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Chic Sharp

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Everything posted by Chic Sharp

  1. Exactly. I think they'll ensure the steel is here before starting the Broomie. Having said that it all depends on who they get to sort it out.. if it's Graeme Parks I'd worry, only because we've not been told who the Projects Manager was. Was it GP? I'm all for the two stands being added to, and for the stadium capacity to increase all the way past what the tims have. I think after the Broomloan gets done it'll be after new owners/investors come in. Capitalism.. speculate to accumulate. Only higher capacity ensures higher incomes than the tims Cammy.
  2. The retail stuff was deals the crooked corrupt old Board entered into Green etc. While those deals were alive investment was hard to come by. Re Parks I'm sure his investment was underwritten* by King. As I recall reading it was easier for King to get money out of South Africa if they were in the form of debts. Capitalism in SA has become bad. Also, the fight between Ashley and King was taken away from Rangers, despite it being a Rangers problem. He did that to encourage further investors as the SA authorities limited him taking cash from the country. King's intention was to cede power to the fans group. Not complete power but the 25% in order to ensure there was no dilution of % shares of others by the printing of new shares - Parks etc did that and I'm still not sure if the fans group Club1872 managed to maintain their % share. All in order that a Murray type figure didn't gain total control again. *I think that meant if Rangers went belly up King would give the money back to Parks etc. As you can see I'm a DK supporter and therefor biased. The nightmare scenario is Parks dying and leaving his idiot son Graeme with his shares.. A real nightmare.
  3. Must say being on RTV I wish they'd give us the FULL MATCH VIDEOS from the ladies game rather than the men's games.😁 2 points ahead of them and scoring so many goals. Maybe if Phil gets sacked we can appoint Jo? Only half kidding btw.
  4. You can easily take them near the gate between the West Enclosure and the Broomloan - just need to use a zoom from any device Mac.
  5. I would and being Rangers daft I'd be working day and night with only the occasion take-away to see me through. 5-10 going all out and 2-3 days you'd see big forward movement. Haven't a clue how they're doing in the toilets and food outlets etc but surely 'shopfitters' know how to batter in with that type of thing. Pitch? I did a course in Landscape Design and Construction so can only guess based on poor pics - be nice if one of the folk doing the tours would take a zoomed in picture.
  6. Thanks for that Bluedell. Should be an updated one in the coming weeks months - lots of changes to Rangers and the European comps so still a wee bit to go.
  7. I dare say King would and I'd imagine plenty of other bona fide Rangers fans would step in and take them. When King with the two other fellas took over there wasn't many willing to invest because of Ashley etc.. we're now (thanks to King and those two other fellas) a good proposition. The only thing we need to guard against is Hedge Fund robbers and Tims - that shouldn't be an insurmountable problem. I don't see anyone wanting to push Parks out of the way on that Board and that's why he'll not let King back in. King is the best bet but because he's not in the country that makes others a bit suspicious. Not really sure how King is thinking but I do think him still staying in South Africa would present a big problem.
  8. Must say I'm not convinced. At the moment it looks like they're getting things ready (seats) to install. I suspect, just a suspicious person.. that the workers are just gonna have things ready enough for a few days overtime to get the thing done. Having worked in the building trade I have noticed how after 3 days there's not been any sign of improvement yet in a day or two it looks like they can get fired in and sort it quick. So 21st September against Dundee or 28th against Hibs? Those seats look easy enough to install.. they're in place, a wee drill and some bolts etc and they're sorted 5-10 men should be getting that done within 3-4 days in my opinion. Boxes put up there so I'd imagine those are new seats for the new rows. Thoughts?
  9. I think Parks gave that job to his useless son thinking.. surely that's pretty straightforward. D'ooh
  10. I disagree. Sometimes shareholders are just there for the short haul and others have other plans. Cheap / Free advertising.. I take a run down there every few days to see how the Copland is doing and see Parks Buses 🚌 parked there most times.
  11. Sometimes a cucumber 🥒 is just a cucumber. I'm a Rangars fan... since Jim Forrest...
  12. From Parks jnr and coward Stuart Robertson selecting Caixinho and him bringing in Beale. The Project Manager for Copland Road do over was I think.. GP and though he might have been sacked he's still on the Board. There was a reason King didn't vote for his re-election to the Board. The 'new' Chairman / CEO.. will he be a pal of DP's?
  13. ..and take his useless sons with him. All Ramgers fans can see that when Dave King left Douglas Parks has made an arse out of Rangers. He put Bennett in as Chairman / CEO (a patsy) when that became clear. Leave aside the manager the real problem is him. No wonder he said having a Club1872 member on the Board was PROBLEMATIC.
  14. There are players you give a free role to.. Laudrup Gazza etc but they were still team players. Cantwell was mot in that list and to be honest, like you I'll be happy to see him gone. At Blackburn I think it'll be Groundhog day..
  15. Some well worked goals. ..with comaraderee setting in. Relationships getting better. If we're not for from that lot in January it'll still be on.
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