The reason for this is personal agendas and problems that have been encountered in the past have caused others and perhaps yourself to take a dislike for members of the board so much so that when the RST is spoken of by yourself and others its always with a negative tone. Maybe that's why people believe you to be anti-RST even though it's obvious to me you care even if you're opinions are a little bit....interesting.
  2. Excellent post Bluedell. As you say, mistakes have been made and no-one is perfect. I don't think anyone would ever claim to be. Criticism should be welcomed and taken on board, I don't doubt it is. It's how the Trust will continue to grow and hopefully make an impact in the potentially exciting times we find ourselves coming into.
  3. Maineflyer appears to be asking questions of myself and UCB, relative newcomers to the Trust and with different degrees of relevance within it with regards to things that happened 18 months ago. Why, I'm not so sure, neither of us were there and as UCB says, we only know the information we have been told from various different angles and viewpoints. Perhaps it would be more pertinent for maineflyer to address Trust members who were actually involved if he seeks these answers so desperately?
  4. It's a pity the petty stuff has to happen at all Frankie.
  5. Being kept informed is all we can expect right now.
  6. I don't think so either. I think whoever resigned did so of their own free will and they believed that they had no choice but to.
  7. You said more agrees with you than agrees with the RST. If its a direct comparison then that is 'most' You're getting rather agressive in your posting style and appear to be taking umbrage at the fact I don't know the RST's member count. I am only a member of the RST, I have not met another member of the RST and have only had contact with a select few. Signing off for now as I mentioned above.
  8. Well you'll have to accept my apologies on that one. Like I said to Frankie the other day, I'm not party to nor do I wish to know about what happened 18 months ago I can only comment on what I see and throw my weight behind something I believe in. I see is an organisation trying to make a difference and I see others attempting to detract from this with contentious articles and anonymous sniping. Again apologies on the slating the RST comment, as I say I have no knowledge of who did what or even who is who with regards to resignations from the board. Will be logging off for now. Cheers
  9. I should have said independent organisation then
  10. Do you have any evidence of that? Most of the support agrees that the RST needs a new board? I believe most of the support is barely aware of what the RST is never mind who is on the board.
  11. I've already answered. What makes you think I would know the numbers? Judging by other websites and relevant conversations I've had it's blatant to see there has been a spike in memberships.
  12. I mean it shows more fans are taking an interest in the club. More fans are throwing their weight behind the only organisation who appear to be doing anything.
  13. Excuse my lack of knowledge of any other websites but did you have these complaints 2 years ago? If, as you say there has been no change whatsoever since inception then did you voice these concerns then? I only ask due to your 'current board' comments.
  14. I believe. I don't know the numbers.
  15. We could go round in circles again and again, putting up with facetious remarks both here and on articles on other forums but what good will it do. The bottom line remains, it doesn't matter who brings the club to the fans, as long as they do. You seem hell bent on slating the RST for not doing this despite the fact it has a very real chance of happening regardless. I realise the RST and fan ownership are not two things which MUST come hand in hand but its almost like you would be happy for fan ownership NOT to come to fruition just to spite the RST?(Apologies if that's incorrect but I certainly get the feeling that even if the RST had the best ideas in the world and implemented them effectively; certain people would still be complaining)
  16. Can I ask you what direction you believe the RST has now taken?
  17. I believe there has been a significant spike in uptake which can only be good news for Rangers as a whole.
  18. Calscot & maineflyer. I'd have to disagree, respectfully of course. Various other groups have shown themselves to be interested in self glory and willing to cause a lot of damage to reach their aim. The RST have dealt with a lot of issues in their short time and are the only independent organisation with a voice in the current takeover climate we are in. They are to be commended and backed, not roundly slaughtered with snide comments on a message board.
  19. To be pedantic the mission will have been accomplished therefore how can it not be mission accomplished? It seems rather petty to me if all thats left to say at the end is 'Yeah we got supporter ownership but the RST didn't do it all by themselves, what a bunch of failures' I think a major problem in all of this is people who want recognition for things rather than focusing on getting the job done or doing what is right.
  20. Speaking only for myself I see fan ownership as the future and see that as being a big part of the RST aims. Whether thats achieved by default or not matters not a jot to me.
  21. Hey Bluedell, good to speak to you again. I think you're line of thinking is correct. Good and bad information is of course much appreciated to gain a broader picture. What could also be of benefit though is information which is concrete and full in it's content rather than information portrayed as bad which could in fact be irrelevant.
  22. Responding to abuse is a little bit different than just dishing it out willy nilly. Don't think it's really necessary from either side but it's not for me to explain.
  23. This isn't any walk of life though, this is a bit different. I don't believe definitive timescales should be set on this, make fun of that if you will. Is there a timescale on the war in Afghanistan? (realise that's not an accurate comparison but I'll use it anyway) No, there are various obstacles to over come before this comes to fruition. We all know the problems encountered during the Murray years so it's safe to say supporters ownership was very unlikely during this tenure. Now he's been gone what? 2 months and it's already a very real possibility. I'd say those timescales were pretty good to me.
  24. I know I don't believe they have Frankie but I couldn't give you a definitive answer on that.
  25. Thanks for responding. Was there a timescale at the outset of the RST? You'll have to forgive my ignorance on that one, I wasn't part of the Trust from the start. If not then I don't see why there needs to be now? Especially as it's plain for all to see that a supporters owned club is now far more likely than it ever has been. Surely, even if the RST are not SOLELY responsible for this (whilst still playing a part) then it's mission accomplished?
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