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Everything posted by elfideldo

  1. 16 goals in six years before his season at St.Johnstone, maybe Tommy has done us a favour.
  2. Adam Wilson is really more a central midfielder and moved there when Scott Roberts had to go off, with Ben Reilly playing wide right. Ryan Hardie moved to his preferred striking role when Gloady was substituted.
  3. 17′s Reach Glasgow Cup Final Report on tonight's game http://rfcyouths.wordpress.com/2013/03/20/17s-reach-glasgow-cup-final/
  4. Ryan looks like a natural goalscorer, he has scored regularly through the age groups. He takes a high percentage of chances and hope he can continue that theme as he moves into full time football. Incredibly I have seen him stuck out wide right on occassions, play him in the box and he will score goals. Coming from Stranraer both Ryan and his family have shown great commitent travelling up to Murray Park several times a week. Just heard that commitment has been rewarded and he has just signed a 2 year full -time contact starting after the summer.
  5. All Square In Glasgow Cup Report on tonight's game http://rfcyouths.wordpress.com/2013/03/14/all-square-in-glasgow-cup/
  6. It is a fact that the scouts do not scout pro youth games as there is no budget to buy these players. Given Sinclair's record on "purchases" this may not be a bad thing. Scouts do not sign players they only recommend them. A bigger concern is youth prospects moving out of contract in the summer and others stalling in signing contract extensions.
  7. Report on todays game 17′s See Off Killie http://rfcyouths.wordpress.com/2013/03/10/17s-see-off-killie/
  8. 13′s Edge Out Dundee United http://rfcyouths.wordpress.com/2013/03/03/13s-edge-out-dundee-united/
  9. How did it take them so long to come up with that
  10. 17′s Held By Bairns Report on this morning's game http://rfcyouths.wordpress.com/2013/02/24/17s-held-by-bairns/
  11. News to me I haven't heard anything about Tommy Wilson or Sinclair leaving. In my opinion until there is a change we will continue to regress. In recent weeks teams have lost to ICT and been hammered by St.Mirren. Rangers teams should not lose to ICT at youth level and any Rangers team shouldn't lose 5-1 to anybody. These haven't been a one off, the 14's have lost to Hibs (4-0), Motherwell (3-2) and Queen's Park (3-2). The 15's have lost to Dunfermline (3-0) & Hibs (2-1). Sunday 's game should be interesting, 17's play Falkirk, who have totally out played us twice this season, although Rangers didn't play their strongest team in those games the gulf between the teams in those games was an eye opener.
  12. 17′s Win “Away” At Murray Park Report on tonight's Glasgow Cup Game http://rfcyouths.wordpress.com/2013/02/21/17s-win-away-at-murray-park/
  13. Just another indication that the standards continue to decline, the scoreline didn't flatter St.Mirren, it could have been more. Overall standard of 14's 15's and 16's is poor, younger ages are better but Sinky has still to really get involved with those age groups.
  14. Round up of this weekend's youth games http://rfcyouths.wordpress.com/2013/02/17/youth-updatew/
  15. I wasn't at the game but a Rangers youth side beat Belfast College 7-1 this morning. The goals came from Travis Gregory, Craig Halkett, Dylan Dykes, Lewis Morgan and a Ryan Hardie hat-trick. Rangers:- Liam. Kelly, Kris Gibson, Jordan Wilson (Michael Mossie), Craig Halkett, Luca Gasparotto, Tom Walsh (Trialist), Travis Gregory, Scott Roberts (Lewis Morgan), Ryan Hardie, Dylan Dykes (Trialist), Matty Clarke.
  16. Pretty sure Dundee United's West of Scotland school is in Cumbernauld now. Quite a few of the players came from Dyce Boys Club Not fixed yet, but they were working on it one of the days I was there. The other days I been there recently haven't exactly been working on roof days weather wise.
  17. Not sure about the comparative budget sizes at the moment, but Rangers will still be a fair bit ahead of these teams. Until this year there was also a budget to pay development fees to other clubs, only Rangers, Celtic, Hearts and Falkirk I am aware of paying development fees in recent years. When George Adam was at Rangers, they signed quite a few players from Aberdeen area and they commuted to Rangers. At present nearly all the youth players come from the Central belt, but there are players from Stranraer, Lochgoilhead and until recently Dunoon. These players are at Murray Park 2, 3 or even 4 times a week and it's pretty much the parents that foot the bill for travelling. Hearts have pretty much given up their Glasgow setup, but Aberdeen and Dundee United still have training nights in the west of Scotland.
