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  1. Okay. You will find all the usual bash-the-GDR tours and trips in each Berlin Tourist guide. They will lead you to any stereotyped trash the modern day Westerner "needs" to see. Not that you need this, since you know it all anyway 😝 On your way to the Alte Försterei, you will drive through a large part of former East Berlin. 90 % of the houses and buildings you will spot there are from those days, some feature a new facade. A large chunk of the East and South East is made up of one-family houses, indeed this part north of Köpenick has the largest area of one-family houses in all of Germany. And that was the case before the re-unification. On the map in the link, the area to the east of No. 6, stretching beyond the city limits. Not that interesting for a short-term visit, though. I will give you a few of links below, one from the local city service (the English version does not feature the sight-seeing). It features a number of places that might be of interest. https://sbahn.berlin/was-hast-du-vor/neues-entdecken/artikel/ddr-in-berlin-7-orte-an-denen-die-mauer-nie-gefallen-scheint/ If you want to get the hardcore DDR treatment, try the Ostel (i.e. Ost + Hotel = East + Hotel) to stay in a sort of GDR hotel. It is No. 1 https://www.ostel.eu/en/rooms Much of the rest there is standard fare, but No. 4 would give you an impression of the first (and last) big GDR parade street, i.e. the Stalin Allee (in the mid 1950s), nowadays the Frankfurter Allee. Have a walk from the Strausberger Platz to the Frankfurter Tor. The U5 subway goes right beneath it, leading back to the city centre and to the government's HQ. The cinema Kosmos is nearby too. (all on the map) Last, or first, would be the Alexanderplatz, where many buildings are still old GDR ones (new facade), aside from a few easily recognizable shopping centres. Top of the list is the TV tower, GDR build. If you go up there, you'd get a fine view over much of former East Berlin and a few bits and pieces of the western "island of freedom". Do pre-order tickets, or you end up in a pretty long queue with these irritating tourists! https://tv-turm.de/en/tickets-and-bundles/ I hope this helps.
  2. So it is more a problem of the reconstruction company, rather than Rangers. Yet, as in Germany, people rather blame someone "at home" than the real source. I'd blame the Houthis and by extension Israel
  3. Very well. Just keep any comments on Putin to yourself for a few hours
  4. Exactly: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Vb0VAc-oRmE
  5. I have just received the information that "for the time being, there will be no public sale for the Rangers game". It is possible to buy tickets for the Real Sociedad game, there the public sale starts in June 17th. I assume they expect a few thousand Rangers Fans on top of what Rangers get and don't want them flooding the Union stands. "For the time being ... "
  6. After a disappointing season, people may want to see the new side and manager. Yet, it is rather early for German football fans. One will really only know once they open the ticket lines.
  7. I know two people who will be in attendance!
  8. Looks brutal. But the cause is good.
  9. Fashionable in those days. Today, so many superstars wear these pink boots, no matter the colour of their jerseys and socks. That really hurts the eyes, and you wonder what makes them wear this abominations. Money is my guess. Over here, the Eisbären ice hockey team wears pink jerseys in November (Der Berliner?), raising money for breast cancer treatment. That is something I could agree with.
  10. A Happy Blue Year to you all (and a Red one for me )!
  11. Förster is one way of translating "ranger"in German, the etymological equivalent would be "forester". So "Alte Försterei" would be the "Forester's/Ranger's old house" or the "Old Forester's-House". I only noted this a couple of months ago.
  12. It was noted in the first post. English clubs pay inflated transfer sums. Now go and molest someone else.
  13. What gives you or Bill the idea that I believe what is written in the Sun? Did either of you question any other poster's reply to that first post?
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