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Chic Sharp

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Chic Sharp last won the day on October 15 2024

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  1. I'll look into that 'Libre Office' soon thanks.👋 At the moment msoffice seems not too bad. Think the problem at the moment is the amount of time it takes to save to the 'cloud'.... patience is required as when you just save to the laptop/pc and 'not' the cloud then the next time you open the files (if you're online) it can (I imagine) be a wee bit risky. I dare say they'll be better ms software available soon. Mediafire as a host itself is okay.
  2. Also, just noticed (unless the microsoft spreadsheet software is getting too bulky and deleting them) no wee blue dots that represent 'heiders' for us.. or them for that matter. I don't recall a 'heider' for us but then again, a few of the matches I haven't even watched. Says a lot about the wingers and the fact that with 1 up front it's easy to negate.
  3. They'll be updated after every game from Thursday 24th October, then lastly after the Hearts game on Monday 11th November.. just to ensure formula are working okay. Any problems downloading @The_Sharp_Files File 1 (Current Season): https://www.mediafire.com/file/bfn06rb2830n9g7/Rangers_1872-2025_Results_%28current_season%29.xlsx/file File 2 (Past Seasons😞https://www.mediafire.com/file/krpkmjgxwkkru0e/Rangers_1872-2025_Results_%28past_seasons%29.xlsx/file File 3 (Opponents Records😞https://www.mediafire.com/file/80lpqi2ymtrgrgj/Rangers_1872-2025_Results_%28opponents_history%29.xlsx/file File 4 (Ex players) : https://www.mediafire.com/file/y34a9vl49jprgx5/Rangers_1872-2025_Results_%28ex_players_profiles%29.xlsx/file
  4. After that one goal win the players took a standing ovation from the Rangers fans.. we're our own worse enemy at times.
  5. Spot on. It's like a Lego contraption.. if you have the right pieces you can make 'x' but if not 'y' will need to do... Clement won't use the players in a formation (3-5-2) that'll suit them better.. he'll continue being stubborn - I'd've thought the Board when extending his contract should've said IF IT'S NOT WORKING CHANGE IT!! Advocaat was good at changing tactics in different games and during them. Another thing he had was the ability to FIRE UP the team.. Same with Gerrard and Gio. Used to be I'd look forward to away games at the likes of Tynecastle, Pittodrie, Rugby Park and Parkhead, because we just knew Dick, Alex McLeish, Walter, Steven and Gio would have them fired up.. IT ISN'T TRUE ANYMORE. They win away at Tannadice and take the crowds applause.. Some say we'll be lucky to finish 2nd.. I suspect it'll be much worse than that, as Parks will fancy the extra games in the Conference League.
  6. As I've said giving money to the club in the hope they COMPLETE the Disabled addition to the Broomloan Stand is my main concern at the moment.. after they've made a start on the Broomloan Cantilever then I'll think again. If I think they're gonna continue with the corners, I'll continue throwing cash at them (without going).. while at the same time taking part in any demos outside the Main Stand. My only hope is that others follow my example!
  7. Lots of Rangers fans will deny this mate. We have to be honest, it's the only way ahead. This Board don't care about that they care about money coming in OUR MONEY they'll get their money back when they sell up, if we finish way behind Celtic, and I'm not just talking about finishing 3rd 4th or 5th our fans will be asking themselves this question WHY BUY TOPS YOU WON'T WEAR? The team are piss poor. The manager won't change tactics to help certain players, he's just an arrogant c*nt that'll say it's down to players not doing as he tells them. If he's given huge sums of cash will that be money thrown away? I think the fact that he's shown HE WON'T CHANGE TACTICS means we shouldn't be taking the chance. Throwing money at that fraudster Beale wasted tens of millions.. Do we stick or twist Cammy? I just don't know... I'm so downhearted and depressed watching these inept tactis that I DON'T EVEN WATCH IT OUR GAMES! I can't see me finding (despite having the 4 game routine) the energy to leave the house on another cold night when all we get is that clown sitting there unwilling to change. Look at Advocaat, he made changes during matches and changed tactics a right few times.. now I know he had much better players but would he sit and watch that Killie game and not change things around? Gerrard was a fantastic manager for us and Gio was too.. only difference was Gio had a squad that was selling the best players and the players lost the heart to play for us.. HEART IS MISSING and that comes directly from fat Parks and his Nepotism / Fear mongering / Cronyism..