  18. The OP said nothing of the sort, he only copied an article from the Official Website. Which only reported on one out of five youth squad selected recently, understandable their job is to promote the club. Although they have already decided one(Currie) isn't good enough, and another two don't want to be there. I don't really care whether you believe what I'm saying or not, but I know the facts and a) is probably correct, they don't see a future at the club, but the reasons are they don't see a future is the lack of competitive football which is impacting on their development and not happy under the current regime. So I have answered your "valid point" with the facts, better offers or cash has nothing to do with it. If you actually knew anything about the youth football you would know they are not turning professional soonish, but have been professional since at least the summer. Ironically both players will probably still be at Rangers as the compensation rules mean they can't walk away, unless a club down south is willing to pay a significant fee.
  19. Strangely of the six players in this squad, Currie is being released. Telfer and Urquhart have turned down new contracts, but everything is going swell, nothing to be concerned about there.
  20. McKay was not "released" by Kilmarnock, he was due to sign a pro contract with them until something showed up in the medical and the contract offer was withdrawn.
  21. I obviously wrong and don't understand what I'm watching, strange I don't remember seeing any of you at Murray Park on a regular basis. So I'll bow to your superior knowledge on players you've never seen.
  22. A bit of positive news, the trialists in the U20 game and U14 are both very good players, time will tell if sign them as there will be competition for both. Rangers are paranoid when it's comes to trial it's, they think Celtic and EPL clubs scour the World Wide Web searching for Rangers trialists so that they can steal them. I've been asked not to publish trialists names on the blog. If you want to know more about them send me a message, but you have to promise not to tell Celtic or those big bad EPL clubs.
  23. No restriction in Scotland only limit woukd be travelling for the player, so someone in from Aberdeen may not what to travel to Glasgow, but by the same token the reverese is true, but Abderdeen managed to sign Craig Storrie one of the best u17 players and he is from Carluke. You seriously think Rangers are competeing with another 41 clubs for youth players ? How many scouts would Rangers have compared to Killie, St.Mirren or Motherwell ? Never mind your Elgin, Berwick and Clyde's. Even Hearts have pulled out from the West of Scotland due to cash. Of cousre being selected for international side taken individually means little, but when the biggest club in the country has less than 5 or 6 other clubs there is a reason, genereally its because they are not very good. Nobody I am talking about was released because of Jelavic or Prso, that is total nonesense, it is YOUTH players. The players I am refering to were released at 13,14, 15 & 16 so were never a threat to the first team. This is were your youth department and coaches are supposed to come in. They are supposed to spot that potential. Falkirk seen the potential of Murray Wallace, so much so a club that were skint paid Rangers a development fee for him, two years later they sold him for 300k. A club that seems to know what they are doing, as I said totally skint, but they found the money to pay a development fee for Ryan McGeever from Queen's Park in the summer. Watch for him being sold at a significant profit in the next couple of years, our lot have paid development fees only to release them ONE year later. These players that have left have progressed after leaving Rangers and I have said its not 2 or 3 but its now beyond double figures. Our u20's lost 5-1 to a Kilmarnock side in the youth cup, a Killie side that included 3 players Sinclair released, it wasn't a narrow defeat 5-1 and could have been more. If you really think we don't have a few issues go to Murray Park and watch them, then tell me you still think all is rosey.
  24. To comapre Man Utd in England to Rangers in Scotland is complete nonesense. In Scotland there are at most half a dozen teams with any reasonable youth budget competing for a small pool of players. In England there is around 50 clubs that spend significant sums on their youth setup and the pool of players is much bigger, which is reflected in the fact that Scotland very rarely even get even a draw against England at youth level. Clubs like Crystal Palace spend more than any Scottish club with the exception of the old firm. Also up until this season there was a rule that English clubs could only sign youth players within 1 hours travel of the club, meaning Man Utd couldn't sign anyone from London for example. Of the 36 players that Man Utd have in their academy 19 are not English, and 13 of these players have been capped at youth level by their country. Of the 17 that are English 9 have been capped at youth level. Three were purchased from lower league clubs in the last year. This is reflected across all the big clubs as they cast the net wider, Scottish teams youth sides are 90%+ Scottish. At what time did I say all our youth should be starters for the national sides ? But I do expect us to be the best in Scotland and the moment we are know where near that. 17's are good and the younger ages are very good if they can avoid the Sinky cull. Inverness Caley Thistle completed the double over our under 15's today a 3-2 win at Murray Park adding to their earlier win in the highlands. All due respect to Inverness Caley but Rangers shouldn't be losing to them at any under age level. To use your Man Utd comparison, its like them losing consecutive game to an Accrington Stanley side.
  25. Update on this weekend's youth games http://rfcyouths.wordpress.com/2013/02/10/youth-update-8/
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