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yuddie last won the day on July 13

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    Snooker, Falklands War (Dad served), Sport misc.


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    Past: Jelavic Current: Raskin

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  1. Just on the managers comments, it's confirmation of what's been played out in the market and what we've known about the clubs dealings - what's encouraging for me is that Clement has backed up his long term vision with this club and team with buying and investing in young talent for the future with the funds available. It might not be popular but it shows he's serious about the long term health of the club. What isn't encouraging is the comments regarding his surprise with the current budget constraints. This snide dishonesty is seemingly rife throughout the club, possibly a legacy of Bisgrove, but there have been too many cases of the club being dishonest to fans and staff in recent times. Hopefully the situation we find ourselves in with our current budget constraints and total mismanagement of recruitment coming to a head will be the wakeup call this board needs to operate like an elite sporting operation. It's a shit storm of all sorts atm, but I think the prevailing thought is that the manager has to be backed by the fans because God knows he's getting it from nowhere else.
  2. Put Collum in charge and he'd probably work himself up into sending someone off.
  3. There was a wee bit of needle all game imo. What was it, 4 bookings? For a friendly?
  4. Good test. I'd like to see more cohesion and a better structure in the rest of the friendlies though.
  5. The young lads whenever they play are always proactive, bringing impetus. Our fans would have you think they're mince but they're far better to watch in a shirt than the depressive first teamers. Just wish you could bottle their enthusiasm and give it to the seniors.
  6. Bit of niggle in this game too I think.
  7. Better this second half so far.
  8. Aye I'd add Jefte to that. Diomande still looks like the only player who can turn and pass forward when under pressure.
  9. That's not the managers fault btw - if he's gets no first team signings, then what hope has he got?
  10. I don't particularly see any new cohesion or plan, just the same shite different season. Hoping against hope it's just that the lads are knackered - but if Goldson and Davies are our starting CB's then I don't think Clement will see November. Sorry for the negativity.
  11. We're about 5 yards off where we need to be.
  12. Manager reckons they're well ahead in their prep - could be a chasing this. Should be a good test for the lads.
  13. You know you're in too deep when you start getting the jitters for a pre season game in the Netherlands.
  14. If it's a shapeless mess for the next few weeks then that's a bigger red flag than any recruitment struggles imo.
  15. Me being the mug and optimist that I am bought the pre season package. I'll no doubt be thinking we can win the treble after today's score draw ha. Just want a bit of encouragement and a clear gameplan.
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