  8. I paid for the 4 match collection.. missed the first 20-25 minutes of the Lyon game because Rangers weren't employing enough stewards / work practises (more cost cutting). 3 games to go.. will I go to the Steaua Bucharest game?.. I tell you one thing I've noticed going to games, the number of fans you see in the town WITH RANGERS GEAR ON has dropped, our fans are ashamed of those running the club.. and just don't wanna face the abuse we get on the streets. (that in itself must influence the amount of kit bought.. so why pay for kit you're just gonna wear at home.. Will I go to the Steaua game? At this time of year with it getting colder, the urge to follow follow is just dissipating. Why keep forking out cash when the club is so badly run? We will of course as we want to see capacity grow and seats for disabled appear.. I am usually a very articulate man but.. I don't even see Celtic fans celebrating today that we dropped 3 points.. I think a question we should be thinking about is, if it's between the t*igs and the sheep and we're playing the sheep last game of season SHOULD WE DROP OUR SHORTS for Aberdeen.. my answer is YES.
  9. I'm in mygers.. I'm getting RTV (which I never watch) I paid for the 4 game EL package (unlikely to go midweek) So Rangers aren't at an economic disadvantage, my thinking is I won't be back, until I see there's demonstrations outside - only way the Nepotism and Cronyism will end is if Ibrox is a SELL OUT with hardly a soul inside.. hopefully outside demonstrating. How long will it take to get to the 'Kellys & Whites' Celtic moment?.. that's up to the fans. ............................................................. (If I do go midweek, I'll sit there without singing.. I've been told to shut up a couple of times over the 10 years (first time I tore up my ST card and never went back that season) - for me Rangers fans wanna sit, eat their Burgers, drink their Pepsi and clap occasionally when / if we score. There is ABSOLUTELY no excitement in following Rangers we've accepted 2nd best, although this season, I'd say we'll be lucky to finish 4th or 5th. There's a reason the fans like European nights and it's to do with fair officiating.. fair VAR.. they'll be mistakes of course but it'll not be corrupt, which it is in Scotland. I don't REALLY blame Clement (arrogant **** right enough.. won't change tactics although we need to) a team can't be successful with his tactics unless they're special players.. fat Parks won't give him any real money and is happy with 2nd and occasionally increasing capacity.. make some profit, buy a bus.. make more profit, buy another bus.. He's a bottom feeding Capitalist. He'd never succeed in 'Speculate to Accumulate' Capitalism. I'd get banned If I said what I thought about Parks and the Nepotism/Cronyism/Fear Management. We need Dave King back and the investment that he'd bring in from the right sources. DK told the Board Castore was being funded by Ashley.. they just don't wanna address problems.. Only downside is Dave trusted these Directors to make the right decisions, when he left - when they appointed Parks he knew (as I and many others did) that the bottom feeding Capitalist growth would go on. btw we could extend the capacity to over that of the ****s but they'll just add to their Main Stand (as we did). Parks doesn't have a clue and is just in there giving his idiot son Graeme something to do with his time. There's another son at Rangers too.. God knows the damage he'll do.. So do I pass muster with my mixture of actions/inactions?
  10. Parks won't allow that to happen because he's the one in control and calling the shots.. bullying etc. If he wasn't in control Graeme Parks would've been sacked ages ago for wasting tens of millions on Caixinho and Beale. As CEO Dave King would be demanding the idiot son shown the door, and been wanting rid of the Nepotism and Cronyism that's now in use. We're at the same stage the ****s were with the Kellys and Whytes. If anyone doubts that look at the Main Shareholder DK not allowed to go in the Directors Box. Only a matter of time before (as they did in that game where Kuznetsov and Mikhailitchenko scored) Rangers fans pelt them with Mars Bars.. we're not as violent as that lot so Celtic will reach 12-13 in a Row before we start reacting. Rangers fans are apathetic and in the main pussies that'll put up with almost anything, we've seen in so many areas.
  11. King was fighting on behalf of Rangers and actually took the fight away from Rangers so it was Dave King verses Ashley.
  12. I no longer listen to Gilligan. He slated Dave King and in doing so is a non person to me. I've no doubt Parks has been bullying directors etc in the background but in the end who cares. Gilligan is not worth listening to and I don't.
  13. "Difficult to criticise the board for this".. talk about 'incorrect conclusions'. So a Board that had the entitlement to say NAW! THAT'S NO GONNA WORK, shouldn't be criticised? You're either in group 2 or 3. Alas, you always find people that don't have a clue will blow smoke - just let in some clear clean air there. Just gonna ignore you from now on as you really haven't a clue how to debate cogently. One general point for viewers. People that go on Rangers forums fall into many categories.. I'll mention them and you can figure out for yourselves where this one lies.. Group 1) Rangers fans who are open to dialogue and are prepared to accept when they are wrong. Group 2) Rangers fans who don't want any change at the club and want to close up any push for action by the fans, apathetic fans who don't want change. Group 3) Celtic fans who regularly go on Rangers forums trying to create divisions so as to muddy waters and cause Bears to argue with each other. BYE BYE mate - being wrong isn't the end of the world, I've been wrong on occasions but I always hold up my hand. I doubt you will, so you'll not hear from me again.
  14. You're clearly not interested in cogent debate so I'll leave you to it.
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