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Everything posted by Totti

  1. It's all wasted words though as we all know countries like Holland are progressive with Scotland and Britain equally unprogressive. IF there's a wrong way to do something you can be sure good old Scotland will do it that way
  2. Unless I'm missing something is that not what they're trying to avoid by scrapping the vote
  3. Sounds a bit like the last zimbabwean election. Corrupt, contrived and a mess
  4. McCoist isn't too much older than Weir, maybe he could play
  5. McCulloch at centre back might provide the opportunity for everyone to see how atrocious he is. The one good thing about McCulloch is he's 33 soon and will hopefully retire asap
  6. If Lloyds know nothing about running a business how have our finances improved since they took control over the inept halfwits that ran our club
  7. And how many times recently have we bought players from abroad. And when we do sign they're hardly hardly world beaters shining in their leagues. How many do we actually have on high wages? Hurr durrrr. Of course they're going to increase their wages, no foreign player comes to the SPL for the array of technique on display And you think there's no chance Panathinaikos have a higher wage bill than us? Get your facts straight - Boumsong, Govou, Gilberto Silva and Cisse will all earn much more than anyone at Ibrox. Christ, I bet their squads wages is double ours.
  8. There's also a difference between growing up in abject povery in south american and growing up with every opportunity in the world here.
  9. What's the difference between Raith and most of the other shite in our league? And teams in the SFL that get promoted to the SPL would get more money and likely improve. The way I look at it is like most of the other 16 team leagues in Europe there's a couple of decent teams then largely a fairly poor standard. We may as well have a respectable amount of teams in our league if nothing else. I honestly doubt there's much between the top half of the first division and the bottom half of the spl
  10. Another thing - in a way parents caring too much (over protective) gets in the way of kids playing football. Kids in Argentina, Brazil and to a lesser extend the rest of the European countries are more likely to be out kicking a ball about. Now parents are too scared to let their kids out. The fact is that it's pathetic that a country which takes football so seriously struggles to produce any good players at all. Even tiny countries way down in the rankings seem to get the odd world class player by chance. We haven't had a world class player since........???????? Uruguay is much smaller than Scotland and not a single Scottish player would get in their squad
  11. From my experience pretty much everyone I knew growing up who was into football played for a boys club, regardless of social background. Some kids will completely miss out though because they wont be pushed into sport at a young enough age. My sisters kid is 7 and has no interest in football whatsoever, really pisses me off. He was taken to a football thing at school, didn't really like it and hasn't been encouraged to do it again. All kids should be forced into doing sport. When he's older no doubt he might get into football but it will be too late to really develop any ability. In Holland they focus on kids as young as 5 with ball skills as this is the age where football ability is created. That is why Holland produce Van Der Vaarts, Van Persie and Sneidjers and we produce McCullochs, Dailys and Bob Malcolms
  12. They are squeezing us because they know we are a bunch of half-wits liable to hit massive debt at any given time. Look at our track record, Advocaat gets given too much money, quite a bit is wasted on poor assets with little resale value. Eventually we seem to hit some sort of safe financial state with the debt slashed, albeit it still runnig into the odd financial problem. Then Smith comes back, is given too much money, again we hit serious debts. Our management and board are incapable of being prudent with money so the bank have every right to protect their cash. Whilst other clubs may be in more severe debt, they are much more progressive clubs than us, 'brands' if you like and tend to be capable of attaining more expensive assets
  13. I think most of the development is going to come from boys club football, the whole school thing can be forgotted about - nobody gives a shit. At least with boys clubs there's sometimes decent coaching and more time. When I was a kid I played for the same boys club as Paul Emslie, who used to play for us, and there was about 3 coaches there that all knew their stuff.
  14. How do we pay far too much? Compared to the rest of Europe we pay feck all. I'd imagine out of the CL this year we had near enough the smallest wage bill.
  15. Whilst I agree with that to an extent, there's a simpler reason though. Simply not enough kids are outside playing football. As Harry Redknapp put it 'the xbox generation'. Scotland have produced few top players since the 90s. We are a lazy and unhealthy nation, the uk largely is. Plus most 15+ kids are more interested in getting pished than playing sport. I think the size of our league isn't the main issue here (though a 10 team would be a joke), the bigger issue is how poor the Scottish game is. There should have been a radical shakeup long ago. Not only do we need basic infrastructure in place to encourage and develop kids, but the Scottish mentality has to change. We're more bothered about how big a player is and how far we can hoof the ball up the park than whether the player actually has talent. Would Xavi and Iniesta have made it here or been told they were too small at a young age? Continuing on the mentality in Scottish football, there's still an archaic mindset where a strong challenge is appreciated more than intelligent passing and skill. We need to advance the sport like countries like Spain have but I don't trust this country to get fuck all right. What chance do we have though when the national manager is so clueless he decides to play without any striker. I mean what sort of example does this set?
  16. FA Cups an irrelevant trophy now. Used to be great in the 90s but many clubs treat it as unimportant due to the lack of money involved.
  17. Surely Chelsea losing 1-0 to Wolves is more woeful than any Liverpool result. I don't understand how Ancelotti still has this job, he should have been sacked weeks ago.
  18. 700k PMSL. What a fucking diddy club we are
  19. Little that comes out the club makes sense. One minute the bank control us the next we are ok financially and control our own future. One thing though is if we weren't in such a mess financially we wouldn't be in a position where the bank can control us. Considering we have at least on 2 or 3 occasions hit near financial meltdown after inefficient expenditure you can understand the bank being hard. The bank is a nice excuse for the incompetent board/owner though. So blame the bank? Well erm no, blame the club
  20. Why would you avoid England considering most SPL players are probably little better than Conference level? Scottish football is dead, our international side is abysmal and I don't see why we'd continue to sign such players unless they are outstanding or come through our own youth setup If we had a proper scouting network I'd be looking more closely at Germany, Holland and Scandanavia as well as the Asian market but tralalalala. �£2m could actually go a long way there Incidentally, before anyone says we can't attract decent players we bought Cuellar for little more than the projected cost of Goodwllie. Absolute madness. One wonders how much further developed we would be as a club if some numbskull had the inspiration to create an adequate scouting network at some point in the last 15 years. Our policy now with players is better the devil you know than the devil you don't, though the advantage of that is not having to endure the type of misfits we saw bought in the Eck and PLG campaigns. Oh wait...
  21. Why the desperation to sign players from such poor clubs? I'd rather we looked in the lower English leagues Agree on Eremenko, he's been decent internationally. But I'm sick of us trying to get every half decent spl plodder. How many times in recent years have we signed decent players from other spl clubs? Even Naismith took a long time to become a player
  22. And he showed in England his limitations at the higher levels.
  23. Martin Bain pulls out all the stops to sign St Mirren and Turkish league reject. That will win us the SPL for sure. We might even win the champions league next season
  24. What we do know is Walter is often awful at getting the best out of players
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